What is Sup Forums's stance on eugenics?

What is Sup Forums's stance on eugenics?

I personally think we should just stop the retards from breeding...

The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.

The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.

This is how the world ends,
This is how the world ends,
This is how the world ends,
Not with a smurf but with an electrocardiogram.

I would be far too afraid that centrally planned evolution would fall prey to the same faults as centrally planned economies. The better way is having a meritocracy and no dysgenic policies like welfare or affirmative action.

You are not the first person to have thought of it.

But it obviously is a lot more complicated than that, you know, human rights and shit.

Where do you draw the line? Imagine if an SJW were in power and decided to do the same, labeling us 'retards' because we believe 'fake news'.

>I personally think we should just stop the retards from breeding...

Why stop there?

What about forced IVF? Thats Eugenics of sorts.

Think about all the monies that would be saved from the healthcare budget when the number of retards goes down drastically, then also the number of cancer patients too (because through IVF they pick the strongest sperm and egg, so less likely to carry it on if I'm not mistaken)

You could just have like some kind of register like old people do to get their license.

I guess we could go all out....have you got the showers ready?

No need for that, just legalize it and everyone'll start using it within a few generations.

Sure, the naturalborn will miss out but that's just tough shit.

>mfw your wife chokes on my big downy dick while you slave away for Mr. Shekelberg

Nah the register is to try and "draw the line"

You wish buddy.

Shut up nazi

What do you mean by "retards", do you mean mentally retarded or just people that you don't like?

It's already happening. It's why we have Nu-males and obsolete traditional males are dying out. It's natural selection,either become a numale to compete and get a mate or your genes die out.

Genes certainly exist, but one of the things the nazis slammed the door hard on was eugenics.
It's too taboo to even talk about now, so we will continue the downward slide to idiocracy.

Down syndrome
Severe cases of epilepsy

Pretty much if you're going to be a vegetable for your whole life.

People with downs syndrome don't usually cause any harm to society, and neither do epileptics. It's people with hateful intentions like you who do the most harm, so would you go along with weeded out too? It would be a win win, you wouldn't have to worry about anything and the world wouldn't have to worry about you.

kek, as if nu-males are actually procreating. they're all too busy raising their wife's son. a more realistic scenario is that due to the end of marriage norms a few of the smartest and tallest guys will be pumping and dumping a large amount of random women, leading to lots of babies with good genes, high intelligence but a poor nurturing environment with no father figure, essentially leading to an explosion of imageboard users (assburgers).

Calm down mate.

He meant from the point that the state could save a lot of money if it had eugenics because there would be less strain on the health system. Not that they were harmful.

These people ARE a burden to the state. That is a irrefutable fact. And if we bred them out we would be better off. You also have to think of that child's quality of life. It's not going to be a very good one stuck in a wheelchair all day just processing shit all.

rather than handpicking who should marry and whatnot, best to just incentivize those who naturally rise in society to bear children
right now we're subsidizing the scum and paying them even more for every kid they shit out

The only money the state has it what it gets from the taxpayers, some of whom have loved family members with all sorts of illnesses. The state should not be in the health care business anyway, and for most of history it has not been. Once you start allowing things like eugenics you will be opening the door for more and more authoritarian forms of social control, none of which will be pleasant.

I see your point.

Through eugenics you could effectively cure things like epilepsy and down syndrome, aspergers, autism and all those.

AND put the left over money into cures for other diseases such as cancers and aids.

Eugenics is the future, and apparently also our past.
It's not a new concept.
Even the jews have been practicing it, and till recently were advocates for it.

>I personally think we should just stop the retards from breeding...

We'll start with this board.

there would most likely be a speciation of the human species, seperating us multiple species.
This would most likely also happen on it's own since like tends to seek like

Just pay people to not reproduce.

Like seriously.

On average, IQ is dropping. This is mostly due to the fact that stupid people have more children, and have them earlier. But smarter people tend to seek out other smart people to breed with thus creatind a divide.
The "scientists" that claim the future is homogenously brown know nothing about evoultion or population dynamics.
The far more likely scenario, even without tampering, would be a speciation scenario.
i see no problem with speeding up this tendency.

>Eugenics is the future

What is genetic engineering

GAS THE TARDS IQ (among others) TESTS NAO!!!

we should've been creating strong, beautiful humans for decades now
its much too late to start a(nother) large project in this time with many, many children being malnourished, inheriting disease then going to be fed with over-processed trash, and dumped in daycares or in the absence of a (male and female) 2-parent environment
every proposed parent should read up like mad to prepare and try to produce quality children as best as they can