I've heard some of the theories, but I'm having trouble getting to the truth of it all. How did Syria go from a successful secular state to the West's public enemy number one. I used to think that the Qatar pipeline was the major factor for the war, but this article seem to dispel that theory.
Basically the arab spring happened and the U.S. used it to do what they did to saddam to the remaining self determining leaders of the middle east. Assad and Gaddafi cared about their people but the way they carried it lead to their countries growing and with methods that didn't coincide with the major globalist policy of the EU, US, and other powers.
Ethan Campbell
Can you be more specific? What Syrian policies did not align with western interests?
Anthony Allen
The Jew SA keeps funding ISIS. Putin and Assad will prevail.
Grayson Barnes
So close :(
Jaxson Campbell
1: syria is run by a hereditary marxist shiite monarchy, and shiites vs sunni schism has been simmering for 1000 years 2: they have been a russian client state since syria became a country because they were surrounded by sunni states and US client states 3: saddam invaded kuwait and everybody in the region started buying weapons 4: bush sr failed to deal with saddam in gulf war 1 5: saddam spent 10 years assclowning under bush1 and clinton, violating every line item on the cease fire agreement 6: bush1 and clinton did NOTHING to dissuade him, demonstrating to all of sandland that we are weak 7: 9/11 happens, sunni terrorists get even bolder 8: the ultimate failure of the "hearts and minds" nationbuilding doctrine left iraq a wobbly toothless and pathetic regime 10: "arab spring" overturns most of the dictatorships that have been keeping sandland's wack-jobs in check for the last 100 years 10: sunni terrorist groups (wahhabists and salafists, google them) easily beat the new iraqi regime's ass, taking over vast swaths of iraq 11: wahhabists salafists and islamo-marxists rush into iraq from all over the world 12: they declare a "new caliphate" and nobody responds by stomping them into the dust 13: they build power, wealth and contacts with every looney tunes sunni terrorist group on the planet and begin recruiting in earnest 14: the turk-roaches buy their stolen oil, act as a conduit for materials, vehicles, weapons and supplies with the rest of the world cuz turkroaches are "our friends"... 15: north africa continues to be a shithole full of sunni marxist butchers and petty tin-pot dictators whorun "military regimes" that are little more than poorly organized street gangs 16 : shit gets even crazier when salafists wahhabists and other opportunistic bandits begin working in a loose coalition to invade syria 17: obongo, being a moron, SUPPORTS these idiots cuz he thinks they are "the good moslems" cont.
Leo Davis
Well the globalist agenda of all these kike run nations like the US or Germany want UN type new world order shit. Self determining states like Hitler's Germany or Saddam's Iraq don't want this, so they get shit on by these other states.
Adam Evans
Interesting. Thanks user.
John Watson
...cont 18: syria is destabilized, many flee, russians start supporting syria in earnest because they want to remain relevant in the region, need syria as a gateway to the mediterranean, and to prove they still matter 19: obongo snuggles up even closer to the salafist/wahhabist criminal gangs, now it's a proxy war 20: merkel throws germany's gate open wide and invites every dusky savage on the planet to come rape european children, triggering a tsunami of sandland migration from north africa and all of near east/asia minor 21: assad regime strarts getting rough with these dirtbags who chop heads off CHILDREN on snuff films they post to the interwebs to draw even more perverts criminals and lunatics into the fray 22: UN suddenly discovers theres something goin on in asia minor, and of course, back the terrorists because the UN is full of morons (kosovo version 2.0) 23: iran sees the only other shiite state on earth getting it's shit pushed in, and of course throws it's teatowel hat into the ring, now it's getting cray cray 24: salafists wahhabists and wacky sunni frootloops migrat into europe with the "syrian refugees" from eritrea, somalia, uganda, sudan, etc (these are all part of syria, despite literally being on a different continent) 25: UN wrings it hands like ineffectual faggots because the moslem brotherhood, salafists wahhabists etc dont surrender when you shriek "think of the children!!" 26: obongo draws "redline" and assad boldly steps over it and pisses on obongo's face. obongo does nothing, now the moslem world KNOWS the US wont do shit no matter how crazy they get 27: wahhabist/salafist attacks all over europe, europoors lament that they caused moslems to be angry and relentlessly apologize, ensuring more and more attacks 28: local sunni regimes see their future in iraq/syria, form a new loose coalition of slightly less organized sandland idiots. cont...
