Why are Islamophobic people offended when I post this image?
Why are Islamophobic people offended when I post this image?
IBN was a proud muhfugger of color not some smelly azz dish rag warin phagot
>wrote about gravity
oh man things don't float and stuff wow such acomplishment
he didn't write the equation
He used heads instead of apples
Ibn was a KANG, why you arabs always tryna steal our black history?
We wuz making stargates while you were fucking goats in the desert
i wouldnt be surprised if a fucking neanderthal also figured out gravity but it doesnt matter because if not everyone knows about it then theres no point. sure this random paki wrote books but whos read them? whos even heard of him? no one. therefore newton is better.
>le mudslimes gave us science meme
They only have three claims to fame
>They invented Algebra
They actually stole it from the Indians
>They preserved Aristotle
But that's not the same as actually making a great cultural achievement yourself
>They invented lenses for astronomy
But they didn't use them to learn anything about the stars or physics, but rather just used them to locate Mecca
Islam is a slave religion, and is poison for the mind, and if it spreads across the Earth, Humanity is doomed.
because you're muslim?
> Muslim man noticed that things fall down rather than float
Boy what a genius. It really pisses me off when people misunderstand why Newton was so influential and regarded as one of the best physicists of all times.
> Hurr apple on head, Newton invented gravity!
Muslims are so dumb they don't even know what Ibn al-Haytham is famous for (optics, not gravity). The guy didn't even believe in the motion of planets
Al-Ghazali killed science in kebab land by telling everyone to shut up and pray.
Galileo was the first to make any good observations of how gravity works.
People always new that gravity was a thing. Newton made a mathematical model for it
"Perhaps one of the most significant advances made by Arabic mathematics began at this time with the work of al-Khwarizmi, namely the beginnings of algebra."
what are the 3 claims?
It is blatantly untrue.
The beginnings of modern algebra. Algebra had existed in more archaic forms before the Arabs.
>ISLAMIC """"""""""""""GOLDEN"""""""""""""" AGE
They didn't do shit, all they did was get hold of to the Ancient Greek texts, and the only prominent mathematicians they had were Persian
>implying i have a irrational fear of islam
now post irefutable proof this sand nigger did anything, not just "muh sources"
>muslims were better whitout jewish influence
really makes my neurons explode
Again, they stole that knowledge from the Indians.
Are you retarded?
That's a sikh
Sikh's are bro tier.
>believing the flawed gravitational theory meme
So why is the person saying the advance was made by Arab mathematicians?
How come you know better than the guy?
All of the interesting Muslims were not Arabs.
The Muslim intellectuals definitely did some good work preserving the records and knowledge of the Greeks and Romans during the intermediate Dark Age in Europe.
> However, that does not change the fact that Islam is an archaic and dangerous religion that needs to be ideologically exposed to Darwinism and either evolve or be exterminated from this Earth.
>They invented Algebra
They actually stole it from the Indians
>They preserved Aristotle
But that's not the same as actually making a great cultural achievement yourself
>They invented lenses for astronomy
But they didn't use them to learn anything about the stars or physics, but rather just used them to locate Mecca
based Junaid
Which "person" is saying that? They're likely a Muslim or Islamic apologist.
misread your first post, its too fucking hot in Australia today
And ancient Greeks postulated the atom well before it was accepted by science.
There is this little thing called evidence that differentiates an idea from actual science
desu, Arabs did invent a lot, and evolved science quite a bit. It's a shame what's happened to their culture due to (((religion))) in recent centuries
Kys, that is not a Muslim faggot.
Isn't this the same revisionist shit that blacks push? The WE WUZ thing?
A professor at St Andrews university
Though he seems to teach Mathematics rather than history, I don't think he would publish something he didn't believe
Did he just not do his research?
Post proof OP that your islamic jerk off fantasy discovered Gravity or eat shit.
'Ibn al-Haytham was an Arab Muslim...'
>Bunch of Arabs and Persians actually did cool stuff before 'muh Mohammad' really took off.
>Middle east becomes a shit hole and no real scientific or mathematical contribution comes out when Islam and religious leaders completely dominates laws and society of ME.
>Meanwhile, west realize christianity is retarded, and church shouldn't control everything, enter enlightenment and industrialization.
bubu but..... Islamaphobe! Religion is Peace! Religion is guuuud cuz diversity!
>mayo clinic of middle ages
>mercury used as antiseptic
>alcohol used as antiseptic
Absolute keK
Alcohol has been used as antiseptic throughout human history and alcohol itself needs to be diluted with water to be a true antiseptic.
Furthermore mercury is a toxin.
One of my uni teachers (math major) once brought to class a copy of a very old book written by a ancient persian mathematician where he describes calculus, I was like holy shit how many lies did the europeans make to fit into their supremacist narrative? Seriously, many things europeans "discovered" during the early illuminism years are actually re-discoveries of things other civilizations had know way before, specially in the fields of astronomy, optics, physics and mathematics.
They did indeed do that, and produced people like Averroes who melded Islamic thought with Aristotelian philosophy.
But today it's nothing but reactionary cancer, and Arabs constantly jerk off about how Cordoba had the first public lighting or whatever 900 years ago.
It mostly makes me pity you for actually falling for simplistic garbage like that.
Because you live in the past while the future is happening.
you are a dumb nigger
Because Ibn al-Haytham, like pretty much all Muslim achievers ever, was Persian, and a whole lot closer to being white than an Arab retard, and therefore not a shitskin retard who can be used to push forth the third worldist agenda.
