Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

what do you have to say for yourselves?

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Put your country and your people first. Charity starts at home.

Because with out that 737 Billion, that 30Billion would be a lot higher.

You clothe and feed a billion niggers and you know what you get? Two billion niggers.

discretionary spending

Top should instead be labeled 'Cost to arm local warlords'

hunger costs are exponential

USA is usa not world.

Wait a minute....
Well this just make the picture more valid, because the cost of ending just usa poverty is smaller than the cost of ending entire world pover.

The point here is, USA is USA not world, the problems of other places is not USA business.

The problems country X is only of country X business, unless you influence this country with cultural marxism, wars, bribing presidents into power.......

more food = more niggers = more starvation

Well if they would let use use our military, we wouldn't have starving children.

Doesn't Soros have 30 billion? Why doesn't he end world hunger instead of funding groups to destroy western civilization?


Why don't they just grow some food?


giving aid to these areas doesn't help, it just allows them to reproduce and then need even more aid.

the best way to end hunger in those areas is to let them die off.


30 billion wasted. 737 well spent.

You can't end world hunger by feeding a bunch of niggers, they will just breed more. Best of to kill them all

Blacks are already having the biggest population boom in human history.

>"end" hunger

World hunger will never end. If you feed the starving they will only breed more making the problem worse. The only way to end word hunger is to stop feeding people that cannot feed themselves. Easy and fast solution.

Based Irish bro is correct.


Is it my money?

Why can't they feed themselves?

Where are the Fathers and Mothers of these children?

Why do we have to do anything about it?

Why do you expect us to?

What do you want us to say?

Have you done anything?

Is it because of your pathological altruism?

Do you enjoy harming yourself to help others?

Are you selfish?

Do you not care for the kids in Europe and America?

Do you not care about them because of their skin colour?

What do you have to say for yourself, OP?

Why do we have to feed them? Im all for food for everyone but why is this not their responsibility?


What counts as ending world hunger? A plate of food for a day or what?

Buying people food isn't going to end world hunger, it'll just create dependency.

We'd be better off focusing on why these places are economically unviable.

Feeding niggers makes more niggers and more niggers will mean more money to feed them.

t.Niggest nigger that ever nigged.


In African "culture" (which is completely degenerate), the more children a man has, the more of a man he is. So every African's goal in life is to have 12 kids. Then the dumb fucks can't even feed themselves and cry "white people! help!" And if we did help, that would just mean even more migrants and refugees trying to flood into white countries and turn them into the same third world hell holes they just came from.

I'd rather my country be safe than poor fucks in Africa be fed.

You're an idiot

for world hunger
if you give a mouse a pancake it will reproduce then you'll have 20 mice asking for handouts
for US defense
nobody else put money into defense so the burden fell on us so now we have become an economy that requires an army, if the US was to stop the military funding completely the US would collapse, tons of untrained, mentally fucked people entering the work force trying to get jobs....that were sent overseas

>Unironically believing it costs that little to feed the world.

Use the military to bomb all the starving people?

You can't eat money.
Spend 700 billion dollars on rice and beans to feed Africa and all you do is:
1. Jack up the price of rice and beans everywhere else, making it harder for other places to eat
2. Crash the price of rice and beans in Africa, putting what few farmers are still operating there out of business, making the continent even more dependent on foreign aid
3. Artificially boost the reproduction rate of Africans, making the problem even worse

Can literally hear your picture

>cost to end world hunger
Only someone who wants to believe this will believe this


>cost to end world hunger $30 billion
>cost to end world hunger again next year because of ending world hunger previous year $60 billion
>cost to end world hunger third year because of ending world hunger previous two years $120 billion
>so on and so forth

Really, best we can do is sterilize them and force them to be self sufficient.

Fuck the niggers. Let them starve and die.

30 billion dollars wont end world hunger

exactly this.

FPBP for the potato head

>Buy a recipe book
>Ignis saying he came up with it

Some of that money goes in scientific research. Money much better spent than wasting money that will only result in a never ending cycle

>He actually believes this
There is no way to end hunger in Africa because they will keep breeding because they know you will keep giving until you exhaust all your resources.

These are the memes normies spread. These memes are spread by enemies of the U.S.A. to cause people to be angry towards their government.

>30 billion
we've pumped trillions into the war on poverty in America alone and we still have a 15% poverty rate lel


30 billion dollars would feed those starving niggers for a week. Don't forget every time the west hands out gibs the warlords take them to consolidate more power for themselves.

We have this thing called the "food chain", and well........the niggers.....they're at.....the bottom
Thanks for playing, and better luck next time.




Kill the poor; they're a burden to us high class, white collar, fascist, billionares.

>stop spending the $737 billion
>NATO is weakened down to almost nothing
>terrorists and heartless chinks take advantage and enslave, rape and pillage everything that the US was standing in the way of
>now theres now western superpowers to send aid to africa resulting in $0 being used to end world hunger

Sovereign countries should feed their own people. If they can't they should ask for someone else to govern them.

>end world hunger
>all the stupid niggers keep having more kids
>cost goes up exponentially as the niggers become more dependent on gibs me dats

Let's say you neighbor's house is on fire, and instead of searching for the cause of the fire you keep giving your neighbor wood and nails so he can replace what has been burnt, but the fire is still there, it does not matter if you give your neighbor tons of wood and nails to rebuild his house, the fire will still be there and will destroy everything.
The whole teach a man to fish thing.

>what do you have to say for yourselves?
Fuck niggers?

Feed hungry niggers. Get more hungry niggers.

