Why was the apple of knowledge forbidden?

I'm no christian, but the story seems very relevant to Sup Forums and 'redpilling.' Why did God not want Adam and Eve to have higher knowledge? Was it in their best interest to remain complacent and remain in the garden?

How the fuck were they supposed to know not to eat the apple if they had no knowledge of good and evil? Is god retarded?

Bump. Sup Forums could use some philosophy

Rephrased: Is it immoral to take the red pill?

God make-a da money he make-a da rules

Taking the redpill is inherently selfish

Why even was there the fruit? Wouldn't it have been simpler to not make it than to tell them not to eat it?
But, really the moral of that story is like a bunch of other Bible stories: bitches fuck everything up, never trust a bitch with shit.

Because Knowledge is Power.

Is it wrong to want to be powerful?

And taking the red pill is selfless? Please. You'd imply humanity is capable of perfection and void of ulterior motives. You trust to a fault. You only ensure your own destruction. Ideals only work in fantasy. You sit at home, thinking, while the pragmatist goes and builds with his own hands. Then you lament on your own lost efforts.

It's a timeless, simple metaphor for the jump that humans made from being on the purely physical level of the Great Chain of Being to being at the spot we now occupy, straddling the physical and the spiritual. We once knew the paradise that all animals know, which is to simply be. Now we are moral agents, and must choose to seek out our Creator, or turn away from Him.

the problem was disobeying God, not the apple itself
having rebellious kids is a chore, so they got grounded

The apple didn't matter. It could have been anything. The apple was not "bad" because everything god creates is "good."

The deal was in disobeying god. It could have been any command whatsoever (Don't skip twice over this rock on a Tuesday). Since they disobeyed god, he pushed them out of the garden and told them "Ya'll know the difference between true and evil, right? You must, since you disobeyed me. Not GTFO."

Later he cooled down and sent Jeezus, etc.

Resisting temptation and listening to God was Man, His creation, first test. And we failed. For it, we are punished with the burden of Death.

The curse of agriculture, can't go back to hunting and gathering with the knowledge gained.

It's too strong. You can't unlearn things, and knowing too much just burdens us with feels. God tried to save us

It is a debate almost as old as the book itself, but I think it's worth discussing- even if you only take Genesis as an allegorical tale.

I think there are two main elements at play.
One - it was a "test" that we failed
I think it's a bit of a dick move to test your creations in that way.
I've got three dogs, I don't fucking "test" them.

Two - I think God had a plan to give us the knowledge in another way when we were ready and us eating the forbidden fruit ruined that.

Doesn't matter. It was forbidden.

Is it wrong for God to know all things and thus be the most powerful?

Is it wrong for God to be?

If God exists, then we must also be capable of achieving godhood and thus perfection. I don't believe that, so I don't believe in God.

However, if a being were to exist, it wouldn't be wrong for us to strive to be like it. Parents want their children to grow and become better people through their growth. If God exists, I'm sure it would want to see the same.

If God told em not to eat fruit from that tree

they should have obeyed






Why wouldn't you believe that? What makes God God is the power of knowledge. The more knowledge we obtain, the closer we get to God.

But it is impossible for a human to retain all knowledge. It's impossible for a congress of people to remember everything, so how could it be possible for an individual to achieve such knowledge?

We have a couple centuries of waiting before that is even close to achievable. So, for us, it is impossible.

It was their knowing of their own bodies and fallen angels the devil the serpent who are attracted only to women took advantage of Eve's gullibility. Of woman. Then we were cursed. Surrogates are the way to go. Just like Abraham. Everything you think you know about sodomy is wrong as the angels at sodom like all angels have no gender. Sodomy is being a rapist asshole. Basically there are a lot of oral zionist lies about the nature of their god. These fake non semitic non judeans (Judeans are jews) who didn't come from Shem and Israel is spiritual not ethnic. They are hungarians. Lucifer has tits and a cock and guys like these and Plato said Adam used to be a tranny. Be fruitful means to be good. Clamdigging was the original sin that caused the fall of man. There is also lilith who only foes after male clam cucks. Gays do not "know" eachother like adam and eve did and fallen ones cannot rape us because we have short hair. Jesus blessed the halves of fags and our terms didn't exist. Many OT and NT figures and in history have been based warriors. God is a MALE ALONE and so was Adam. The rules were for priests that no longer exist. None of these types of things matter in Christ's salvation. Lots of out of context mistranslations too. The 144,000 in revelation are male virgins of ONLY women. If faggotry were such a big deal Christ would have affirmed this (He didn't) or it would have been mentioned in that virginity. Christ came Immaculately to cancel out the hetero cucks. He never had no kids. All these men loved eachother. Come to this thread.