Ian Jackson
Syria was not depending on Murika and tried to make due with its own resources and other allies like Iran and Russia, Syria also didn't make peace with kikes and kikes can't survive if the host nations are healthy or sovereign
Saudi among other Arab countries saw Iran as a threat after the Islamic revolution, because everything is run by dictators and monarchs and they can't have successful revolutions going around Saddam picked a fight with Iran but couldn't do shit, so the threat of the revolution was still there. then when he fucked up and went into Kuwait the burgers came in Then a decade late bibi told the good goy burgers to destroy Iraq because it will be good for the (((region))) The invasion indirectly helped Iran because Shia were kangz now, making it more threatening to Saudis So basically Israel and Saudi view Iran as a threat and Syria is the spring board to dive in. normal protests happened in all countries in the Arabic Spring, but the Syrian protests were hijacked 5 minutes in and transformed into jihadi holy war, even though the ruling Ba'th party is secular, and Alawites barely pass as Shia Obama was smart not to send troops but a nigger enough to trust Saudi and Qatari proxies which later evolved into ISIS, and even then all of them never pulled the plug last but not least, Erdogan jerks off to fantasies of being an ottoman caliph but as a roach he hates k*rds with passion, so he was on the side of burgers kikes and saudis and qataris
Jonathan Cruz
Mostly it's the "not bending over for America" policies that are a problem.
Christopher Brown
I've been working on a timeline of the last century, you figure it out for yourself, fill in any gaps I've forgotten, remember redpill is a journey, not a destination
Owen Ramirez
Syria was always a russian supported state and butt buddies with Iran, never particularly a 'friend to the US'. When arab spring happened, revolt took hold in syria. US does not mind because their policy basically precipitated the arab spring and replacing assad would probably mean that russian involvement in the middle east would be fucked.
>1: syria is run by a hereditary marxist shiite monarchy, and shiites vs sunni schism has been simmering for 1000 years
I thought the Assad's were Alawites, not Shiite.
One of the things the three states America has worked to destroy (Iraq, Libya, Syria) have in common is being more secular that anything. They had diverse populations that needed to be kept by killing each other with an iron fist.
The Saudi's want a Sunni hegemony really and been wanting to undermine all three.
Wyatt Johnson
cont... 29: iran and russia snuggle up even closer to assad, now it's a 4 way brawl between assad/russia/iran bloc, the wahhabists/salafists/moslem broitherhood streetgangs, other sunni towelhead regimes and their clownish "armies, and a completely disorganized assemblage of various feckless european powers who insist on dabbling in the conflict but cant really explain who's side they are on. what could go wrong? 30: everything goes wronger than ever. 31: more terrorist attacks in europe, merkel gets even deeper in the reatardzone inviting even MORE muzzies into europe, sweden becomes a moslem rapist disneyland, with no waiting in line to ride the lolis, various other europoor countries open their borders to rapefugees cuz they dont want to be left out of the fun and miscegination 32: france acts like france, surrenders to everyone. paris now an occupied city AGAIN 33: americans suddenly hear about "isis/isil/daesh" and wonder what the fuck happened while our press was praising obongo, celebrating Black Jesus' coming and the resulting World Peace he brings, and talking about how awesome our economy is doing now that Barack The Magic negro has turned america into a post-racial paradise
TLDR version: sandniggers, niggers and moslems doing what they have always done. situation normal
Liam Kelly
> alawites, totally different from shiia and NoKo's "Juche" is totally different from leninist marxism...
