What was 1999 like?
Were people afraid of Y2K?
What was 1999 like?
Were people afraid of Y2K?
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Post-9/11 makes me appreciate how boring the 90s were. Because they were really, really dull. And I miss how dull things were.
people were pretty worried and buying out the stores of their canned goods and water
One of my first jerks were to this cover. This was back in the day where a picture would take 3 min to download
holy shit i forgot how hot britney used to be
God, 90's pop music was such fucking garbage.
Yeah she was really perfect.
almost forgot about my rich baptists friends were buying huge rolls of toilet paper and stocking up on duct tape
I guess I am glad I am not rich so I don't have to worry about all that shit.
>Were people afraid of Y2K?
No, we were too worried about the imminent end of snow in Britain due to global warming
Only idiots like my mother in law
Her one closet is still lines in aluminum foil
Pokemon was the real fucking deal,
but everything changed when the sand nation attacked
best Woodstock
Y2K was a meme
I was pulling down porn through a dialup connection and a spoofer ap that let me enter the members section of major porn sites. Dad was slapping my shit because of the bills every month.
There was a nice eclipse I spent watching through xray pictures of my lungs with a mate while playing magic the gathering on my balcony.
Vamdue Project kept blasting from the speakers everywhere and the video clip for it was from Ghost in the Shell.
It was a good summer.
Tay Tay has worn the same bra IIRC, and very similar shorts.
My then gf took me to a show where they were selling 'protect your pc from y2k crash' floppy disks.
I didn't buy any of that rubbish.
This song I remember most from 99
> be early teenage me
> beat my meat to Britney every night
> get obsessed by porn of girls in school uniform
> myschoolhasnouniform.wtf
> all porn is of old bitches. Want girls my own age
> go on bearshare
> always searching for young, school girls etc
> get full blown cheese pizza
> fap like mad
>be adult me
> pic related
and garbage was god tier 90's pop music
>What was 1999 like?
Pretty fucking awesome if you ask me mate.
>Were people afraid of Y2K?
Not really here, but my cousin spent the first few hours of 2000 trolling Americans, saying Y2K had planes falling out of the sky and there were riots and fires everywhere.
>Were people afraid of Y2K?
Only people like Dale Gribble
aren't children the intended audience for cheese pizza?
Weren't boring if you were rushing your tits off every weekend at a rave on pure XTC mate.
>notice correlation between global temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations
>make models that predict global disaster in 10 years
>cry about how fossil fuels need to be cut immediately to lower carbon dioxide
>10 years pass
>models horribly wrong
>maybe correlation doesn't equal causation and the climate is more complicated than a function of carbon dioxide concentration?
>fuck it, make more models
Why are climate alarmists so retarded?
Eh, I only really liked their singles, honestly.
>tfw will never, EVER relive 1999
One of the best years of my life, 2bqh.
France's answer to Britney was awesome too
Mine too. 99 right up through 9/11 were great. Even by January of 02 I realized everything had changed.
1999 was great ;_;
The everything was great before 9/11
>wanting to go back to when the IRA bombed cities
>wanting to go back to that crushing labour majority parliament
>wanting to go back to that SHITTY pop music
Uh, I'll pass.
my nigga, ultimate 90s kino vid, the coolest you can possibly get in that current year is backwards yankee hat wife beater and scooter
Let me guess, you're 14 and you just listened to a 90's playlist and thought "FUCK IT, I WAS BORN IN THE WRONG GENERATION!".
Maybe that closet is where your mother in law grows her dro. Bruh.
No matter the year, your shit stain country is always cucked.
Underage b&
Remember when you got cucked by Communism?
>ywn fuck prime Britney
Backwards red fitted hat. Thank you Fred Durst.
>TV worth watching
>internet in its early pioneer days
>was 18 and optimistic about the future
I was 9 but I remember moving into a big ass house and watching hockey night in Canada on a big tv. Gave no fucks about 9/11 or anything but hockey really.
My childhood was basically based upon needless consumerism. All the fancy toys, the electronics, and the video games.
Oh and music was on MTV. It was just boy bands and divas, but it was music nonetheless.
Music and pop culture was still as shitty as it is today, just different. Everyone got along better too. People were less hostile towards strangers, more open to random acts of kindness, and could let kids play in the streets. Of course it wasnt a utopia, but it was certainly better than it is now. Im speaking specifically about where I grew up - Northern Virginia, bout 30min outside of DC.
9/11 really did change everything. It popped my safety bubble for sure, but people became more hateful afterwards. Scared, insecure, and hostile. I miss being young, lads.
I'm a liberator, it wasn't that bad for me.
Remember that new anti-semitism law that's gonna pass soon?
>Wanting to go back to a time before mass third world Muslim immigration that Labour forced on this country
>Wanting to go back to a time before SJWs ruled the roost and their ideology infected our society
>Wanting to go back to a time before White men were public enemy No.1
>Wanting to go back to a time before social media and smartphones
Yes, I would like to go back.
Yet it's STILL better than the crap we have now.
That wasn't the 90's.
You're looking at the 1950's and before.
It's not snowed in my home town for over 3 years now
People were so unhinged about Y2K. My grandfather stayed up all night with a pistol on his chair 12/31/1999 he was so paranoid about Y2K.
God I miss it. So innocent and happy.
>it's new year's eve, 1999
>come home from a friend's place
>turn on the computer
>works just fine
>shrug and pass out on the couch
XTC is one of my favorite bands I didn't know they got brits that pumped!
Such is life in Finland.
Oh my god, that song opened a floodgate of memories from the late 90s early 2000s
This was the sexiest picture ever in 1999. The height of degeneracy outside of porn. It's prudish by today's standards. That gives an idea of what 1999 was like.