Seriously, there are more starving Africans now than there ever was. Why? Because the world have been giving them billions in food aid to feed the starving masses there. Once fed, those masses make a lot of babies, and now there is not enough food to feed the starving masses + their children.

You want to solve world hunger? Kill everyone that's hungry that cannot feed themselves and no one cares enough to feed.

Why not use the military to end world hunger? Put the niggers out of their hunger with nukes, but not before we take our former slaves back home.

Kekk'ed more than I should have

>to be angry towards their government.
Implying we don't have plenty of real reasons to be angry at our government.

>cost to end world hunger
for what? a fucking day.
It cost a lot more then that to end world hunger, every day for the infinite amount of time humans will live and how overpopualted we will be if we even tried to end world hunger.

>invest a lot of resources into agriculture
>give it away for free
for what purpose?

Now compare the cost to end world hunger with the cost we spend trying to end world hunger

Problem is not that we don't spend enough it's that it's a problem money can't solve instantly, efficiently, and easily

>putting a price on ending world hunger


Feels good man..had a big juicy steak for dinner.

>30 billion dollars ends world hunger
Bullshit. Ending world hunger is way more complicated than just buying the food. The only way world hunger will end is when all people are capable of feeding themselves, not by handouts.

>737 billion/year spent on defense
This level of spending is entirely justified by the immense responsibility that the US bears. The reason European countries spend so little on defense it that they don't actually defend themselves, the US does. We spend that much because either by treaty or implicit understanding we are responsible for defending the entire planet, and we are the only nation currently capable of doing so. Sure, not all of the spending is fully efficient, and much money is wasted. This is true of absolutely every government undertaking in history. This is simply a consequence of a government doing a thing. It's how the world has worked for centuries. The solution is not to cut spending, but to hold military contractors to a higher standard of accountability.

Aye, this so much.

> Give Africans infrastructure and free education
> They destroy the infrastructure and neglect the education

> Give free food
> They have more kids they can't feed without help, require more free food

Basically this. /r/ing that screengrab of the peace corp volunteer who watched Africans continually destroy anything that might serve as useful infrastructure and make them able to sustain themselves.

>cure hunger
>more children
>more hunger

thats their plan

Based Jap


Spending money on hunger perpetuates the problem, funnily enough.

The "hungry" reproduce, which leads to more mouths to feed, which leads to more reproduction, with leads to more mouths, etc. etc.

Stop propping up problems and let them resolve themselves.

There was no world hunger when Rhodesia and South Africa were white. In fact, there was so much food these niggers actually started to believe they didn't need whitey any more.

Food production in africa was just fine when whites ruled

They show you pictures of children which make you empathatic unless you're a sociopath. They don't mention that the parents are off raping, killing, stealing and spreading aids.

So, 2 billion hungry people in the world....$15 per year per hungry person? The math doesn't work. The US spends this money because it IS authorized in the constitution to have an army. It is not in the constitution that the US government may pick the pockets of its citizens to feed niggers, and accelerate their breeding.

>implying ending world hunger is desirable
>implying I want niggers to exist
>implying I care about foreigners
>implying those who suffer from hunger aren't complete subhumans who cannot feed themselves, which the most primitive animals are capable of

thank goodness nobody is crazy enough to fix africa. We will all be fucked if they ever did.

Since when you we feed people bullets? Point is I think we can have both, we don't have to choose one or the other.




What is more important? A credential, or millions of human lives?

Prove it.

because if you keep feeding them they will breed more and be more gibsmedat

i say release a deadly virus on africa that only affects humans.

wait ~20-30 years and then come in and resettle

Once the fire goes out, he can build a better house.

Shit analogy?

Interesting read.
I had a friend that went for a year in Gabon to help but returned after 3 months when he realized they are degenerates. He used to be on the line of being a commie and now he post white nationalist stuff all day on kikebook.

Underated med pack.


Kek confirms let niggers die

>people live beyond their means in a completely unsustainable and destructive way
>thats somehow the fault of defense funding for a nation on a different continent.

i dont understand what you're trying to say

putting a bandaid on a gushing wound aint gonna save you

I helped build houses in Honduras. The family the house was for would fuck off during the building, then show up again when it was completed. Not a single local ever offered help, nor was it like they had jobs or other things to tend to. They would just disappear.
Later i came to find out that some of these people would sell the house and use the money to get to the us.
In short: handouts simply don't work.

>“Fuck world hunger,” Pug said, with feeling.

not our job to feed other countries niggers

So we need to be the planets keepers? The reason Africans aren't doing anything positive for themselves is because of the enabling from charities. All we should do is go,
>This is how you keep clean
>This is how you farm
>This is how you keep your farm sanitary
>This is how you clean water
>This is how you...
Stop giving them shit. I hate Christianity, but if you give a man a fish he eats for a day, you teach a man to fish you eats for a life time. If we teach them and they can't succeed. Well, natural selection.

>african infrastructure
lmao aaaaaannndddd...... its gone

Camelfuckers ain't gonna bomb themselves...

Well... not in the numbers we want.

We know what happens when you feed niggers.
You get more niggers.

Why should I have to spend money to end world hunger?

I'd spend money to help Americans, but I wouldn't spend money to help anyone else, unless there's a real excess.
>America first

and only a little bit and on something that helps them help themselves so they don't get used to getting handouts.
>Teach a man to fish...

I do have to spend money to defend myself, because there will always be someone who wants what I have and I have the right to defend it.

Those lil nigger babbies need to learn to bootstrap. Rome wasn't built in a day.

>Feed a squirrel once
>It will become completely dependent on humans as a food source
That's not how operant conditioning works you dumb fucks