Pic related

Through written text and transcripts. No one person can obtain all knowledge, but it is the advancement of knowledge that keeps us moving forward. Look at all the stuff we have accomplished that to a person a century ago would have thought was magic. We will obtain more knowledge, it is impossible for humans to go backwards.

im stupid and i dont understand what makes taking the redpill selfish or selfless
why does this answer make so much sense

It wasn't the "apple of knowledge." It was fruit from the tree of knowledge of GOOD AND EVIL. We were innocent before eating this fruit, and lived without sin. Adam and Eve were not simple minded animals who had to be given higher thought from this tree, they just did not have a sinful nature. Those with a sinful unrighteous nature should not be allowed eternal life, as such God cast Adam and Eve out from Eden. As God warned Adam, that he shalt surely die if he ate of the fruit, man became mortal. The fall of man is the curse of death. Only through Christ's triumph over death can man be given eternal life.

God made the garden perfect, why would you want to leave perfection?

Wouldn't it be crazy that eating the fruit was what God wanted all along? Like, in His infinite wisdom, God made several attempts of creating life that was just like Him, but when tested none we successful. He would always listen to him and wait for further instruction. But when God created Humans, we were the first to take the bite from the Fruit of Knowledge, and God created a being both perfect and imperfect.

The more knowledge you obtain, the more you realize what a spec you are in the universe, and the supreme gift of being able to fit all of space within your mind. Every athletic, technological, scientific/whatever other achievements and proficiency only breaks a limit on what we thought could ever be accomplished. Once that limit breaks, we see beyond the wall into another infinite expanse of possibility

This is one of the gifts that god has given us by creating us in his image.

It doesn't make you stupid to believe in God (for most people, it actually correlated pretty well, but hear me out). The problem with right now is that we either think: A) God is going to take care of it or B) God is for plebs, muh intelligence, etc.
We are creators, just like god. We see beyond what is possible, and using the tools provided we created realities that would have made your ancestors have a stroke. God does this, but on a Macro level.

Also think about this saying. An apple a day. How about fuck your apples. I don't wanna toot my own horn but this post is the only one that says what these fruits actually are. Probably why gays are called fruits too. Everybody is fucked and i hate it to be honest

It is possible for humanity to go backwards. A solar flare could wipe all digital information. Fires can destroy libraries. Wars have undone centuries of advancement in the past. We are not above our own mortality, so it's foolish to assume we can't go back to the stone age. Especially if we become so coddled that we no longer remember how to survive in the wild. We risk going extinct, the more detached from nature that we become.

Also, right now, you and I have no chance of knowing literally everything, so it is impossible for us to achieve such a level of consciousness.

It would take the development of a chip that could be implanted in the human brain that could enable instant memorization and recollection with infinite storage space for us to come close to what "God" is - in terms of knowledge.

So yes, currently impossible for you or I to become a god.

To me becoming as gods means direct penisvagoo procreation. Surrogacy is a medicine. These are my views and i am always honest. The fake jews think they are gods plus their own messiahs though. They want a warrior who has both male and female aspects. Those are lies! And best luck. Princesses don't conquer shit but themselves

Red pill can be considered selfish because it's the realization of how important our own actions are for ourselves and leans away from how our actions effect others.

The blue pill focuses more on how our actions effect others, at the expense of ourselves.

