The Autism Epidemic has taken over


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doubled since i saw the move "the accountant" 10 minutes ago

Women focusing on their career and having children at an older age.

More vaccines.

because they keep moving the goal post to include more and more things

also because parents do a shitty job of raising children in todays society. Poor social skills and misbehaving can give you a gold star which will give you a personal aid and free ride thru school for the rest of your days


It has increased because of a changing diagnosis method. Do not believe any nonsense explanations.

Oy vey! Do the goyim need to buy more vaccinations?

More lenient diagnosis

This mainly

the definition is expanding to include more people, that combined with things like the internet, regular losers get labeled autistic

The spectrum at which we diagnose autism has become wider and has also become easier to identify due to medical and neurological science.

Fake news.

They changed the figures to match the number of US Presidents.

Essentially they're calling Trump autistic.

More electronics, anyone look likes an autist if it's staring at an screen all day.

it is certainly a result of vaccination.

>Sup Forums



Because the criteria for autism has become more vague, more people are being diagnosed.

As opposed to obesity which is actually on the rise.


It's not an epidemic, it's a personality trait that can get out of control. Once you start looking for those personality traits of course the number will explode.

Oh and fuck the actual guy named asperger. He stole the idea of autism and then tried to make it a form of childhood psychosis or some shit and just got it fucking wrong.

Because literally everything is autism now

including this thread

Because literally everything is autism now

including this thread

Everything slightly abnormal is pathologized now. Autists were just "weird" or "off" for hundreds of years. Now they're snowflakes with a unique disease who need special consideration

Are we looking at the first rise of fat autists, to usurp power and dominate mankind?

Autism hasn't actually increased. A few years ago they took a bunch of a disabilities (such as aspberger's) and said that they are no longer unique disabilities. Now those disabilities are part of autisism spectrum disorder. So nothing actually increased but autism diagnoses increases because they lumped a bunch of previously unique disabilities into autism. I know this because I have aspberger's and people now tell me that it's no longer a thing and I'm an autist. FFFUUUUUU!!!!

They keep increasing the required doses of vaccines and more children suffer. They also have been pushing flu shots on pregnant women ever since the manufactuers paid off the courts for protection from lawsuits from vaccine victims.

It is what happens when you race mix with dirty niggers

Because it's not genetic
It's not caused by vaccines

It's caused by solitary early upbringings where the child isnt given support to develop properly

relates to this
but for a different reason

should women be banned from working before they have children? I had an autist in my class in school and I dont want any more retards like him running arounf in the future


autism is way overdiagnosed to sell bullshit and ruin childrens lifes over some dollars.
Anybody who's not publicly extrovert is now considered autistic to some degree or other.



Jew! I mean RUSSIAN!!!

That's right. 1 in every 45 children in the US has autism. And they're all on Sup Forums right now.

Sup Forums is social media, autists don't use it, we are just alt-kids



videogames, sjw propaganda, and Obama.

Pretty much this.

My sister is a trained psychiatrist, and she's been dealing with a shit ton of autistic cases recently. Many in the medical world acknowledge that having children in your 30s and 40s will dramatically increase the rate of disorders ranging from autism to Down's syndrome and that the prime time for having children is 17 to 30.
But doctors and scientists can't voice their concern without getting shitted by the ((liberal establishment)). Progressives truly don't care if their policies lead to more worse outcomes for society.


I'm so happy this worked. And thus, a new maymay was born :3

Overdiagnosis. Being one of those psychological things, you can just take your kid to several different psychiatrists and get the result you want, you might even get as many different diagnoses as you see doctors because there's a disorder, condition or "illness" for everything. The government incentivizes it through programs and special education that make life easier for the parents and the kid whether they actually have it or not.

It's going to keep rising until we evolve into homo superiors

Autism is pretty obvious when you see it, no?
Maybe asperger's diagnoses are lumped with autism, raising the numbers.

>Develop accurate DNA testing that detects autism
>mandatory DNA test on pregnant women

Have Drs treat it like down syndrome, once they find out, pressure the mom to abort it.

hm, makes sense

Don't forget that (((companies))) make more money by selling more drugs

Your whore of a mother should have aborted you. Waste of human flesh.

Never believe a single statistic reported in the media


t. jahans

Autists are a burden on society and on the parent. If my wife were pregnant with a child and the doctor determined they would be born autistic I would not hesitate a single second to abort it and try again. Period. Autism needs to be eradicated like all birth defects.



Shit parents that overdiagnose.

How does my research end up in the pr office?

over diagnosed
women are having children later in life rather than even their late 20s

they steal it

Kid doesn't socialize much at school

Kid doesn't pay attention on school

Kid doesn't like something everyone else likes

Kid is somewhat well behaved

was it Autism?

tru dat

They just want the diagnosis so their middle of the road dipshit kid can look like an overachiever

I get the impression that 99% of people in the real world, even women, know that the ideal age to reproduce is late teens/early 20s. Most women on some level realize that being a wage slave til 40 then getting knocked up is probably a bad idea


Cool hypothesis when we all know you're most likely a kissless hand hold-less obese virgin.

GMOs, vaccines, pesticides, artificial sugar, preservatives, pharmaceuticals, chemtrails, flouride. Thats why.

All drinking water is literally full of recycled medication. With more and more people getting fat/old/sick, taking meds everyday and pissing out the by-products, we're consuming doses of meds. Birth control, steroids, anti depressants and pain medications make up the majority of pollutants. It's only going to get worse.

It increased cause old people like Trump are living longer and getting more pussy and birthing more autists.

Just look at Barron Trump if you to see the face of the autism epidemic.

Young liberal man goes on Sup Forums, gets pumped full of right wing infographics, starts hating niggers and muslims - REDPILLED. Many such cases!

Maybe lumping in Asperger's or other "spectrum" disorders might produce the higher statistics, but I've heard of "atypical" forms of autism that also may not be as easily detectable. And the fact that it's a "spectrum", it almost sounds like they could put nearly anyone on it. It also goes back to the psychiatrists themselves who are often little more than drug pushers or who make their money giving people and their kids the diagnoses they want so they can go back to the school or welfare office and get whatever special treatment or handout they want.
This is the culprit ok?
I had NEVER even heard of aspergers
then this movie comes out
suddenly: BAM every snowflake is autism
and as a result people are pressuring doctors into diagnosing it more and more

there, you're welcome, now you know

Jordan Peterson was talking about how if toddlers aren't socialised to play with others they will never learn to interact properly. It's a milestone that must be met early or can never be fixed. Add the buddy parenting style and always giving in to tantrums, participation trophies and all the "celebrate individualism" bullshit and you have a recipe for disaster. We are seeing that now in all the maldapted adult children protesting for nice things like easy passes. It's not autism just like it's not ADHD. It's gen x parenting style fucking an entire generation.

watch vaxxed lads