Reminder to kill yourself if you let the jews take your foreskin
Reminder to kill yourself if you let the jews take your foreskin
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>mfw an American tries to defend their half-cock
shut up leaf
reminder to kill yourself if you still need a foreskin in 2016 you unevolved dicklet
>my dick looks better than yours
>i should kill myself because of this
wew lad
mfw a leaf tries to post
Threadly reminder for uncut bros (or anybody) with balls and an interest to win back or debate better in this thread of hung yet cutlets, to come here and see KeK too. Get a few confidence boosts goin and destroy zionism. Pay attention to all the I.D.s and their colours
It's not my fault.
Reminder if you believe Heaven is paradise with all your family members you should literally fucking kill yourself right now
reminder the kikes make dosh harvesting your foreskin and jewing you out of sexual pleasure, even if all you do is fap
i wonder how her bf feel when he feel that ass in my positions
just grow a new one you stupid anglocuck
Already memed so for me. Thanks for the forgiveness, Jesus.
The loss of pleasure is only like 1-5% according to people who have undergone adult circumcisions (I.e. people whose flaccid dicks no longer look like weird sand wyrms)
>Reminder that Euros and Aussies seem to have total failure to grasp that circumcision in the USA is not just a "Jew thing" despite people making this clear here for years
Why can't Euros understand that the Catholics have been big on circumcision for ages as well?
And why are Euros and Aussies so concerned with dick skin?
>"Jewing out of sexual pleasure"
>debunked by Journal of Urology tests
I can't believe only 1-5%
Head of the dick is almost as sensitive as your eyeball
Did the jews invent circumcision to tell one another apart?
Jews invented circumcision to feel superior to their neighbors
>5000 BC
>proto-Jews having pissing contest
>I love Yahweh THIS MUCH
>Oh yeah, I love Yahweh so much I'll cut off part of my dick
>Wow dude, that's too much
>I told you I love Yahweh more
>looks better
nigger it's been mutilated. the tip of your cock lost its protective covering and shrivelled up, destroying many of the nerve endings in it
I bumped your thread. Nice pic. I don't have any right now but shiet, where muh niggers at in there FFS
Oh that was you eh. We'll see what happens. I think a few Sup Forumstards have posted different things in there but their shitty threads are taking off and that half decent one is slow. Fix this we'll bury this debate once and for all
they also leave most of the frenulum and their dick has had the opportunity to develop naturally, rather than being ripped apart as an infant
yeah nah
Hopefully the low energy cucks can understand why their penises were stolen from them anyways. Too bad i have no way right now to post anything decent and you said you need to work on things too. It's based enough so we'll leave it at that but it does need more substance and more uncut guys to make up for it so far
Yep. I've shilled it enough maybe I am the only exhib guy on here or even there lol. There's no non womany downsides I can think of. Next rounds will be restoration progress pics
Good luck. Also good idea
Thanks dude. Us cut cocks need all help can get. I got mine done late as a meme for fuck all reason so i know the differences and imma fix myself but i do like it overall. Always room for improvement. All the best, guys. Also nice strawpoll. See if anybody discusses those aspects somewhere here or there
Just the usual tame things on this end. Nothing new but new ones always being invented. Kek
True say. None of mine stick out more than anything else. We all have fun. No sense in writing off pretty much anything if you ask me. Im not a fake jew or a muslim. So
I think some guys intimidate with their heavily hung hammers and manly unshaven babby pubes
>circumcision is a catholic thing
Good goy
Thanks. Yeah it was a good pic but imma trim eventually. Lost the will to care even before sexi tiems. Nobody seemed to care
Serious question:
If all of the jet fuel burned off in a fireball in about 1 minute when the planes hit the towers, what fuel "burned" for about 3 hours to cause the towers steel to eventually weaken? It wasn't the jet fuel.
They banned it. You're not supposed to and they're not allowed to do it. Pretty based if you ask me. It's so rare over here though being a natural man
Yeah I wouldn't worry about it. Who knows why things take off or don't. It is going up and down all afternoon
Papers in the office. The fire didn't just weaken the beams, it expanded the beams so they pushed the walls out and the towers collapsed due to shitty design.
oh look more divide and conquer
>TFW the girl I want is Catholic and I'm a cutfag
>Papers in the office.
look, burning paper can't melt steel beams.
>pushed the walls out
drywall deforming wouldn't have any effect on the buildings' load bearing.
>and the towers collapsed due to shitty design.
the civil engineer who designed it claimed it was designed to be strong and take the impact of a passenger jet.
We might as well all go the tugging restoration route bro. Who knows what she'd think but you'll prolly be fine either way. I just do what they dont want. Lmao