Race Realism With Family

I'm presently visiting my aunt and uncle and last night while we were having a conversation and race realism came up. I tried to explain that they are disparities along racial lines and biological factors play a dominant role.

I'm sure you can imagine what happened next, mind you I was polite and friendly. My rich spoilt rotten feminazi Aunt basically called me a privileged White boy, telling me how I don't know Tyrone's struggle in the projects and how gang culture is about surviving the patriarchy and how she as a woman is being systematically oppressed(I shit you not, she said that). Even though she's a soccer mom leeching off my uncle who works 2 jobs, she kicks him around and makes him do everything when he's home, being the beta simp that he is he takes it all with a smile. American women, Not even once senpai, biggest mistake you'll make in your life, even if you bring a foreign whore over she'll be corrupted and might even turn out worse.

I calmly explained my position and presented studies and facts (IQ on a global scale). Seeing as they couldn't argue facts with me (After several attempts on their part) they resorted to name calling, My aunt was in tears at the end of the conversation, called me a "NAZI" and my uncle said "I didn't know you were one of those people" and that I was being Un-Christian.

Yeah, I'm privileged. I grew up in abject poverty, my old neighborhood is now 90% black. I've seen how they really are, I have the scars to prove it. All while she was playing princess in her little upper middle class house.

Sorry for the rant.

TL;DR: Brought up facts and aunt broke down crying and my uncle basically disowned me. Probably never visiting them again.

My mom agrees with me, my aunt told me that niggers in Africa have low IQ's because they weren't educated. She refused to listen to reason and they called me names.

Didn't even try to bring up """them""".


tfw my family agrees with me. tfw great grandparents were hardcore nazis. tfw my grandmother gave me a 1944 copy of mein kampf.
tfw I have no face


>She refused to listen to reason and they called me names.

When it gets to that point in the conversation, after you've unloaded all your reasoned arguments and data, you have to respond with a devastating insult. They work on emotion and social status, which is why they think calling you names will work. Figure out the most devastating insult you can to them, something that hits on all their insecurities and will leave them speechless, all while protected by the fact they began the namecalling.

don't do this. Be the bigger person and show them that the white man is better than that and dont resort to cheap tactics.

My gramps was based as fuck. I miss him a lot. Closest thing to a father I ever had. Sometimes I'm grateful that he didn't live to see my sister become a degenerate mud-sharking whore.

>Figure out the most devastating insult you can to them, something that hits on all their insecurities and will leave them speechless, all while protected by the fact they began the namecalling.
Or you could just stab them in the face. Just saying.

No, it's how you win. Don't be a child about it and throw a tantrum, just one verbal kill shot so the emotion of losing cements in their memory.

Otherwise they will remember the good feeling they got from calling you a nazi and think they won. They have to feel like real shit about themselves, and that requires you hit the right verbal nail.

I was holding a lot back. I didn't want to get kicked out of the house that night.

I'm not one of their beloved niggers

Funny how those fucks preach diversity while keeping well away from it. Let us all suffer while they get some morality high from sucking Tyrone's cock.


You got what you deserved.

Shouldn't you be on your way to Sweden, Achmed

why do you people try to do this during family times of year. thank god most of my families politcal views line up.

Fuck em.
You are to honor your mother and father. The rest of your family can go fuck themselves if they don't like you.

You re a brave man, burger. Congrats, you re not like that with «muh hide powah levah»

Fuck them, you do the correct thing.

You'll get more and more of this shit coming your way if you insist on acting like an enlightened prick around others. Your choice ultimately.


I'm sorry you'll never experience the beauty of talking shit on minorities with the family at the dinner table.

We embrace itn here like its a tradition especially at middle upper class suburbans.

Sometimes it takes a cheap trick to get the job done right though.

I didn't even bring up White Genocide. I merely stated facts

Mohammad fucked pigs. while singing lie-e-liar-la-la-hue. YOU NIGGER

there are just some topics you should avoid during christmas user.

So how is that austerity going anal fag? You fucks can't math for shit.

You sound socially unadjusted. Sad.

Why ?

While we were arguing I told them that if you saw a negro walking towards you at night YOU WOULD cross the street.

They ADMITTED they would but made up excuses like your subconscious takes over and that we were conditioned as children to fear them. Or something like that


Don't shoot anyone Dyla
Take your seroquel

No, your 3rd world shithole is sad. I hope you starve to death

Tuvan ocean jumper get out

>Don't shoot anyone
I'm not black

Red pills need to be dispensed one on one....not in a group

i dont get it, whats Tuva got to do with anything.

But are you a supreme gentleman?

90% of "American" murderers are not White.


I usually don't he opposite thing. I talk about world peace, uniting faggots under one world government and how we should all breed together to be Brazilians.

