Why is MtF transgenderism rising so much? At Charing Cross in London, the oldest and largest adult clinic, the number of referrals has almost quadrupled in 10 years, from 498 in 2006-07 to 1,892 in 2015-16. What is the cause?
Why is MtF transgenderism rising so much? At Charing Cross in London, the oldest and largest adult clinic...
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it's trendy and people are being brainwashed by the media.
Woah that can be the same person
Instead of people condemning it and calling those people mentally ill, society calls them brave and goes along with their stupid logic.
>have an undiagnosed clinical disorder
>see your peers going trans as a means to fill an empty void in their life
>does the same
>realizes that the depression still lingers
The philosophy I developed is, that autogynephilia and transgederism, for men comes from a longing for female company and attention. When I was growing up, I really wanted a sister, but didn’t have one. When I was 3 my best friend was a girl. And we really liked each other. We would communicate lots with our eyes, and it was a really dynamic friendship. And when I was 5, I moved to a town, and didn’t get to see my best friend. I think I felt isolated from girls. So then autogynephilia is creating femininity in your life without females. It is surrogate femininity, no females, but the objects that are associated with females, or the fashion. When I was seven, I was so sexual, and so perverse. I would do stuff like drop pencils to look up girl’s skirts. And if my skin touched a girl’s skin, I would get really hard, no matter what. And when I found myself sitting next to a girl, I would always try to discretely push closer. And if we were already touching, I would try to push up even closer. Because I was only six or seven I was a bit foolish to think they wouldn’t notice. And swimming lessons when I was 8 was like the most memorable for erections. Every single time I had to contemplate getting out of the pool, I had a full erection from looking at girls. And it wasn’t small, my dick was about 7 inches when I was eight so I had to try and push it down every time I got out. And I’d stand at the back when the teacher was giving a talk next to the swimming pool, so to hide.
Sitting down wasn’t so bad, next to the pool, but my erection was no less, when I found myself sitting next to a girl, always push up, then I could feel real skin on skin. Anyway, being so sexual, as you can imagine, I progressed. But I hate autogynephilia. I have a few fetishes. I have a fetish for feeding fat girls I developed in 2010, and that is the only fetish I haven’t got a problem with, all my other fetishes are addiction.
But getting back to the point, lots of transgender people, are so deep into it, that they don’t see the perverseness of it, and, I don’t think they should be blamed individually. We should all know that skinny women models, are a product of the gay fashion industry. And if we as humans want less bent people in the world, then we should focus on what media is putting out.
Dunno. It's weird that like, when you stop shaming and beating the shit out of people and protect them instead of leaving them out on the streets to die or suffer quietly, you see more people come forward.
Men are jumping at the chance to make 78 cents on the dollar!
Another result of Sup Forums memes leaking into mainstream. We trap posted and wanted to be the little girl for so long, now the media and normalfag band wagoners think it's serious. It's like ironic shitposting ponies or anonymoose. MtF is meme magic at work
> have a problem
> go to a therapist
> therapist doesn't offer any actually help
> therapist says: whatever you want is ok
> cut off your dick.
first posts best posts
Women are privileged. It's as simple as that.
I just interviewed with a large company who has AA quotas for race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, etc. etc. This is the NWO. You either get with the times or get left behind. In the eyes of this brave new world, these """"MTF""" people are doing just that by mutilating themselves.
>Fag looked amazing before going into transition
>Now he looks like an average woman, but a tranny
Why do they always do this?
Several different surface-level causes, but the point underlying all of them is that trannies are never popular, mentally balanced men to begin with. So:
1. Being a tranny is seen as an easy way to escape the hardships of a male life and a way to get sympathy from people as a woman (even though it really isn't, and when they find out they're just seen as a dirty crazy man they usually off themselves).
2. Most trannies are sexual deviants. They share dirty photos of themselves with people who don't ask for them, and most of them are openly into being tied up and domination/submission. It may just be an extreme fetish in some cases.
3. It's trendy. People who are socially isolated (which the average tranny is) may find it a way to quickly and easily, if superficially, get attention from some people (positive or negative attention, but both beat total isolation).
He was a manlet. Girls didn't want him.
It's being normalised over getting a psychological treatment, and in extreme cases even being made fashionable.
In a couple of decades we're going to see a ton of people who regret getting themselves pumped full of hormones and chopped up.
why is it almost never FtM???
degeneracy is quite common in this day and age. we can only hope that such scum will be purged soon.
Actually, therapists encourage this sort of thing, because most modern-day therapists are just quacks. To be licensed for work in that field you must subscribe to a host of observably absurd notions and push progressive ideology on your patients.