Also Newton gets credit because he mathematically formalized gravity, not because he noticed it.
Newton developed the law of universal gravitation.
That's more than writing that all shit seems to fall to the ground
You're a dumb brainwashed whitey
He had a great influence on Isaac Newton, who was aware of Ibn al-Haytham’s works. He studied the basis of calculus, which would later lead to the engineering formulas and methods used today. He also wrote about the laws governing the movement of bodies (later known as Newton’s 3 laws of motion) and the attraction between two bodies – gravity. It was not, in fact, the apple that fell from the tree that told Newton about gravity, but the books of Ibn al-Haytham.
So Iraq is white, just like Egypt?
he actually did.
it's not racist though, even though he wasn't a minority in his own country, in 2000 years his race would be a minority in some white countries he had never heard of.
Genghis should have fucking killed all the Muslim scum
Why is the formatting on your image so fucking bad? I had to read it five times before I got the words in the proper order.
Why won't Brazil and South America just contribute to modern Science and Math like chinks, poos in loos and parts of allahu snack bar? Instead complaining about 'bu bu but white boyz stole muh brain cells and chromosomes and shiiiit' Shit, even taiwan chinks alone that has like 1/500th of the entire south american population has like 20 times more nobel prize and fields medal winrar than the entire fucking continent.
>believing the apple bullshit
How bluepilled can you get?
The concept of gravity was probably imagined by many people through the ages. It doesn't take a genius to realize things always fall to the earth and one explanation might be that earth attracts them.
It took a genius of Newtons level to actually mathematically model it and make testable predictions. He had to fucking invent a whole new field of mathematics in order to do it. He created physics in the process. That's true his achievement.
>le posting about islam so 3dgy meme
is it still cool to post about islam in white countries what about posting about islam in islamic countries?
on the real though, algebra, alchemy, and a few other things were invented by people living in the best islamic capitol cities, but they were only able to have such a society because of slave labor and conquests.
in the 1700s though, all the maths we use today were perfected by white males in europe. Liebniz, Descartes, and company.
Iraq and Egypt are Arab, not Persian, Persians are closer than being white than Arabs are by a huge margin, just based on haplotype genetic testing
It's just kind of irrelevant.
It's nice that they were civilized 1000 years ago, I guess. It'd be even nicer if they were civilized today.
If he's so smart, why didn't he discover the very simple law of universal gravitation?
Arabs invented things
Islam destroyed them
literally everybody recognised that things go down.
That's pretty cool I guess
But wait
"Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) was born c. 965 in Basra, which was then part of the Buyid emirate,[29] to an Arab family."
From wikipedia
Ding ding ding
Islam did nothing but fucking DESTROY Arabian and Persian and many other cultures. They were their own interesting people with valid art and ideas and warfare.
They then went full retard and the world let them.
Are you fucking retarded? Gravity was "discovered" hundreds of millions of years ago, with the first sentient animals. Newton is famous for penning the formulas which QUANTIFIED gravity.
You do relize that Sciance has nothing to do woth Religion RIGHT?Also i dont eaven whant to start to talk about Islam n shiet i have talked to many times but you autists never learn.....so yust for a record there shall be no Islam in European land,and white nations have to stay white.
The one things Arabs did well was take all the maths they learned from Persians and incorporate it into architecture.
Arab architecture is some of the best there is.
>Islamic mathematicians, unlike the Hindus, did not deal with negative numbers at all;
>The al-ğabr ("forcing", "restoring") operation is moving a deficient quantity from one side of the equation to the other side.
The only thing they invented was a way to avoid negative numbers, which they apparently thought were cursed or voodoo or some shit.
Fucking Archimedes knew about calculus. Newton's just the guy who nailed it down completely for the first time.
because we don't give a fuck about you stupid shill.
islam is a false religion with a false prophet. a death cult. until islam renounces jihad and polices itself then it will never be accepted in the west.
islam = cancer
Nice cherry pick, the Iraqis are totally known for their resemblance to Europeans, aren't they?
They're clearly caucasians they just have darker skin.
Because "discovering" something is different than actually forming a coherent theory on it.
Newton wrote equations about gravity you fucking retard.
>ibn al-Haytham
They're not even trying anymore, stealing Assassin's Creed III names. What next? Abdullah bin Rattonahaketon discovering the bow and arrow?
Fuck off.
No, but maybe Iranians are.
The guy was born in Iraq, but somebody was saying he was Persian, so I did a search for Iranians instead
Persians are clearly Caucasians as well and basically look like Europeans completely, they don't even have all that dark of skin, nothing close to Arabs
I'm not arguing that point, Iranians clearly physically resemble Europeans, especially Southern Med ones
Cool senpai but at least this one guy was apparently born to an Arab family in what is now Iraq.
The more you know...
>newton figured out good approximations for gravitys behavior
>random muslim wrote about objects falling down
they've come so far is see.
>discovered gravity
>having discovering you don't float off into the sky
Newton wrote the equation and understood gravity.
Not offended. Pointing out that observing the effects of gravity is not the same as discovering and explaining in great detail it's cause and mechanism is not being offended.
or find the universal gravitational constant
>desu, Arabs did invent a lot, and evolved science quite a bit. It's a shame what's happened to their culture due to (((religion))) in recent centuries
They didn't invent shit. They stole it all and burned everyone elses records you fucking idiot.