I did this for Thanksgiving, it was hilarious. I said that we should all breed with each or her so that there are no more races and we are all "one people."

By taking the extreme lefty socialist stance, I get push back from my own aunt and libtard sisters. Then this puts my sisters and libtards at the table in the defense, forcing them to say, "whoa, user, you're being too extreme," I start asking them why it's too extreme to want racial harmony and peace on earth through global socialism and it makes them defend nationalism.

Then I say shit like, "it would be best if people were assigned to have kids with an opposite race, like (white sister) should have a child with a black person from Nigeria to speed up a wonderful global society.

Wait until you do that, then they're defending themselves against race mixing while you're playing super edgy global socialism. I got called out by my grandma where she said:" You probably believe in that New World Order hooey." I of course reply as to what's wrong with a peaceful global government where everyone is racially equal. I frame my libtard relatives as too conservative for me and make them defend race realism and capitalism.

It was fucking funny, my dad is based as fuck and he was holding from laughing because I was making shit liberal relatives defend the border security via a vis Trump's plan without them even fucking knowing it.

It fucking works, takes out all the wind in their edgy left wing sails. Then at the end I basically tell them they defended Trump's policies and then they get butthurt and try to switch their stances. This obviously works when people don't know your stance, my sisters don't know because they ride the cock carousel at a different college. Anyway, I love doing this shit.

You should try it.

Are you not enjoying my invention?

Sad story OP!

My parents and my sister are very red pilled and my Finnish Aunt makes a lot of nigger jokes.

Good to have a red pilled family.

>t. scott adams

Thing is my relatives would probably agree with me. My aunt once told me that race mixing is inevitable and she defends globalism. I'd basically be agreeing with them

If I were to take that pozzed position I'd make a mockery of myself and seemingly have no consistency as they already know where I stand.

This. Otherwise the virtue signaling urge begins, and they believe if any of them flag or fail then they'll be outcasts (even if individually they secretly know you're right.)

k-den. How did you proxy ?

>my aunt told me that niggers in Africa have low IQ's because they weren't educated. She refused to listen to reason and they called me names.

Your aunt doesn't understand what IQ is as I'm sure you know IQ has nothing to do with education and the tests are designed so that education isn't needed.

I told her that modern IQ tests removed language requirements. It's just pattern recognition, sequences and deduction.

Maby next time you try to red pill people try planting the seed in their mind and let them stumble upon the facts them self all you have to do is think of a way to set things up and let the dominos fall.

Most people that are stupid like your aunt don't have the cognative ability to entertain the possibility of an idea they don't agree with and they're usually very stubborn as I'm sure you found out. The only way to deal with unreasonable and stupid people is to let them think they worked things out on their own and let them think it was their idea all you have to do is gently guide on the right path without them realizing it.

Easier said than done f.a.m. got any pointers/reading material to give me an idea ?

That's rough senpai.

I'm not sure at the moment exactly what to suggest and yes it's certainly not easy but eventually the idea will come to you if you put your mind too it. The first thing you need to do is think of exactly what you want someone to understand and then you can begin brainstorming ideas of how to subtly get the message across. Sometimes the ideas will just come out of nowhere when your no even thinking about it , when there is no mind ideas will come.


Also now that you've already confronted your aunt head on about the issue it might be too late for her but it may work on other people just be more tactile next time.

Don't try and teach a pig to fly.

It can't be done, the pig will squeal the entire time, and when you're done it will bite you in the ass.

Never lay pearls before swine, brother.

I had a similar (though not as severe) experience with my dad during the primaries. He was going on and on about how Trump wasn't christian for wanting to ban people based on religion. I brought up that the sand niggers are commanded to make the non believers afraid, to attack them, that it is ok for them to lie about there motives, that many if not most want sharia law everywhere and even the ones who don't wont speak out against those who do. That they are a fundamental threat to our culture, that the Saudis exterminated all the Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and Bhudists living in there country. That all the middle east used to be native relioges, Christian or Jewish untill Muhammad (shit be upon his name) came along and commanded his followers to kill everyone who would not convert.

Any how he did not agree with me when we parted. but after Trump got the nomination he cc'd me an email where he used many of my talking points in defending Trump from some cucks. Felt good man. You never know the impact you will have.


My grandma daughter of Germans who came to Argentina after the war was a hardcore nazi as well... Sometimes I wonder who really were these "Germans"

>Don't try and teach a pig to fly.
>It can't be done, the pig will squeal the entire time, and when you're done it will bite you in the ass.

Hahahahaha that was brilliant.

my family isnt all fucked up and interbred

we have no problem with race realism

absolutely glorious user.

how big is your dick?


what are you gay?

>Burger imitating his (((masters))
Why I'm not surprised

Looking at traps ISN'T gay if he has a feminine penis.

Fuck you

How big is your nose? Im onto you.