As a human, it's not wrong to be selfish. Self-preservation is an inherent trait of humanity. Liberals are trying to go against humanity by being selfless but they endanger themselves. Going full red or blue, in my opinion, is not the answer. I think it was no mistake that we have a two party system with two parties that lean in opposing directions. I think we should work together to find a happy medium, rather than trying to oppress or destroy the other.

I agree. God created us in His image and likeness. Like Him, we have the power to obtain knowledge and use that to our benefit as we see fit. Too many people underestimate or outright deny what a gift Life really is, brought into fruition and given Purpose by God.

When was the last time knowing spared you from pain?

Golden Rule. Golden Rule. Is turning the cheek selfish? Don't meme around me on these topics. Christ was not Rambo. The NT is anything but Republican

It wasn't a fucking apple!

Hunter gathering societies do less work than agricultural ones. But agriculture lets you specialize and have a surplus of food, leading to advancement but you must work and toil more then if you stayed. The apple is agriculture

You have to remember that god and the stories in the bible have been created by man, not the other way around, so to truly understand yourself, what you really are, look at the metaphors these very important stories represent from that perspective. Much of the stories in the old testament are taken from older cultures and their orations - the ones the cultures themselves determined were important enough to pass on to the younger generations.

Put simply, knowledge corrupts. Always. Period. The ancients believed that knowledge should be reserved for privileged classes of societies, those in control, because every human is fallible.

Knowledge/power corrupt, always, and god is the epitome of corruption/power just as god is the epitome of man. That's why man created god, to show through metaphor what he is capable of.

You need to conquer yourself before you can expect to conquer the world.

Trump didn't win just because the left destabilized itself. Trump won because he held his own, during the debates, and wasn't shaken. He's aware of his shortcomings as a human being and has promised to employ a team of people that can fill in the blanks, so to speak. That would be a good move, for a leader.

That being said, while I don't agree with your "getting laid = godhood" view, I wish you best of luck. Props for being honest.

I am not saying we can become God now. To do that, we must transcend from this plane of existence that we live on as Human. Yes, we can have setbacks, but what I mean that knowledge can be forgotten, but it can never be lost. We will only retain back that knowledge, and continue to move forward.

This. It hasn't much to do with book knowledge. It has to do with superceding God's place. God makes man in His glory and woman in man's glory. Eve did not come from an Adamic tranny but from solely God and Adam. Then Eve and therefore Adam go and screw eachother and lay the serpent. Maybe nephilim. That's God's job. Their knowledge had them fashion fig leaves in shame. They were to walk with Him. Now that they proCREATED they became fleshly dead mortals. Christ fixes that spiritually. Listen to Christ. He was no man whore. It's almost like God is saying. You wanna pretend to be me? Ok. Now you're no longer immortal and are a bunch of sinners. How people don't see this is beyond me. Adam and eve were the apples. Christ is the tree of life. No kabbalah talmud shit because nobody fucking listens!

Some versions of the Bible become lenient in their translation and replaced multiple words:

>Forbidden Fruit became apple
>Behemoth became Elephant

In a way, it shows how ignorant people want to make themselves (Sort of like how people are pushing for the abridged versions of Mark Twain novels because they don't want to accept that the words "nigger" or "injun" were once common language).

the fuck are you talking about?

thats not the redpill at all

did you just find Sup Forums yesterday or some shit?

I only read the Concordant Literal Version with reference to most dictionaries and how those lie. (Eunuchs). Look up what Christ said about "born eunuchs". Everybody knew those were fags. I could go on and on. The rainbow. Etc etc. Then I simply cross check the KJV

If you turn the other cheek, you over up your cheek in an effort to out them as an actual abuser. The first strike might have been out of passion or from a lack of self control. A second strike would prove that they mean you harm or are out of control.

However, following the Golden Rule, if you saw someone being struck, wouldn't you jump in to save them? After all, you'd want someone else to jump in to save you too, correct?

If you were striking someone, would you want them to submit to your violence or would you want them to stand up for themselves?

I guess how far the Golden Rule goes depends on what sort of person you are, at your core.

