So at what point do you Christ fags want to admit you worship a sand nigger?

So at what point do you Christ fags want to admit you worship a sand nigger?

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fake news

The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon

They literally worship the Jew god.

Christfags are truly the most bluepilled of all cucks.

The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.


Dont worry mate you are loved :3

At what point will you morons realize that Islam is to Christianity what a sword is to a lump of unprocessed metal ore?

It doesn't what Jesus looked like, and frankly, you're going to hell for speaking about it.

What? Impenetrable?

Around the same time they'll admit Christianity is a Jewish invention

Never, because they live in Q U I T E L I T E R A L L Y fantasy land

Ok Achmed, don't you have an Elementary school to go shoot up or something?

Islam is a joke and your people are desert barbarians who got lucky stumbling onto oil reserves.

christains are cucks but are not bad as the jews and the muslims

The psychedelich mushroom that is Christ does not approve this. Pic related.

My god this fucker. Your pedo nation is a disgrace. Your prophet fell hard for the Jew, and also for the Nestorian Christians (that's not nearly as bad, but stop pretending your meteorite-worshipping cult has a fucking ounce of originality or credibility, for that matter).

Fake Jesus is probably accurate famalam


His ethnicity was irrelevant. His words changed my life.

Exactly. If they wouldn't have existed at all, paganism would have developed nicely, most countries would be conservative, etc. I mean, just look at Americuck Christians that are literally 99% liberal, even atheists are more conservative than Christfags


I don't think Jesus would car if he was represented by either image. This is a huge liberal lie though. There are tons of fair skinned ethnicities in the middle east. Both ashkenazi and sephardic jews are closer to the middle east that Europe genetically and they are palers than many Europeans. The alawites are very pale and European looking. Some turks are very pale and European looking. There are ethnicities like Persians who are a very light brown, much lighter than who we call Arabs, and have European facial features. The idea that Jesus was definitely dark brown and had a wide nose and other Arab features is absurd. He might have. He might have looked like the guy on the left two. This is liberals lying. It is blatant lying.

But, Jesus Christ was white.

There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings. I am not aware of any Christian suicide bombers. I am not aware of any major Christian denomination that believes the penalty for apostasy is death. I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse. ~ Dawkins

Demons and evil people are revolted by the name Jesus Christ. Good enough for me.

Uh, never
>muh baganism
Look bro, paganism had over 1,000 years to advance, it didn't even come close.
Christianity caused Europe to skyrocket in terms of advancement.
500 years from a backwater to a civilization
500 more and Europe ruled the world

Islam has a purpose. Christianity is idle. Islam is active; Christianity is passive

Firstly, weren't school shootings the American thing to do? Secondly we generally delegate terrorism to Levantines

You are conflating the modern bedouin Wahhabi paradigm with a far-reaching religion; this will change. Islamic scholars also made early theories on gravity, made algebra, bought Chinese papermaking to Europe, first theorised relativity.

You are Mexican.

I worship a frog

Why do you call me sand nigger and not civilization builder?

>Islam has a purpose. Christianity is idle
Those aren't mutually exclusive terms Mohammad.

Shut you face abeed. In Iraq my family killed filthy Muslims like you. You try raping our women and we kill your entire town.

Jesus was aryan.

This letter was sent from Pilate to Tiberius Caesar. It's authenticity has been verified and it is currently stored in the Congressional Library in Washington, D.C.

>One day I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between Him and those who were listening to Him. His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions! Unwilling to interrupt Him by my presence, I continued my walk but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. Later, my secretary reported that never had he seen in the works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the teachings of Jesus.

Don't let any kike turn you away from Christ.

>implying you have any choice to think otherwise without your government labeling you a terrorist

>Likens Islam to a sword
>Says it has purpose

So you admit that Islam is violent

Yes they are. Islamic men have much greater power than Christian men. Particularly American protestant men who do nothing but eat donuts and fuck Korean women all day.

The Abbasid caliphate controlled Iraq. Also if you're so proud to be Iraqi, why are you in Canada?
You make no sense moron

>Saudi education

Fuck all muslims die die die

>"God cannot change his appearance because I say so" - t. heretical faggot

Nice thread you got here.

