Brown Eye Experiment

Is this how non-whites are treated in the USA on a daily basis?

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>non-whites are treated in the USA on a daily basis?


You tell us Ahmed.

yes i am brown, now apologize!!1

Oh it's (((her)))

haha sucks to be you, coon

You have to go back.

Maybe, I haven't ever seen it irl. In fact the opposite is more likely to be seen. People going out of their way to placate people of color, then again I live in CA. There are more brown people in my area than white and as a white male I feel more like an outsider. Thanks liberals for all the diversity.

>Is this how non-whites are treated in the USA on a daily basis?

No. It used to be. Now it's pretty much the opposite.

This thing made me laugh though:

>Another program evaluation in 2003, conducted by Tracie Stewart at the University of Georgia, showed that white students got significantly more positive attitudes toward Asian-American and Latino individuals, but only marginally more positive attitudes toward African-American individuals.

gee i wonder why

I love how she says she is going to have a bad migraine because she has to be a meanie to white people for the sake of the experiment but she seems to have the time of her life making these evil white girls cry

Why do they cry? It's a fucking exercise, they should not take it personally.

you expect me to watch all that?

no just apologize ebil whitey

Tell me more about it, you goatfucker

bump. please tell me she's not jewish

Oh shit it's that fucking cultist jane something again.

maps are racist btw folks

fuck holy shit im triggered

>If you're white you're racist
>If you try to dispute this I'm going to claim you're angry and that's proof that you're racist
>Biased audience claps after every personal attack

Chilling, isn't it?

I googleled her any nothing about her ancestry

is she jewish? she seems so jewish to me

racebaiting false facts shuting nasty jew

She's using Jewish debate tactics so I would assume she is.

>Picking apart replies for more smaller meaningless victories
>Fallacies, specifically ad hominem attacks
>Incites emotions with said fallacies
>Uses those emotions to either make the audience believe her false arguments are true , upset the opponent, or make the audience empathize with her more
>Claims she "practices what she preaches" by calling herself racist when she's just using it for her own agenda
>Identity politics
>Brings up several claims but tries to assert that the burden is on you to disprove them

I think it's immensely valuable to watch these kind of people to understand their tactics and formulate ship sinking counters against them

and just for the fact to not get triggered by them because that's what they want emotional response for the prey

What's the point even whatever you say she's gonna reply u mad and everybody will clap because they get it and they're not racist.
It's like trying to argue with a child.

Tbh I see nothing inherently Jewish there, it's just disingenuous megalomaniacal eristic dialectic.

that's what's it about!
>nd everybody will clap

so what do you have to do to get the same reaction for the crowd?
bring up facts and statistics?
nope, you wont get a crowd to respond to that

you have to put yourself on the moral highground with similar tactics they use, shine light on certain agendas (((they))) push und undermine them by taking their words and twisting it shwing how sick they are

to beat the jew you have to become the jew, look at debating tactis from Anthony CP Weiner for example


Basically why white people voted for trump. They didn't want to lose power

So this woman lost her hero martin luther king because some white dude shot him. over night she goes 1488 and spends the rest of her life hating on blue eyed people as a carrier.

its also shocking how many likes these videos have.

>they didn't want to become second class citizens with blamed for eveything in their own country
fixed that for you champ

>they didn't want to become second class citizens with blamed for eveything in their own country
Just like how they treat minorities in their country.

If only.

Truth hurts

I wish.

ever looked at crime stats and avarage IQ

yes and what i get from those statistics is that we need to stop asian supremacy

no we dont. we should let them imigrate though rather than what is coming to europe now!

no asians do better in IQ tests which tells me they are oppressing other races so we need to fight asian supremacists

This "experiment" again.

I love how she gets so much praise for such an unscientific exercise, because 'muh agenda'

reading the youtube comments is almost as bad as her

It has more to do with power over people and little if anything with physical appearance.
See. Stanford prison experiment

We should start a campaign and act as a bunch of butthurt nonwhites. Referring to our eye colours, we could say 'we are the 98%' to 'show solidarity' with other nonwhites

In reality it'd just push whites closer together by
>reminding them how few whites there are
>stoking the existing racial conflict against whites even more

That's pretty much just blacks, and there's a reason for that.

>we all wanna walk out, we all wanna get away from a problem, but we can't
What about moving to Africa or other black country?