Maybe so, but the 90s were a little more socially liberal than the 50s and therefore more enjoyable. Its just that now its out of control and peoples lives are in danger, little girls are being raped, and people are losing jobs in the name of Political Correctness
You know, if you are so regressive and can't be bothered fixing the problems in the world that you just moan and bitch about how good your childhood was you need to pull the trigger.
The world hasn't gotten worse, you just grew up. It's always been this way. Take it from the 70's when schools were doing nuclear attack drills.
>I miss being young
I just wanna be kid paying vanilla wow again
>socially liberal
Social liberalism is what's fucking everything up.
>frosted tips and baggy clothes were cool, and you were a fag for not doing those things
I fucking miss the 90s
Internet gaming was really taking off, was good times growing up. Yes people were scared of y2k.
God I fapped to those Britney Spears photos so many times.
This one too.
>in college in Canada
>cheap trip to panama city beach
>bus ride
>brought an ounce of mushrooms and 2 ounces of weed
>bought 6-8 bottles of liqueur
>tripping on mushrooms
>drunk as fuck
>go through the US boarder
>on a bus full of college kids
>they don't even search us or board the bus.
Funny thing is, the real concern was over Nov 9th, 1999.. Most of the public had no idea.
haha that album cover is GOAT, who /adidas/ here
>that song
Holy shit the tsunami of memories.
>missing childhood innocence means I have regressive issues
Jesus christ, and youre telling ME I should kill myself? Im just reflecting. Have you ever had a happy moment user? Or are you too busy projecting your suicidal thoughts onto others on a gook CP site?
Anyone ever like this band? Seem to have been a forgotten band that's been resurrected for some reason in the early-mid 2000's whose songs have been done to death on the radio now
I mentioned that, idiot.
>you could actually call someone a fag without being seen as worse than Hitler
Take me back.
This is now a 90s video kino thread
>Were people afraid of Y2K?
Yeah actually. It was a real thing. Just a lot of IT folks went to work fixing the issue before it caused problems.
I sometimes wonder if the 90s seemed better in my head because I wasn't a teenager yet.
I started secondary school (high school) in 2003 and as it happens, that's when the world became shit in my opinion. But part of that is probably caused by me fucking hating that school and those 5 years of my life.
Then again I'm happy with my life now but everything else still seems shit. Maybe I'm just old and cynical.
Then hop aboard the Trump train. We're gonna keep winning.
Best part of 1999, no cops online. Could browse clearnet and find anything, and I mean anything you wanted. Certain aol chatrooms were 24/7 porn pic trading, again no restrictions. I'd meet girls through l.m. And convince them to give me their phone number. Talking normie chicks into phone sex was so easy.
>limp bizcuit
Y'all act like you ain't never seen a white person before
Everything really did change after 9/11.
>those thighs
daymmm lordy lordy
The golden age of the internet was from the mid 90s until about 2006.
Then social media happened and now everything monetized and shit.
Yeah. It really should have stayed the same but we should have racial profiled the fuck out of Muslims. Cucked by Jews again.
The internet back then was funner.
Angelfire, Geocities, the web felt like exploration and every site had its own flavor.
Granted, connection speed sucked, but it had more going on -- especially with chatrooms.
Are you underage or what?
>mfw downloading anything from limewire despite knowing there was a fair chance you'd get either a trojan or some illegal material on your compute
I met so many cool girls (whores) on local chats. I was a degenerate teenager and used the chats to find booze, drugs and sex on a weekly basis.
Yeah, well im glad i wasnt alive during the 90s (born in '94)
>Were people afraid of Y2K?
We all thought we were going to wake up in a world with ruined electronics we would have to rebuild.
Id even compared it to the climate change crap we get now. Goverments for about 2 years scaring the shit out of the citizens with tales of nukes going haywire and entire power grids switching off.
H-hey guys remember me?
As of next month, people born in 1999 can post here
1999 was 18 years ago
>tfw met an ex gf on yahoo chat and ended dating for 3 years
she was the best(worst) gf i ever had.
Remember there was some naturist beach site back then, pretty much all soft core pizza
I was in the Army and stationed in El Paso (Ft Bliss) at the time. They had sent out a memo to all units that referenced OPLAN Garden Plot, which is a real thing. They were concerned that the Mexican power plants might go offline and millions of wetbacks would flood the city and force all the white folks on to the base. The gist of the memo was basically 'make sure you know where your tents and water tanks (water buffalos) are.
>it was literally fucking nothing
Mom got her first bug out bag in 1999. It was a present from her boss she was working as a private EMS at the time and they were legit worried about civil unrest.
Boss was all
>if it gets bad don't you dare come in to work
I disagree there, I'm probably about the same age as you, born in 1988, and most of the 2000s were pretty based. Maybe not to the extent as the 90s, but I felt like my high school experience was pretty similar to my cousins who all graduated in the second half of the 90s. Music was mostly the same, rap, dancepop, pop-punk and shitty post-grunge alt-rock. Movies weren't super PC like they are now. Things definitely started going downhill slowly as the Iraq War kept blundering along, and they really fell apart with the 2008 financial crisis.
I spent all night talking to people on AIM and playing heroes of might and magic.
let's post some good songs from the 90s
not 90s, but this one drove me crazy
> still remember seeing "Y2K Ready" in little letters on Windows NT startup
There was this old retired guy in the neighborhood where I grew up.
Never knew what he did before retiring.
In 1998 to 1999 he made a shit load of money because he was one of the few still alive that knew the programs used in a number of banks that would have gotten fucked by Y2K. Fucking guy did nothing but mow his lawn and hang out for years suddenly he being flown to NYC.
Thanks for the nostalgia.
Why is she holding a teletubbie? Should have held me instead