All religions at their height or even at their ACTIVITY are violent. Mussolini even said "war is to men what maternity is to women". There is nothing wrong with violence; it is the greatest and most historically attested method of expansion.

Really? Ad hominem?

Most evident of all evidences my argument is correct you desert goatfucker. I would point out all of the inconsistencies of your improvised religion (remember the Satanic verses?) you camels regurgitate like cows for hours on your metorite-worshipping shrines. But I'll just point out this: one of your holiest spots (Dome of the Rock) is right above (((their))) holiest of holies, you semite.


europe would be africa with whites if it weren't for christianization

Muhammed raped goats, jesus cured the blind.

Mohammed raped kids, jesus made wine out of water.

Mohammed was a desert raider like the sand people on tatooine, jesus taught people to fish.

Muhammed said to kill gays, jesus didnt.

Islam is literally a 12 century plague on modern people because moslems have the average IQ of a 8 year old european or American.

I fail to see the argument. Every caliphate that's existed has controlled Iraq; the Assyrians maximum extent of territory was marginal

Your little stone age ancestors did nothing of worth. Again, answer my question, if you are so proud of your heritage, WHY are you in Canada?

>You make no sense moron
It's considered a terrorist act to be an atheist in your country.

Islam is weak like jeb bush. If someone blows up your rubix cube tomorrow it would be the end of Islam. I don't hate Arabs I hate Muslims.

Ah "Islam" the Jews greatest weapon against the arabic peoples.

jesus was a jew you fat cunt

Zion does not have a greater to use against the arabs.

Jesus was born in Nazareth.

The whole point of the Christ is for God to sully himself with human form as an act of love. It wouldn't be very humbling to be anything other than a sand nigger, obviously.

>Jesus was aryan

Christ, you faggots are no different from Nation of Islam.

Because the British gave a dirty Saudi the right to Assyrian land after my grandfather fought to take it from the Ottomans.

Yeah but the jews of today are not the jews of that day. They are pretenders. That's the point.

ask yourselves did it take 9 months for Jesus to be born?

So much heresy. Praise be to Kek.

The Ka'ba is a symbol you bellend. It was destroyed many times before, and yet Islam expanded and expanded whilst your women were nothing but fuck toys to jews and slaves lmao



you're all worshipping the god of jews and such a slave to the jews.

Paki dot detected
Go build your Saudi frienda towers while he beats you

get excized

Bethlehem raised in nazareth.

Glad you are paying attention.

Shit I came here to see if there are any news about Allepo or smth, but you guys really like to troll instead of debate each other.
Anyways, Christianity was founded by a sandnigger jew from jewish family, deal with it, he was Jew his whole life. On the other hand we have Islam, and sure we can same fucking shit again we will take Christianity and Judaism and we will change the rules and who doesent say he is with us, he is against us. And all the characters from bible are there Moses, Maria, Joseph, Jesus and this bossy guy named Allah, whose name in Arabic no matter spoken by Christians Muslims or pagans means God. The only difference is the Jesus is not a son of God but just another prophet. In the Bible there is a reference for tlone more prophet whose name will be Mohammed. So if you are right, which you are not, and there is a god its one for all three religions.

Just one more question, and I got in my whole life only one legit answer: if jesus is son of god, which implies he is either a god or half-god, how is christianity still monotheistic religion?

Which brings me to the entire point I am making.,35.3870637,8z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x1502d865aec80d67:0xf5c4213de4baf1f8!8m2!3d31.7053821!4d35.2024425

>Israel cannot take Bethlehem because it is protected by super natural forces.

>jews are slaves to jews
Rely megs me ding

Warriors and all men who have achieved anything are like Mohammed, not the oh so altruistic Jesus.

I'd rather that than be like the U.S; whites are institutionally discriminated against in your country.

The Kaaba has been destroyed many times.

Caliphates before that conquered "Assyria' multiple times.

>In charge of rewriting history based on geographically-incorrect bias
I bet you think all of ancient Egypt was a bunch of niggers too, right?

Jesus is Jesus, doesn't really matter what he looked like

Comepletely false. There is no such letter in the library of congress. And even if it did, you you honestly believe that we would have it, and not the vatican?