Nothing wrong with women with apples, unless you're a little bitch, are you a little bitch?

Lucifer is the Morning Star. The Bringer of Light.

What kind of a God would seek to keep his creations as ignorant brutes? What sort of God would revel in their absolute servitude and stupidity? Were we not made in God's image? What then can be said of a God who would do such things?

I tell you now OP a truth that most on Sup Forums will refuse to acknowledge: Lucifer is God and God is Lucifer.

They say that the Devil is the "Father of Lies" and I ask you what is the greatest lie you could possibly tell? Convincing the world that you are God and that God is evil.

Whether you view the stories of the bible literally or allegorically makes no difference. A truly good and powerful being seeks to create and allow other intelligences to flourish i.e. to create others in its image. A wicked being seeks to keep them as ignorant pets.

Think on it and you will realize the truth.



fuck off

If I'm wrong, explain.

No i would not want to be saved. Yes i would save another. And it had nothing to do with mind games. Those are manmade and not immutable. Like pedos of the devil and not God unlike us who confuse all this with our man made senses of time. You turn the cheek so you can get slapped again. This actually accomplishes the mind games without saying so because contrarian tends to win these days for good reasons and hard is right and easy is wrong

red pills are facts that break down our sense of reality

Let's just call it for what it is that apple might as well have been called pizza and been a story about fucking kids, pedophiles gotta be punished

This. I'll add a couple of points:

The test was not an arbitrary act of power over us on God's part. He created us to have a loving relationship with Him, but in order to have love then it must be freely given which means that it can also be freely withheld. By disobeying God, Man said we will not love him and want to be seperated from Him.

Furthermore, death as punishment is not arbitrary or God being spiteful. Since He is Life itself, nothing exists unless He sustains it with His will (presence). Because He loves us, He respects our decision to reject Him and will withdraw His presence and we will die. Imagine an appliance choosing to unplug itself from a power outlet.

The Gospel is that He willingly took on the punishment we deserve, so that if we choose we might be restored to a relationship with Him and thus enjoy eternal life, whence we will be remade perfect and incorruptible and the wicked destroyed (by their own choice. Also note that it will not be conscious torment in Hell for eternity)

NKJV here

>"For there are eunuchs who were born thus from 'their' mother's womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He who is able to accept 'it', let him accept 'it'."

From what I understood about eunuchs, they, basically, were castrated men who watched over the women in the harems.

I know what the pills themselves are but I was saying what sort of perspectives they lead to.

When you're "blue pilled", you are left leaning and thus feel you are less important than "the greater good".

Forgot to mention, it was Matthew 19:12

redpill and bluepill come from the matrix, bluepill is you stay in the matrix and redpill lets you see the world how it really is and leave the fake world of the matrix

the Sup Forums metaphor means the world how it really is instead of how the mainstream media, hollywood, and public education lead you to believe the way the world is

for example:
The biggest redpill is that 6 million jews did not die in the holocaust. probably the biggest lie ever told in human history
a few more redpills:
homosexuality is associated with mental illnesses, and STD's, and pedophilia

basically being redpilled is knowing how the world really works instead of the lies most people are told how the world works.

>the harems of the first century roman empire

Begone Satan. The presence of the tree was proof of God's love and the death of Christ confirms beyond any doubt. He is perfect and loving, you are the would be usurper and tyrant.

>be all powerful
>have the power to make the universe exactly the way you want it with no caveats whatsoever
>make life that's able to disobey you
>get upset when they do it

really makes you think

It's harder to control minds filled with knowledge.

blue pilled is only left leaning because currently the mainstream shifts to that side, so the people who don't question stuff and just consume surface memes side with it

years ago blue pilled would be being a moderate right christian

>inb4 contrarian
not exactly, its about the middle point where the narratives fall down and you can see without seeing symbols

thats what the matrix is in the movie, an illusory world made out of symbols (its code after all)

Check out the Concordant Literal www.concordant.org/version and all I'm saying is to remember what the people knew as were born eunuchs. Records indicate born eunuch was not a eunuch without balls. Why would Christ mention the VERY RARE example of a noballed babby when so many knew eunuchs were noballed through various ways. Probably they had no conception of borne noballed babbies. They heard eunuch. They heard born. They are not a bunch of Doctors. They immediately thought, "men whom we all know whom are instinctually unattracted to women". There are many different kinds of eunuchs and this one to me means pretty much some eunuchs are homosexuals and are have been since the womb. Makes me joyful

you know how when you cheat in a video game it gets boring?

i believe it to be like that. To add meaning to the world God gives us the ability to obey or disobey his will.

