How much is this comic accurate, Sup Forums?
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
>+5 comic production
Slavic Ranking:
Almost-white tier:
Czechs, Slovenes, Croats
Meh tier:
Poles, Russians, Belarussians, Slovaks
Bad tier:
Ukrainians, Bosniaks, Montenegrins
Absolutely shit tier:
S*rbs, Bulgarians, '''''Macedonians''''''
poland is animeland
please put us into the
>godless niggers tier
I dont want to have to do anything with whitecucks and religicucks.
>posting same nonsense over and over again
>t. albanian
>100% trolling against greece
at least this one I knew of!
You do realize you are quite possibly part Slav if you consider yourself white and live in the US
Red pill me on the Baltic's and v4
The fuck does appreciable mean?
Either way you lost.
Genetically speaking? zero. Slavdom is more of a cultural thing, thanks to Slavophiles. Pure Slavs are Slovaks, Poles and Slovenes. Serbs, Croats, Bosnians are mix of Illyrian, Slavic and Turkish. Russians are Baltic, Finnish, Norse and Slavic mix, Czech are Germanic and Slavic mix. So, not all Slavic racially but they are placed by many into Slavic cultural area
amazing victory, hrvats are goat generals, jurisics and zrínyi, along with dobó and szondi were the best leaders of vitéz era.
I don't think you know what the baltics are...
>700 vs 120k
>Everyone dies
This does not constitute as a victory no matter the numbers.
>>Everyone dies
i would say that's actually the definition of a draw
>cultural ties
nice meme you got there. Come to Prague and find yourself that ever so present Slavic culture
that you know from Moscow you fucking demented faggot.
>Pure Slavs
Just fucking slit your own fucking throat you shitfaced cunt.
Why are all Russians so retarded twats, I would gladly hang all of you savage people and also why is every Russian so fucking acne ridden, is your genetics so shit you cant even have normal functioning skin you dirty fucking nigger!
He has no idea what he is talking about, ignore him.
Is there a good piece of literature where one can learn about all these battles with the Ottomans? It would be nice to have an overview of all the important and crucial battles fought in that time.
where are georgians, romania, moldova and hungary?
>autism the post
Slavophiles were autistic freaks that wanted to create a big umbrella subracail group. Apparently Poles, Slovaks and Slovenes were not enough for them
I was talking about Kőszeg.
The Turks wanted to capture Wien, but they didn't want to risk leaving Kőszeg in their back, since Austrians-Hungarians-Croatians could constantly raid their supply lines using Kőszeg as a base and they wanted to separate Hungary, Veszprém and other parts from Austria.
But they failed to take the tiny stronghold that held out even when they just almost shot the whole fort to pieces. Since siege weaponry was fairly new back then, they couldn't effectively destroy the fort in time and they ran out of time and had to retreat, to try again in 1532 and fail again.
After 1532 they wouldn't risk going against Wien without securing the Danube Valley first, so there were no attempts until 1683.
>uneducated mountain slav strikes again
It was the battle that decided the future of Europe. The losses forced the Ottomans to retreat and abandon their plan to capture Vienna.
That's kurdish-persian-turkshits
Similar to Romania genetically
Asian occupants in Europe. Similar to Tatars and Bulgarians
Just go get the fucking rope you twat, or I will.
has at least one from every slavic group seen this? i want to hear opinions on that and in what percentage they can comprehend it
Is it in my genes to love this?
I loved it since childhood. And everybody moved to Jeans and shit. Yet I can't... still wear this primarily to everything, even work as an IT guy.
Where thoughtfull post
they're the most comfortable thing to wear especially pants (they unlike texas don't squeeze my ballz) i love 'em too
>anything that makes serbia look bad is posted by an albanian
Pretty much everyone hates you, dude, sorry to break it to you
I've been posting this in slav threads for the past few months.
So far everyone who's seen it said they understand it almost perfectly.
This, without Kőszeg holding out, the Turks would've reached Wien without the Habsburgs prepared for the siege and could've taken the city and finish what they wanted in 1529.
>macedonia didn't make it
and then you retards claim we role-play as victims, seriously fuck you
i or anyone else who's interested in that should create a separate thread for that tomorrow evening, so more people would see it
Muslim majority.
