One Nation now the third most popular party in - wait for it - Victoria (9.4% primary vote)...

One Nation now the third most popular party in - wait for it - Victoria (9.4% primary vote). All major (((news outlets))) conveniently forget to report this.

Is Pauline, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?

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I know a lot of black fellas who voted for her cause the are sick of Indians and Muslims

>black fellas
>offended by Indians
They have an annoying accent and they smell, but they actually do something to contribute to society unlike Muslims who destroy post codes and blow shit up.

>our girl
No, she's a dickhead with a martyr complex. She's vocal, but inarticulate. She's passionate, but ignorant about many a matters.

Wait, that's a bit like poltards already.

What precisely do Indians contribute to society?

Who is a better alternative right now?

Flavour of the month desu. She was all the rage in the 90's when everyone was concerned about Asians. As soon as Isis becomes irrelevant and Islamist factions are heavily weakened one nation will fade into irrelevance again. So don't get too excited.

Work, not exploit the dole, aim to study and become highly skilled workers. Still, cheap as fuck.

There is no better alternative. One nation are just useful idiots right now. I agree with their intent. Not their logic. I think many people feel the same way.

You'll know a better alternate will come up when they succeed in convincing people against marxists without being as dumb as ON.

Probably statistically do better in this country than whites do desu. We bring in skilled migrants from India and China so they do well here. Unlike lebs Iraqis and afghans who were refugees and typically the poorest and least educated out of their own countries.

>mfw every fucking person around me always wants 'muh HSP' whenever we're in the city
FUcking melbourne, get this sandnigger food out of here

A what?

I like one nation for their zero net immigration stance but other than that they're pants on the head retarded and shouldn't be allowed near a speaker phone. But that's what you can expect from a party that's led by a fish and chips lady

They're god tier
Halal Snack Pack

Working alone isn't really a meaningful contribution, at least not enough to justify bringing them in in the sheer fucking quantities we do

Quality vs quantity user. Nobody is saying we need large amounts of immigrants. Just limited and skilled workers.

they are overrated
maybe good value, but still overrated

>Just limited and skilled workers.

This would be palatable, but it's not the case.

We take in 200,000 poo-in-loos and chinks every year to do menial tasks and soak up taxes

>Nobody is saying we need large amounts of immigrants
All major parties say this

>primary vote
Not going to mean much after preferences.

It will make a difference in the upper house

QLD and WA state elections aren't far away, I think ON is going to do very well

>Trump is just a flavour of the month he will be irrelevant after Clinton wins in a landslide

Migrants from India and China do nothing except exploit loopholes in thd law so as to make a quick buck and send it back to their relatives in their home, they're parasites.

>200,000 each year
Is this true? Source?

Look it up yourself mate

They're replacing white Australians 1% per year

"Currently the planning figure for the Migration Program is 190,000 places (it has remained at this record high level since 2012–13), with skilled migrants comprising the majority."

That's 200,000 permanent residents every year.

In addition to that: 300,000 temporary student visas, 100,000 457 visas and about 15,000 refugees.

I guess it's finally time to get a gun


Even if they were all skilled, Chinese and Indians could easily fill every strata of the job market.
Doctors, bricklayers, managers, you name it, India and China probably have more of any of those than the entire Australian population.
Just because someone is skilled enough to come to Australia to work doesn't mean they should. Jobs in Australia should largely be for Australians.
There might be a Poo or a Chink that can do the job better for cheaper but it's not worth it, because if we put our own people out of work we will gradually destroy our job market for anyone that isn't a Poo or a Chink.
Our lawmakers are in the middle of doing that and our culture is getting flushed down the toilet along with the job market.

they make my pizzas :^)


After reading the statistics here and seeing elsewhere that half of those immigrating live in either Sydney or Melbourne it's easy to realise how much damage they have done, and will continue to do to our two best cities. Which of course will flow on to the rest of the country.

Victoria is a commie hell hole, surprised if one nation can make genuine inroads

With their shit covered hands

They take whitey's jobs for half the price.
t. programmer

there are billions of chinks and poos.
there are only a couple dozen million Aussies.
they will wipe us out if we let them in just because they might offer some small advantage over Australian workers.
It's not fair to our heritage, culture, or people to let foreigners take our jobs.

There are only a few Aussies in the lab that I work at, it's kind of depressing.
Sure the foreigners do a good job, but it could have been Australians working in their positions.
I don't want to see Australia go the way of the US and get enriched to shit, multiculturalism is such a fuckin scam.

All we need is an environmental party that doesn't present their puckered arsehole to shitskins

I'm all for multikulti...if they're white :^)

>thw you'll never force your cock up her ass and stir last nights sprinkle bread

Is this why all the cunts over at triple vey are jumping ship?

i reckon pauline makes fairy bread like a madcunt

>having pizza made by indians
>not actual italians
Enjoy having 10 years of built up shit from Singh's hand on your insult of a pizza

What's with all these women behind right wing parties
This has to be some sort of infiltration

>tfw you have an aversion to sprinkles because when you were a kid your back teeth grew with holes in them from medication you took as a toddler and whenever you ate sprinkles they'd get stuck in the holes causing immense pain

I'm wondering this too; why is it that a good amount of far right parties are led by women? Something smells fishy, and this time it's not just their cunts.

As long as she is pro monarchy and anti mass immigration she has my vote.

t. Aussie in londonistan

Can't you drop the immigrants and refugees in the middle of the desert or northern Australia and tell them to settle there and build stuff?

Pauline used to run a fish n chip shop so that might explain it.

He walked right into that one.