You lack understanding.

Are you a reddit atheist, or a bible-thumping protestant? Those are the only two groups I've ever met who lack the intelligence to actually understand the concept of free will.

God gave man the option to be willfully ignorant and stay in paradise, when the serpent (who represents the unknown, chaos and something which allows you to learn through struggle) convinces adam to eat the apple, the apple itself gives knowledge and with that knowledge suffering is inherent.

what the point of the story is that when we are ignorant our free will causes us to seek new things which inherently cause us to suffer. It's a byproduct of our being and emphasizes God's decision to allow us free will rather than safety, and even in the optimal situation for avoiding the unknown (not breaking only one rule, in a confined space) our curiosity will lead us to suffering, which is necessary for us to grow.

this sounds right

And yet you still think it means to eat a fig. Or apple. Fruit means good works pretty much. So they ate a good work. They ate their self control and started diddling their genitals in ways seen and unseen

I know where the meme comes from but you're taking power away from the left. There is a sort of awakening involved with being blue pilled. It's not so much asleep versus awake, as the meme would suggest. It's just a major shift in perspective.

Liberals worry a lot about the world and how they effect it. They just buy into emotional sensationalist news articles because they care more about others than they do themselves. OR they think by pretending to care, they will be praised for their selflessness.

Conservatives care more about themselves but aren't asleep to the world around them either. They know how they effect the world around them but think less about "the bigger picture" (carbon footprint, indirectly triggering SJWs, etc). This is why leftist think rightwingers are more selfish, when both have capacity to being selfish. It's just a skew in perspective.

There is no right or wrong, from my perspective. I'm a moderate and I have listened to both sides. I think whatever works for the individual is what they should do, so long as it doesn't harm or impede anyone else.

You can say homosexuals have a higher rate but that only works if they're not careful. You're not wrong but there are steps that a person can take to exclude themselves from such statistics. Same can be said of right wingers and their love for guns. You can be a right winger and not own a fire arm. That is possible.

So while you're not wrong about the meme, I think you misunderstand what I initially said.



no, but it is not in your best interest as you would no doubt be happier in ignorance.

But at the same time you will be able to appreciate beauty and goodness on a much higher level if you have knowledge of the alternative.

>Come to Sup Forums for the frist time, browsing /x/ and Sup Forums mostly
>Anons always telling others to go back to Sup Forums containment board
>Never been there and decide to check it out myself
>Discover the redpill and theory surrounding it
>Leave behind the neckbeards plaguing Sup Forums and embrace self improvement
>Educate myself on current events and learn about the 6 bajillion and international jewery
>Jihad and race war conspiracies suddenly make sense and I see through legacy media fake news
>Anons tell me to go to /fit/, I fix my diet and cut shit out of my life
>Confidence skyrockets and I start redpilling friends and family
>Knowing all this, read the first letter of every line

This is how I learned the true redpi

It was Eve's fault. fuck that bitch.

>Years ago, blue pilled would be a moderate right wing christian

You know your stuff and have been paying attention to history and current events.

It is the historical account of Man's fall from grace and the corruption of our world.

This is a good post. Also for related the original nazis were fags who created israel
Nice Satanic wordplay. Change it to "only marriages and surrogacies". To keep it as simple as yours would be no vaginas and still true but not true and also going too far


>the apple
No mention of an apple. Bible said it was fruit. IDK how this whole apple meme got started. Might have been a banana.

