Is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion for real?

Is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion for real?

Look around you


first instance of Russians hacking; they had dirt on the Catholics too but never released it basically handing the 20th century to Jews

No but Sup Forums believes it.

No goyim. Go to work. You don't want to upset Mr. Goldstein.


who cares. maybe the docs were fakes, but the reality is the same. It'd be like writing "Niggers are Dumb and Violent by T. Nigger" and some libtard screetching that it's not a real document.

iz bantz


If the Jews say it's fake, it's real.
If they say it's real, it's fake.

woah i just put together how long the eternal rooski has been up to his manipulative tricks and lying ways.

what of the jew was actually the rooski the whole TIME?!?!

Hitler was adamant that it was real. Even when they kept claiming it was fake, he just said that was even more proof that it was real.

Make of that what you will.

For a document that (((they))) say is fake it sure does perfectly describe the behavior of jews.

Its like if there was a 13th century manuscript perfectly describing plate tectonics was found but somehow called "fake" even though it described volcanos and earthquakes long before anyone else.

I guess you could call it the kikes first branding of something dead on the money as "fake news" to have the goyim reject it.

Kinda like how they label mein kampf as "anti-semitic ramblings of a meth head lunatic" even though it is a good primary source for pre-ww1/weimar Germany, part autobiography and political philosophy book of national socialism


What if they say it's real, just so we assume it's fake?

Does it even matter? Everything in it is entry-level af anyway

Probably not. It is plagiarized from an earlier work (Dialogue of Machiavelli and Montesqiue in Hell) so it's likely not actually Zionist guidebook, unless they read the work and shamelessly stole entire sentences (considering Jews, a possibility). The important thing is that it perfectly describes the methods and strategies of Jewish interests throughout the 20th century and up to now, and shortly after it was supposedly printed, global Jewish strategy changed.

This. Literally been debunked by everybody with even half a brain. I bet Sup Forums would even believe in the Donatio Constantini if it fit the agenda.

It was debunked by one person who was Jewish.

Stay bluepilled

Schlomo, I've got some Jewish friends who i'd rather not see get killed, why do you guys always have to give us a reason? It started with communisum and now it's this cultural marxist shit, I know not all of you are like this, and I know it's your fucking (((intellectuals))) that are the primary source, but seriously this synagogue of satan shit is starting to look real to me.

It doesn't matter if it's fake or not. The question is, does it describe what is actually happening?

No. Read "Behold A Pale Horse". Substitute "Illuminati" instead of "Jews" and use "cattle" instead of "goyim"

trust me it's a fraud

It does matter a great deal if it is a fake or not, even if it would even remotely describe what is happening. Or are you seriously living in this "fact-free world" the leftist media is constantly warning its audience about when talking about the alt-right? I was hoping that was a meme