> secular ha ha ha ha ha
iraq's baathists: islam and fascism swirled together for an Authoritarian Socialist State that can oppress you even in the afterlife
Libya's "Arab Socialist Union": islam and fascism swirled together for an Authoritarian Socialist State that can oppress you even in the afterlife
Syria's "alawites": islam and fascism swirled together for an Authoritarian Socialist State that can oppress you even in the afterlife
Iran's "twelver shiia revolution": islam and fascism swirled together for an Authoritarian Socialist State that can oppress you even in the afterlife
yeah, totally different.
Xavier Hughes
Interesting. Can anybody refute this?
Jack Thomas
get fucked unruhe
Bentley Long
The people involved seem to see a difference between Alawites and Shiites and Sunni, even if the difference is negligible to us.
I didn't say "secular", I said "more secular", and I think that is true comparing Saddam's Iraq to Saudi Arabia and others.
Bentley Lee
the alawite are twelver shiites but based on fascist interpretations of the Marxist Authoritarian Socialist State instead of iran's Leninist-Islamist crossover fanfiction interpretation of the Marxist Authoritarian Socialist State
the baathists did the same marxism word jumble, but from a sunni perspective, while quadaffi went more classic stalinist, with slightly less islam. that's the only difference
Jacob Collins
marxists ALWAYS find a way to spot the tiny procedural differences between their personal special snowflake version of marxism and anyone else's
that way they can say "it failed because it wasnt real marxism"
the saudis are a traditional Authoritarian Socialist State in the feudal style which, from the perspective of the serfs/proles is a distinction without a difference
Marxism is simply feudalism with the hereditary upper class of "the party" taking the place of the hereditary nobility
it really is that simple.
Isaac Evans
that Clark cunt spoke about many countries, including Syria, who were targeted by neconcunts.
And there is proof of it spoken by 100s of burgers about it when it started about how it started.
Then russians said nyet - we almost had a ww3 - would be certain in Shitlery Cunton was the face of the show now.
What is the point of your question?
Adrian White
Alawaites could be seen as a branch of Shia but it's a simplification to say they are not different, some of their beliefs might make them not exactly Muslims at all like cyclic manifestations of divinity The rest is a typical blue pilled american understanding, saying people like Assad Sadam or Qadafi ruled as muslims is like saying Obama or dubya or even Trump rule as Christians or that somehow America rules as a christian country
Brayden Collins
Goddammit Burger will you look at a map??? Syria is there and is friend with Russia. USA are not cool with that. >I'd summon Occam's razor but you'd think it's a Daedric artifact
Jaxson Rogers
>marxist what the hell do you know? it's called baath socialism, it means free market + some gibs to make them survive + the unforgivable sin (nationalized raw materials) I don't feel like reading this wall of text to find the other bluepills you're slipping to readers. Take this fuck you.
James Rivera
> jordanian explaining how americans dont understand "islam"
those who seek power will use ANY means to gain it.
whether thats declaring themselves "hashemite kings" with a fictional lineage all the way back to mohammed, or embracing marxism, or even claiming russian hackers sabotaged the election.
quadaffi, assad's daddy, the baathists, the house of saud, the "hashemites", the twelver shiia preisthood and any other tin pot dictator in sandland ALWAYS make great shows of their "piety" in "islam" when they are climbing to power, whether they continue to make pious noises afterwards is irrelevant.
"islam" is just as fake, corrupt and self-serving as marxism, feudalism, and yes, catholicism.
but "islam" is unique in it's veneration of ignorance stupidity and illiteracy.
mohammed was an illiterate camel thief pederast with a crippling opium addiction.
Gabriel Phillips
Hey you guys yo dawg what's the word on the street looking to get redpilled without actually participating Am I data mining? Am I attempting to thought lead? Am I just a bot, spamming? Remarkably, there is no meaningful difference! If OP is actually serious then maybe he could lurk a Syria General.