>historical account
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, but
>Man's fall from grace and the corruption of our world
is exactly what I described.

maybe the apple didn't even contain knowledge and God just said that to show how people can give into desires and temptations

A little bit of this too. It's like how eve came from the rib. My enemy's side says he used to be three separate sexually binary beings before God split him down the middle. And that the only reason for marriage is to regrow your Sacred Vagoyna. The fuck happened to the rib? But guess which interpretation is more popular? Fucking plato's

God being god obviously knew eve was goig to eat the apple. God is omniscient, god created eve, god created the snake, god created the apple and put it in the center of the garde.

Why does eve want to eat the apple?
Because eve wants to be like God.


God is good so for eve to want to be like god is healthy like a child who wants to be like an adult.

But to be like god we need to grow. To grow we need to suffer. Remember yourself as a child, then as a young boy, then a teenager, then a young man.

At every stage you grew in character and spirit. How? Through suffering. Suffering increases us in spirit. Other things to do like love and joy but these are things that can only exist contextually as long as suffering exists.

So eve and mankind must suffer to grow (which is what eve wants to do).

God forbids eve to take the apple because humanity can not blame god then for it's suffering. Eve was given free will and chose suffering as an act of disobedience.

Eve obviously had no idea. Having only existed in a world without suffering Eve is less mature than even the smallest contemporary human child.

This is the true beautiful message of christianity and redemption through Christ our saviour.

Suffering is Growth (of the spirit)
Failure is redemption (through christ)
Sin is remorse (if you have a good soul and are repentant)
And remorse is understanding (and fulfillment of eves desire for knowledge)

Yeah and then we stapled his ass to a cross. I hope God is on a 3 strike system and that we get another chance to really piss him off. Shit maybe the 3rd chance is the Earth we're currently shitting up into oblivion.

Mostly wrong.

However, here's the big question, are you really taking the red pill or another blue pill?

As we grow older, our perception of reality does change. And, as we grow with that change, we choose how to deal with it. With some people, that's just taking the another blue pill.

Now, here's the big question, what is the real "red pill"? That's an impossible question to answer because each person views the world differently. The closest that we, possibly, have to such a thing are the recounts and testimonies made by numerous individuals that all happen to line up with each other. However, with all these parallels that different from other parallels, how do we tell which is the real one?

Personally, that's what I'm starting to accept as the red pill to the world. Life is a game, the only problem is learning the complex rules, stats, and strategies surrounding it.

Also, there's the countdown timer that starts at a random time for each player. And, that there are ways to break the game, and/or change the rules.

yo I got a real important question

Why didn't Eve ever get pregnant? She and Adam were fucking all the time

i dunno what to take about this, but even though most issues always have at least two sides fighting for the truth, not one side has the truth in all issues, it varies, thats the redpill, it has nothing to do with being self centered or community centered, there are both types on both sides

not an argument

Good post but it wasn't "we" so you maybe got a 6 even though I hate numerology. But numerology is for future maybe. Not to observe past. Basically when eve made kids our childlike innocence was corrupted. Once you have salvation you won't be led to lose it

the fig is the fruit of good works, not the work itself but the object you work toward, it means that when you work toward some goal and achieve it, you gain knowledge

No, it's allegory.

The apple of knowledge signified free will. Humans gained free will, and thus the ability to sin, by disobeying God's commandmant. We became enlightened free entities aware of our own nakedness but yet vulnerable to corruption.

he specifically told them not to do it.

NOOOOOPE. THE ORIGINAL SIN. THIS APPLEY SIN. IS PROCREATION OF HETERO FORM AND OTHER FORMS OF WOMANY SPIRITUAL PROCREATION!!! Nobody pooped or procreated until they turned their backs. The curses for these sins are related to child rearing. Use your brains
Couldn't care less, go produce a screenplay. All the world is a stage

No it doesn't
Listen guys. I hear your shit on me 24/7 for 29 years now. The apple is the vaginal jew along with serpent. Or with penis. End of story. Procreate by going AROUND vagoynas in surrogacy is all I can advise. I dont get wet dreams. I "wonder" why... Armour of Christ, men

So the moral is to never trust gods lies