Energy Department Says No

>The US Department of Energy said it will not provide a list of names of staffers who worked on climate change issues to the Trump transition team on Tuesday, despite the team’s demand for that information.

Will consequences never be the same? What can the Donald do?

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le source pls.

pick your poison

reuters is fake news

msnbc is fake news

usatoday is fake news.

ill see you next tuesday.

don't worry, it should come up in breitbart or whatever it is you consider real soon enough.

kikebart is fake news as well.

I want to live in your world

This. Godspeed user. Stay truth.

Fire everyone. Drain that swamp.

We just need our meme energy for it

digits never lie

seige hail!



>The US Department of Energy said it will not provide a list of names of staffers who worked on climate change issues
Why not?

>checked hitlertrips

post archive links or gtfo user
nobody is clicking that shit

Fire them all and blacklist them all from government jobs, contracts, benefits or services. Then they'll comply.

It's not that hard to find out who got travel money for climate change conferences. Fuck these intellectually weak clowns.

He wont get the information. DOE is one of those that hold a lot of secrets.

This is literal treason. civil war here we come!

o, fuck

By the protocols! Those holy quads!

checked and wew

Digits confirm, praise Kek.
Also Sup Forums is a satire board.

These are the (((far-leftists))) who want to monetize climate change with their carbon credits faggotry.

Like how (((they))) legitimized the """insurance industry""".

Purge them all!

So, do you only accept information personally delivered to you by Hitler's ghost?

>The memo sought a list of all department employees or contractors who have attended any meetings on the social cost of carbon, a measurement that federal agencies use to weigh the costs and benefits of new energy and environmental regulations. It also asked for all publications written by employees at the department's 17 national laboratories for the past three years.

>"This feels like the first draft of an eventual political enemies list," a Department of Energy employee, who asked not to be identified because he feared a reprisal by the Trump transition team, had told Reuters.

holly quads


>What can the Donald do?

he's sniff out the bullshitters and cut them loose, he can smell bullshit

>intentionally obstructing the peaceful Transfer of Power that is the cornerstone of our democracy

>. It also asked for all publications written by employees at the department's 17 national laboratories for the past three years.
this sounds perfectly legal. that first part is kind of iffy

>"This feels like the first draft of an eventual political enemies list," a Department of Energy employee, who asked not to be identified because he feared a reprisal by the Trump transition team, had told Reuters.
lol they shouldn't have politicized a government agency then , dipshits

>"This feels like the first draft of an eventual political enemies list," a Department of Energy employee, who asked not to be identified because he feared a reprisal by the Trump transition team, had told Reuters.
well whoever just refused to provide it just went to the top of that list. heheh

what's the betting that all of the top echelons have been to these meetings

The Department of High Energy

This. Fucking commie motherfuckers.

They should be scared. Their immediate recoil to a simple request is an indication they are in collusion with a lot of interests that are.. how to put this... not climate science related.

> falling for the BBQ Jew instead of joining the sweet/sour sauce masterrace
> falling for the chicken tendie Jew instead of joining chicken nugget masterrace

I believe insubordination is something that CAN actually get you fired from a government job lol

Hire none of them and tell them their inability to work with compromise is the sole reason.

^This. They didn't protect anyone by not complying, they just made it slightly less convenient to find what's already accessible knowledge.

I can in normal circumstances but the DoE is part of the executive branch and presidents have complete jurisdiction. For example: Obama pretty much fired everyone in who worked int the DoJ during Bush

kek is that legal? Damn that is shady. Not to mention futile to resist.

>The President Elect's team wants classified document from the executive government.
To be honest USDE did nothing wrong. Until the Team has been fully put into their job positions by the consent of Congress the USDE shouldn't hand over government information over, and the team should wait for Donald to be sword in as President and have a job related to Energy.

Bunch of fucking filthy traitors in this thread handing government information to civilians.

Screw it.

If digits get we get a list of the people ourselves, incase they continue to be shitbirds.

Yeah, you should probably start with all of the globalists, corporate executives, and bankers that make up the Trump administration

Finance user here. It's a giant web of corruption which has advanced the business interests of Rothschild & Company in the "clean energy" space, at the expense of working class America.

Look into the investment firm where James Rothschild works and their ties to DC.

Also, AMA about capital markets. There is a reason why they are going to drop the rate rise bomb right before Trump takes office...

The Rothschilds are having an internal schism though.
Might be why this stuff is having some issues taking hold, a couple of them directly supported Trump against the wishes of the majority.

I think members of the family are rejecting their indoctrination and refusing to continue subjugating the masses.

Or they have an opposing vision of the future, and we're all caught in the middle of it.

Or the correct answer is that they're controlled by a higher order.

Name the order. A Luciferian cabal? Freemasons? Rosicrucian?

Medici? Windsor? Who?