Gabriel Long
this guy wants to bluepill you into hating perfectly secular states that protected christian minorities, were safe for tourists and avoided the chimping-outs of low-level mudslimes. Only Iran is a theocracy, and it is >guess why? because of USA-CIA interventionnism concocted to stop nationalization of oil... and quickly gone horribly wrong.
Jonathan Cox
> socialism = free markets read Das kapital.
ohh sorry, youre italian, so try reading Doctrines of Fascism while remembering that Benito Mussolini was the editor in chief of Avante!, L'Avvenire del Lavoratore, and Lotta di class, all hardline socialist newspapers, he was a signatory to the first and second cominterns, and was an avid marxist for his entire life
he was also the ONLY person to ever fully realize marx's Authoritarian Socialist State without killing half his country's population.
had benito not joined up with hitler, he would have been a marxist hero today.
Dominic Phillips
sane answer. Saging now, I said what i think about OP and his bluepill buddy
Levi Flores
>claims to know about alwaites >claims the alawite are twelver shiites but based on "fascist interpretations of the Marxist Authoritarian Socialist State" even though alawites are a sect that started almost a thousand years ago here is a you, I would discuss this if you weren't so bluepilled. for example look at your retarded assertion that dictators show piety before getting to power then what happens afterwards is irrelevant, it shows you're thinking in a burger way as if they came through election and had to fool other burgers to get elected through showing piety, but all 3 came through coups. Then also notice your self refuting argument, you say they rule in an islamic way then say how they rule is irrelevant. fuck off and try to at least learn something before posting tl;dr bluepills
Nicholas Cooper
You really are so stupid to think that brands actually mean something? I told what are the policies of baathism. I told you why it's unacceptable to USA. Sage goes in all fields.
Jace Cooper
The 3rd caliph Ulthman was a compromise candidate who no one was crazy about. Ulthman was a prick and bongarded all the sweet loot the Islamic armies got, sharing it with his bros, leaving nothing for the newly minted Syrian muslims. Eventually some dudes from Egypt fucked his shit up. After that it was a shit show. Team Ali versus team Umar.
Also some chick named Fatima was involved, She is important because she hAd the magic limneage
Thomas Adams
Byzantines should have killed Mohammed when they had the chance
Christian Anderson
The mossadegh situation was an absolute fuck up by the US and UK. Imperialist fucks. Imagining what Iran would be like if that never happened....just sad
Easton Ross
meanwhile , THIS fucking guy is either completely ignorant of what marxism is, or is lying straight to your face, hoping you might actually believe that SOCIALISM = "free markets"
google "Baathism", and and judge for yourself how whether they are marxist or not
then google "Alawite" and judge whether they are shiia or not.
know who you can trust.
Joshua Perry
it's always me, stupid dumbass, and you can't even understand a) my point b) your own sources
William Edwards
> massive circlejerk
so the alawite regime of syria cant be twelver shiia mixed with fascism because twelver shiia was invented 1000 years ago, and cant ever have more modern bullshit appended to it's extant bullshit.
so the syrian regime cant claim to be pious moslems on their way to power then cast off that sham once they dominate the country as tin pot dictators?
you ragheads really do have ~75 IQ dont you?
assad's daddy used idiots like you in his rise to power, claimed he was "doing allah's work" and tricked you all so easily, then when he was in control, he pulled off his mask and revealed that he was just another petty dictator with less interest in islam than your average jordanian street prostitute.
now you are suffering from an acute case of butthurt and feel the need to believe that assad's daddy was never moslem at all, so all his claims of piety dont count.
obongo was supposed to be a "uniter" and "heal the divide between races" and despite all evidence to the contrary, idiot niggers still think thats what he is.
Conclusion: arabs are as stupid and easily tricked as niggers.