So when a guy comes to your office saying "doc, I love putting on my wife's underwear and prancing through the house", you're forced to 'treat' it by encouraging the guy to 'transition', start popping hormones, ditch his family and become a gay whore.
because being a man is hard
>jews are stealing our twinks and turning them into haemonculi creations.
I think the horrors of modern life and reality in general get to be too much for some men to handle so they look for a way out. Suicide is too far so they look to return to the safety of the womb. They figure the best way to do that is become a woman, thus absolving them of their responsibilities as a man.
It's really sad desu and is a symptom of our increasingly gynocentric society
Jews control the media, they control the educational system, a lot of (((psychologists))) have historically been Jewish.
They've already normalized homosexuality, transsexuality is the next big thing they're pushing.
Less stigmatization.
You idiots are really something. Didn't you realize how many people in our pampered societies with low death rates (yes, Russia is more or less in this club) are clinically mentally ill, just plain defective? Genetic issues, prenatal issues, hormonal issues. It's not like "degeneracy" is just a meme. Your explanations suck, it's really hard to affect the sexuality of a grown, heterosexual mentally stable human (and it's still much more comfortable being straight, so there's no incentive to fall for propaganda).
There are at least hundreds of thousands of males with gender disorders of some sort. They see an easy way to get their body and desires in sync, they jump at it.
Sometimes, seeing your ideas, I wonder, are you just closeted fags yourself? It seems preposterous that any straight male would turn gay – not sell his asshole, actually change the preference – for some profit like a job offer or SJW conformity or "trendiness".
Really you have only two options, go along with this liberal trend or provide a better option, i.e. hormonal therapy, of some conversion therapy that actually works instead of being dumb torture. Reversing the situation (forcing the deviants into the closets) is impossible. As for eugenics, don't even dream.
Who is this? They hot
I honestly wonder what the percentages are, because it sure as shit isn't a 50/50 split. it's gotta be at least 80% MtF
I think a lot of men subconsciously know the end war is coming so they think if they become a women they will be saved
>using breitbart as a legitimate source
Psychology Ph.D. here.
It can be summed up like this:
Men who have had their masculinity demonized, attacked and ridiculed begin to self hate. They become depressed, anxious and full of self-loathing. They think to themselves "I hate being a man, I'm called a misogynist, potential rapist and monster simply because of how I was born."
Then they look across the bridge and see how society idolizes women. Women are wonderful, can do no wrong and are showered with love, affection, praise and even forgiveness for any transgression. The man realizes that he is literally worthless as a man, whereas women are fantastic simply by virtue of being a woman. Even worse, he can't open up about how he feels - because the conflicting messages of "open up and share your feelings" and "man up, women have it worse, don't be a crybaby faggot".
So the man says to himself - "I wish I was a woman; all of my problems would be solved instantly. I would no longer be judged for everything I do, I could relax, people would love me and worship me simply for being me, and if I was having a hard time or was weak, people would come to my aid."
The media, the school system, the cultural zeitgeist all reinforce this until he is literally crushed by the weight of the feeling that 'I am a man, men are bad, I wish I wasn't a man.'
But wait! There is an out. Cultural Marxism and society at large has given him an out. Feminism! Here he can hate on men, betray his gender and join a culturally acceptable group that mitigates some of his inherent male evilness.
For some though, this isn't enough - actually being a woman would ease all of the self-hatred and anger and depression. With Cultural Marxism and Feminism advocating that gender is a social construct, you can be transgender, you can become a woman - this is an out that the man feels will solve everything. So he becomes a woman.
Men are hurting. The demonisation of men and masculinity has pushed many men down into the ground, and Feminism is stepping on their throat. They have no way out but to believe that they are inherently evil, nobody cares about them and that life is not worth it. So they kill themselves or try and become a woman simply to be able to feel that they could be liked and appreciated for who they are.
>Gets regularly told that being a man is bad
>Sees how women gets off punishment lightly and have an easier life in western society
Gee, I wonder why
>promoted as normal
>victim complex
>self-image ruined by social media
>being a female is objectively easier
>grass is greener on the other side
based trannies, the redpilled alternative for degenerate womyn
Nah, not really. In third world countries trannys have always been super popular and men have never been demonized. I understand your point of view from a white upper class cuckboi but it's wrong. They're just sick, nothing we can do about them.
>tfw Sup Forums wouldnt be able to tell that im a tranny
feels good desu
way more ftms than mtfs at my uni
stop posting hons you chaser
is that real? are we entering an age where women are obsolete? not good
This would explain the rise of mental illness, suicide and transgender rates in men within Western society.
All of the other shitholes with fucktons of Asian trannies and fuccbois are just degenerate.