We worship God. The phenotype of the mortal form he sent to us is not terribly relevant to anything. It also could have been anything. Why would you assume that a half-God child would look like an Arab or a Semite? Christ could have had blonde hair and blue eyes. We do not know because nowhere is he described physically.

The follow the implication that God, Jesus, and the holy story are one and he same. Like a shared entity.

Islam is christianity's eastern twin, only ten times worse. Get redpilled


> real jesus
You know that there isn't really any evidence that Jesus ever existed. The only source claiming he does is the bible, but that thing is so full of contradictions and bullshit that it isn't super reliable.

Kaaba was destroyed during a time without internet/communication. I bet 25% of Islam would vanish over night.

Anyways I don't know why I'm talking to a nigger. Yes, Saudi's are niggers. Some of the ugliest Arabs i've ever seen. Have fun getting BTFO by Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen. They have you circled now.

russia helped assad win, a bunch of people died, and the rebels have surrendered. It is now assad vs ISIS
for your religous question
until the council of nicaea this was the most praticed form of christianity.

would you change your mind if he was a nigger?

>Implying that Wahhabism is somehow a wrong interpretation of islam

>The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by historical context contained in the surrounding text (although many Muslims choose to think of them that way). They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Quran.

say what you want about Levantines but they are very attractive people.

We all go to heaven then find out he was Half Jewish Half Palestinian.

>Warriors and all men who have achieved anything are like Mohammed, not the oh so altruistic Jesus.

>Jesus achieved nothing
>Largest religion on the planet

Proof Love triumphs over Hate.

actually christians voting overwhelmingly with trump and that includes all the hispanics and niggers who weighed down the total. atheists didn't even come close.

It bugs me that Jesus is portrayed as a fag with long hair.

The Bible clearly states that Jesus looked like an ordinary man in that time, and ordinary men in that time did NOT have long hair.

Jesus was a Mexican.

Prove me wrong.

Protip: you fucking can't.

Thanks for the link, havent heard about this yet.

You're lecturing us on swords?

when Asians become a majority in australia

"Of course, we don't have any actual remains of Jesus, so we just made a sculpture of an average sand nigger. Enjoy, goys!"

based saudi telling it like it is, this is the one red-pill Sup Forums refuses to swallow

The jew mind control has seeped deep into their brains, even if they know he's manipulating them, they still can't gather the strength to fight.

A Jew*

Not like being a conservative is a good thing. Take a look at history and them come back.

>So at what point do you Christ fags want to admit you worship a sand nigger?

Jesus Before Pilate
…35“Am I a Jew?” Pilate replied. “Your own people and chief priests handed You over to me. What have You done?” 36Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world; if it were, My servants would fight to prevent My arrest by the Jews. But now, My kingdom is not of this realm.” 37“Then You are a king?” Pilate said. “You say that I am a king,” Jesus answered. “For this reason I was born and have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to My voice.”…

He probably didn't exist.

The gospels are not rooted in historicity, and the epistles are all copies of Paul (whose own epistles contain forgeries).

But for the sake of argument, the character of Jesus was of Jewish descent.

Jewish people do not look like that!

jesus was a jew and died a jew, he was trying to reform judiaism which was becoming corrupt among the elites in ancient israel... most likely he was a brown skinned person... paul was the one who came up with the idea of the trinity etc. he's really the founder of christianity, he never even met jesus. in fact, the disciples of jesus didnt like him either, and thought he was spreading misinformation about jesus...

but as far as christianity itself being a system of control, its pretty good. it gives man free will to do as they please, for better or for worse. if you remember the devil came to jesus and tempted him with power, the people in a small village were hungry- the devil told jesus if he would turn this stone into bread he could control man, since he was the son of god an a supreme being- but jesus didnt want to control man... the thought is that man is inherently good and that those lost souls will always come back to christ for redemption. or the sheep will return to their shepherd....

the problem with secularism is that its in constant flux, its rules and laws are arbitrary and can be amended. whenever you have religion as a frame work for society, its rules are eternalized by its followers. i think religion is more compatible with the human condition, rather than pure secularism. the secularists believed that the natural evolution of man would eventually eradicate religion from government, and this would be the ideal government in the future. what if it is the opposite? what if the religious state is the most ideal government for human beings?

>30 BC

A lot of the 'miracles' in the Bible look like theatrical trickery.

Jesus was the first crisis actor