Carson Ortiz
there were just half a dozen threads asking this same fucking question within the past hour.
why dont you newfags just go through the /sg/ archives over the past 4 years
Brandon Foster
>oil pipelines going through the region >one with russian interest >the other with US interest >proxy war kicks off >classified docs show more us interest in destabalizing syria circa 2013 to help Israel maintain nuclear monopoly (basically jihadi states don't into nuclear research) >coincidentally the red line of chemical weapons gets crosses a mere month after that doc is published >Assad is le bad guy for fighting off false flag CIA agents and jihadi millitants from taking over his country >Russia has their motives but in this case the ends justify the means and they're the only ones trying to stop ISIS gaining further control in the region
Mason Lee
> clip from wikipedia really, but hey, if thats your source authority, ill play along. from your own "citation"
> State Ownership of "The Means Of Production" > vague and nebulous claims about how you can keep "private property" but never explains when "private property" transforms into "the means of production" the classic crypto-marxist two-step.
> lots of talk about what it's NOT, very little detail about what it IS another crypto-marxist canard.
> insists it's NOT about economic equality and niether is Marx's Authoritarian Socialist State again, read Das Kapital. the Authoritarian Socialist State is inherently UN-EQUAL, by design. Marx explains this in detail, in fact it's really the only part of the marxist dialectic that IS clear on the details
> one party state Das Kapital. > rejects pluralism Das Kapital > unspecified length of time before future magical transformation into utopian candyland Das Kapital > socialist economics Das Kapital.
you can slink away and cry now.
Luke Ortiz
Daily reminder that when even 5% of your population believes that blowing yourself up is a free ticket to heaven, dictatorships are the only valid form of government.
Jason Foster
> so much this.
Isaiah Lewis
Never underestimate your enemy, that's the lesson of that story. In my opinion China is the new Muhammad, seems like they could never win now but give them time and they could outpace us.
Kayden Foster
wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/18328 >The best way to help Israel deal with Iran's growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad. This was published around April of 2012. Muh chemical weapons happened about a year later. Coincidence.
wow, thats some powerful leaking you wikied there son.
perhaps you can wikileak us a copy of last week's wall street journal, cuz i missed mine.
"leaking" published documents that any jerkoff can read on the state dept's public blog???
yet still pretending tit's the missing link in the chain that "proves" the CIA not only created, but is supporting Daesh??
Chase Brown
Pretty simple, Assad is a major adversary of Israel by virtue of his strategic position and strong relationship with Iran.
It's not a meme that US foreign policy caters to Israeli interests. Netanyahu was one of the major champions of the Iraq War. Saddam was seen as a threat to Israel who had previously hit their country with SCUD missile attacks.
Assad's Syria is a crucial pipeline of weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Israel. To replace Assad with a more friendly Sunni government, even a radical one like Saudi Arabia, is seen as preferable to one that is directly adversarial to Israeli interests.
Gavin Jones
The truth is we have an excuse to kill mudshits and should thank god every day for the opportunity.
Andrew Garcia
It's not special that it's on wikileaks. Just the spot that I know how to easily find it when this comes up. Our foreign interests are in seeing Assad fail to help out Israel with the issue of being the only Jews in a room of angry Muslims. To that end we've funded governments that fund ISIS and have little interest in seeing the conflict there end. I wouldn't doubt that we're instigating the prolongation of it all.
Carson Price
OP, remember that Iraq under Hussein was also a stable secular state. Same with Libya under Quadaffi.
Understand that Syria absolutely a proxy war, with multiple sides. Don't think in terms of policy or even national interests.
Pic related. I'm making no claims to accuracy, but you won't understand what the fuck is going on until you have some idea of who the players are.
Here's the absolute simplest breakdown.
Isaiah King
Again, not making claims of accuracy, but here's a closer look.
Juan Brown
the short version is the US is playing everyone to keep the dollar from tanking like it's supposed to, while claiming "THE US IS A REGIME OF PEACE"