I'm no homo but fuck .
that twink on the left just oozes sexuality
Whut? Face is almost exactly the same. Looked very girly as a boy.
>strange yellow liquid in evian bottle
just crazy and as common as it is becoming its strange to me still to this day
>literal "le poc black transwomyn"
>dating "le aryan ubermensch Texan" in his prime
Sup Forums would hate me even though I'm the one who's redpilling everyone I know to be pro-Trump
Chopping it off is much easier than attaching it. My aunt told me this over ten years ago.
Jews also want men as feminine as possible
White bois are born to serve black cock.
youre a black mtf? dating a white male?
you are redpilling people by your very existence. I would say let him go and make white children but he seems like a lost cause
>a fucking leaf
Are you guys just the snow niggers of North America?
I worry that this is actually the cause and that we are our own worst enemy.
We're the only part of north America that gets snow besides the northern US ya daft cunt.
>way more ftms than mtfs at my uni
Than why to the mtf get all the media attention?
>Psychology Ph.D. here.
You're a quack and your theory is ridiculous. You just pander to this board's most deranged inhabitants to achieve easy approval.
Sexual function is the hallmark of male identity. A large percentage of men would literally rather die than be castrated. Feminism, Cuck Marxism, whatever, this does not work that way. Being a woman is easier (being an MtF transsexual, though, probably is not) but this isn't even an option men are generally able to consider. Did you honestly observe the train of thought you ascribe to the man in your example in any real person? Did you fancy this strategy yourself? Cutting off your manhood because muh feminism and women have it easier?
>Black mtf
Tfw when your gf has two inches on you
Wait, are you telling me that I've been working next to traps the whole time?
>I really, really, really want thing
>well it's essential that you get it, or I'd be responsible for you killing yourself
why don't we treat heroin addicts and people with eating disorders this way too?
Psychology is a meme science
more like
>is completely fucked in the head
>instead of dealing with fucked up mental illness doctors make more money changing their genitals into mush
it should be fucking illegal to operate on a fucking retard just because they don't like their effeminate dick.
parents that push this shit on their kids should be shot in the street and left to rot. they are pushing a mental illness on their children. if it's illegal to take hormones to get stronger how is it legal to take them to change your sex? it doesn't even change your sex because that's impossible. we need a new name for it.
Why give up a free ride in life. Even the most butch of dyke will get more in the West than a man. Probably more for being LGBTQXTO$#*иф+
>Why is MtF transgenderism rising so much
>7 inch dick at 8
fucking manlet you should go trans with an effeminate dick like that.
>be me
>19 yo guy
>slim all shaved body
>dress a little feminine unisex
>like to get pegged and bottom to guys
Think that trannies and people with gender issues are gas them now-tier degenerates.
Because being a woman requires less responsibility. Modern men would rather be proud of being a woman and progressive than ashamed of being a man and make any changes needed to improve.
Women are celebrated just for being women. Men have to actually accomplish something.
I like to imagine that guy as having balls the size of car tires and wearing a C-string.
Just sayin'.
People want that boipussy
because nobody cares about ftms and testosterone is stronger than estrogen for most people so they transition better
once you taste the privilege of being a woman the idea of becoming a man is very unappealing
>It's being normalised over getting a psychological treatment, and in extreme cases even being made fashionable.
>In a couple of decades we're going to see a ton of people who regret getting themselves pumped full of hormones and chopped up.
This. In 50 years it's going to be looked at in the same way that we look at lobotomies.
>stop beating them
>let doctors mutilate them instead
wew lad
Nice ad hominem faggot.
"A large percentage of men would literally rather die than be castrated."
Yeah that's why trannies are on the rise, and there are thousands of femboys, ladymen etc. in countries all over the world.
There are men who literally enjoy watching another guy fuck his wife. Men are great, but they aren't invincible. The sperm counts in men have halved since the 50's, from the sheer amount of xenoestrogens in our water supply. Men and masculinity are being systematically broken down. Maybe if you weren't a fucking retard you might have gone to university and seen it first hand.
Fuck off shill.
Isn't it fucking obvious? It's just hedonism spiralling even more out of control in the West. Hedonism is limited by social convention; being a woman is MUCH easier than being a man in life and you can get short-term rewards much more easily; the average citizen in the 21st century has been so strongly plugged into the entertainment media dopamine machine that the notion of long-term and masculine reward is completely and utterly foreign to them, and being transsexual is within the socially acceptable sphere now
>A Faggot
It's sad really. It use to be pretty based until the SJWs got hold and shit up the whole field.