Best way is wikipedia. Downpage you have articles and books about the specific battle
so a non-slav ruled the slavic motherland of russki for several decades? and if sami, finns, baltics and hungarians are mongols why are they white?
>I can't into ethnography and history the post
I'm fine with this scenario. Not sure how balts will react though.
t. Belarusian
No I'm sorry this is actually true...
Theres two kinds of posers.
People who actually don't care about Serbia. Thats 99% of everyone ever.
And then theres really butthurt Albanian and Croatian nationalists that don't live in Croatia or Albania.
It's a joke senpai, you're taking it too seriously
Redpill me on Slovenia
Is it a "true" Balkan state?
>so a non-slav ruled the slavic motherland of russki for several decades?
>Slavic motherland
USSR was 50% European. It was a multiracial shithole, not Russia
>if sami, finns, baltics and hungarians are mongols why are they white?
Fucking retard
No. they are closer to Austrians and Bavarians
Not really, they lack the balkan mentality.
They're basically mountain Austrians.
Oh! Yes, i understood it almost perfectly. About 95% of it.
Baltic's = eesti, Latvia, Lithuania , yes?
I asked to be redpilled on both Baltic's and v4, and the image I posted is of v4
because they mixed? still doesnt explain sami people, they were isolated.
This is what I'm talking about I can't understand a word of Russian yet we both perfectly understand a third language
Europa Universalis IV
thanks for reporting
yeah it's amazing that he can understand it almost perfectly. we should push this more often i think it has great potential
95% understandable. Looks like a cool project
>t. Bulgarian
t. subhuman diaspora*
> tfw no TPИ MOPETA
We wuz kangz
>grandpa is orphan from Germany
>abandoned at birth
>born in 1946
You can bet your ass I am, but I will fight to the death pretending I'm not. Pure white master race reporting in.
Nice numbers, but ours was better.
Understood it almost completely, but I know a lick of russian and it helped. From polish itself probably 90% comprehensible.
Slav thread?
>similiar to bulgarians and tatars
Although Huns mixed with other populations - one drop rule. They are Turkic
Alright you dumb fucking idiot
Aren't Huns most similar to Croats and Slovaks genetically?
Underrated post.
The Huns were a nomadic people who lived in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia between the 1st century AD and the 7th century AD. As per European tradition, they were first reported living east of the Volga River, in an area that was part of Scythia at the time; the Huns' arrival
Yeah, Bozgor, Magyars are totally European
Czechs, Slovenes and Croats, in that order.
>paternal grandfather was born to Slovakian immigrants
>tfw slav-ish
>tfw Slavaboo and Naziboo
I think Slovaks, Slovenians, Czechs, Hungarians, Austrians are kinda similiar.
The sample size mustve been real small btw because Slovakia got thrown into Italy
(There were considerable amounts of Italian immigrants into Hungarian kingdom back in
famines of 19th and 20th cent)
t. Albonigger
>I think Slovaks, Slovenians, Czechs, Hungarians, Austrians are kinda similiar.
t. Bozgor Kanake
chose one
Thanks, looks more understandable than than the Y-Dna maps.
t. Aslan Magomedov
According to some haplogroup map i saw a while ago Moldovans are like 90% identical to Hungaryans, but not that alike to Romanians.
It's the same data, just presented in a different way
It's >90% understandable.
>from the beginning
Nigga pls
>t. Aslan Magomedov
>only shitskin Y don't like shitskins X
You were a part of islamic state for some centuries
mostly understandable
t. diaspora
t. turkboi
that's a bit gay mate
that impeccable logic. lay off the vodka, ivan, nobody likes you.
tnx for the answers m8s
daily reminder that first independent Croatian president Franjo Tudjman was a jew
and special kind of a jew
askhenazi khazarian jew
ultra kike just like the other kikes that surnames ends with (((MAN)))
-milton friedMAN
-george fridMAN
-natalie portMAN
-victoria nodelMAN
-Steve HuffMAN
-Debbie WasserMAN Schultz
I should point out I'm a shitty diaspora who doesn't know our language fluently so I'd say I got about 60-70% of it, it's pretty fucking neato
yeah, now it makes it even more amazing than it is i guess
s'dat you
Understood 98%