where did /leftypol/ go?
Where did /leftypol/ go?
Other urls found in this thread:
they just shitpost now instead of trying to maintain a general
>Starved due to food shortages.
Lefty pol went back to ruddit.
Their model of shitposting and subversion was unsustainable just like their choice of economics
Some got left, some got triggered and probably killed themselves and some are stragglers shitting up threads with their idiotic comments.
Hopefully back to whatever chan they came from
They couldn't resist the redpills and became right wing
BTFO'd with the ultimate redpill of the PedoGate collectivist utopia.
We seized their means of production
>try to subvert
>get suberted
I guess when you stay here for long enough you realize that there are no (((coincidences)))
They can't keep up with the level of shitpost. Their threads used too long to take off and they got discouraged
kys faggot
Is that Paulie?
thats hot like Venezuela
They were assimilated.
Not the first, or the last.
wasn't really a lot of people doing it. maybe like 5 people would respond to everyone in their general thread. I'm sure they got tired of being mocked at
They realized their hamfisted attempts to ram Marxism down our throats are fruitless.
I mean it was a stupid plan to being with - invading a board only to inject the most blatantly subversive Marxist propaganda you can imagine, as if it is something we don't see on a daily basis. Starting Marxism-Leninism Generals doesn't do anything but create a mini-echochamber prone to getting raided by nationalist shitposters.
The smart thing to do would have been to more subtly shift typical Sup Forums conversations towards more leftist talking points, not blast shitty generic Marxist propaganda for a few weeks and hope we somehow change our tone.
kek, nice
Thats lefty/pol/ dude
They are so bad at shilling and raiding, fucking CTR has done a better job than them
I defended their ability to make a general thread on /qa/ thinking they would be able to bring any sort of rational discourse to the table, within a week they're for the most part gone.
Low energy as fuck
CTR was just one Canadian shitposter spamming Hillary frog memes. I wouldn't say it was better lol
the fire marshals showed up.
they drank too much of their own kool-aid and died in an unsafe warehouse fire somewhere.
Redpill suppositories were a success, sir.
Sorry we had them all shitting up the place with, but it was the only way to get that many redpills into them so quickly.
>select all images with coffee
Nah, those were goons.
CTR was the 20 something females posting those stupid bait/slide threads.
No it was like five new York libtards using Canadian proxies and bots
6ft under dirt.
Are they the guys posting the forced eggman meme over and over again?
got replaced by /righty/
>where did /leftypol/ go?
Nowhere. If you wanna make a lefty thread just make one.
This is what I don't get about the cries for diversity on Sup Forums. Literally nothing stops you. If people shitpost in your thread or tell you to fuck off it just bumps you and makes the thread active and draws in more people.
Sup Forums incentivizes inflammatory posts rather than burying them.
>"Hurr Sup Forums is a safe space for the alt-right".
In what possible way?
t. Liberal
I actually got so pissed off with them I've read 3 seperate books on why their shit doesnt work and actual Marxian literature as well.
I've really tried to have honest debates but its pointless, they would either just ad honinem, claim no true Scotsman or admit being idealistic but would just wish anything but our current heavily modified form of command/free-market new-Keynesian Capitalism.
They also left because they realized that most of us arent swastika wearing Neonazis but actually Capitalists with Nationalistic views and that their attempt to convert us to a Socialist form of Fascism is just retarded and will not work.
They came, they actually were introduced to their opponants ideas, they are currently in the first stages of redpill overdosing.
They will be hailing victory in a few wekks.
stormfags are the same shit though
Pretty much. That's why it's always the same 4-5 people shilling spencer threads. Check the amount of posts by ID's in those threads.
Im glad Spencer got BTFO by that dopey looking Vice reporter who called him out on being a fraud
They fucked off back to where they came from as they could not assimilate due to their lackluster character
they got raided by Sup Forums
>Behind enemy lines on Sup Forums
Brutal m8 no one has been able to occupy Sup Forums
Many have tried and many have failed
Fuck off Leftypol
I used to post lefty generals while playing WarThunder but I'm playing XCOM now and there's nowhere near enough downtime to do that.
I went there to see what they were about and 10 of the 15 pages were just pol shitting and trolling them
Were you even in the /mlg/ threads?
I got bored of answering the same 4 questions every thread in two days.
They couldn't handle my debating skills. DEBATE ME NIGGA I DARE YOU
>If you don't suck Spencer cock you're leftypol
Try again faggot.
This desu senpai
I hate communist and nazis equally. Both are shitty hive minded collectivist cults that massacre millions. Also, both are pretty much dead and made up of only LARPing neckbeards
They were paid blow job hacks aka CTR.
Stormfags are like the white version of BLM, pathetic
Nice try CTR
Nice try JIDF
They're Lefties.
They tire easily.
I stayed and converted.
This place is weirdly addicting.
leftypol will be back when right-wing is the mainstream again.
that pic always makes me laugh, why is he holding the knives so autisticaly?
graduated, got jobs, realized everything they were taught was a lie, redpilled, but otherwise still here.
They became regular Sup Forumsacks.
The redpill cannot be resisted.
Someone going to make one of those wikipedia battle results?
what happened to you? you used to be beautiful, straya
now even the leaf shitposts better
>remember, you're here forever
>and died in an unsafe warehouse fire somewhere.
Nice try KGB
>what happened to you?
I stopped taking Sup Forums seriously.
>more people are none white nationalist vs white nationalist
the emus should have won
Lefty as in socialist?
or Lefty as in 14 year old?
try the blue boards
I hope they commited mass suiside personally.
Hans took care of them
>he took it seriously
They're in /qa/ trying to make a new board called /LPOL/
To ash heap of history
What, you expect Commies to be organized, persistent and focused?
White nationalism =/= Nazism, you cuckike
National Socialism doesn't work, and you can't make socialism work no matter how fascist you get before you collapse.
>Sup Forums misses us.
I suppose we can come back.
I chuckled
Soros spent the shekels on a recount. No more pay = no more shills.
/leftypol/ here, we were under attack by a crazed autist with a botnet and will be returning soon.
As always, we will keep our shit to one thread and admit who we are, our plan was never to subvert your board but to open a dialog and to show you what we know ourselves.We fully believe that your enemies are the same as ours and go even deeper than what you claim them to be. We believe we have common concerns, that the solutions to which are being deliberately thwarted by the forces of capital.
See you soon.
>being civil.
Watch Sup Forums throw a hissy fit.
t. lying communist faggot
t. Reddit.
Go splash your face in the sink and take a couple of weeks off of this place.
I'm pretty sure no matter from what end of the political spectrum you view this, nobody will laugh.
no generals. threads here and there are fine but an autism general belongs on /trash/, Sup Forums, and /r9k/
Thanks for the update, the_donald.
Wasn't like that in 2006, 2009, and it doesn't appear to be in the rules now so I'll completely disregard it as something you would like to be true.