>letting millions of sandniggers invade, loot, rape and murder your country and countrymen
Germany is a meme country
here's your answer
We are being feminized with all the plastic we came into contact, leaking sintetic estrogen like , some guys is more than others
But fucking hell, buddy, it seems this guy represents the consensus opinion. Did USA degenerate so much already that they are honestly seeing sex change as a viable option to get some social benefits? Or is this just meme magic?
Yea. If you studied Psych and didn't do only maths in first two semesters you studied a SJW meme.
Actual science Psychology is in the mathematical department in uni not humanitarian
russians can speak english?
I just checked out a dudes ass. ;(
Must be estrogen in the water. Look at OP's picture...literally drinking piss
Meme magic by (((them)))
Given that there trans or whatever give it time and nature will sort it out eventually
Beta males indoctrinated by shemale and sissy/feminization porn. A lot of them start off on sites like Sup Forums
>Did USA degenerate so much already that they are honestly seeing sex change as a viable option to get some social benefits?
95% of us do not. Even most gay try and pretend that trannies do not exist. They are in a league of their own.
The Jews tried to push tranny acceptance onto us and in return we voted for a reality television strongman (he was the closest thing to Putin, Mussolini, etc they we had).
places like this acting as tranny acceptance propaganda via spamming of nude trannies interchangeable with actual women
couple that with decades of propaganda via mainstream media
its almost as if the cabal of pedos in control of all industries of influence are attempting to shape a future where there is an abundant source of preteen lady boys that are able to 'consent' to getting raped by them with impunity
What a lot of people don't realize is that Jews have used the field of psychology to subvert the morals and behavior of gentiles for decades. This modern incarnation of psychology being dominated by left-wingers who bought into the same concepts is just an extension of that.
>>Jewish involvement in psychoanalysis was apparent from its inception. It was often referred to as the "Jewish science." In 1906, all 17 members of the psychoanalysis movement at that time were Jewish. In a 1971 study, Henry, Sims and Spray found that 62.1% of their sample of American psychoanalysts identified themselves as having a Jewish cultural affinity. As you can see, the field was founded by and has been dominated by Jewish thinkers.
>While Freud was not religious, he had a very strong Jewish identity. In a 1931 letter, he described himself as "a fanatical Jew" and by this time became strongly sympathetic with Zionism. In a 1935 interview with Joseph Wortis, Freud revealed his feelings of Jewish superiority. Freud commented that he viewed gentiles as prone to "ruthless egoism," whereas Jews had a superior family and intellectual life. Wortis then asked Freud if he viewed Jews as a superior people. Freud replied: "I think nowadays they are… When one thinks that 10 or 12 of the Nobel winners are Jews, and when one thinks of their other great achievements in the sciences and in the arts, one has every reason to think them superior."
>Freud conceived of himself as a leader in a war against Gentile culture. He had a great deal of hostility towards Western culture and the Catholic Church.
>Freud viewed himself as belonging to an "alien race" at war with Rome and the Catholic Church, a central institution of Western Culture.
>the last white men in london are either vegan, or transitioning to females
No shit. My field is Engineering Psychology. My degree was 80% statistics. There are shitty SJW psych areas and degrees just as there are shitty SJW everything nowadays.
Shit you may be on to something
>Freudian theory sought to cure the Gentile of his neurosis with sexual liberation. Freud viewed himself as a sexual reformer against Western cultural practices of chastity. To quote Freud, “Sexual morality—as society, in its extreme form, the American, defines it—seems to me very contemptible. I advocate an incomparably freer sexual life."
>It is apparent that Freud's intention was to undermine Gentile norms regarding sex and marriage. Western marriage has long been egalitarian, monogamous, and exogamous, which is in contrast to more Eastern societies, which are more stratified (alphas on top with harems and betas on the bottom with no women). The supposed repression of sexual behavior has served to support socially imposed monogamous relationships. These relationships result in high-investment parenting, and thus more competitive offspring.
>The psychoanalytic emphasis on legitimizing "free" sexuality and premarital sex is therefore fundamentally a program that promotes low-investment parenting styles. Low-investment parenting is associated with precocious sexuality, early reproduction, lack of impulse control, and unstable pair bonds. Applied to Gentile culture, the subversive program of psychoanalysis would have the expected effect of resulting in less competitive children; in the long term, Gentile culture would be increasingly characterized by low-investment parenting, and there is evidence that the sexual revolution inaugurated, or at least greatly facilitated, by psychoanalysis has indeed had this effect.
I can't type because I'm drunk off of the fermented Jew.
I read about transgenderism for my college psychology class last year.
It appeared that most of transgenders were "male-to-female" and the primary demographic was those who have an awful life and seek more attention.