So I've decided to move to Canada. Can any leaves here give me advice on where I should move to? I like snowy and cold weather, where it's comfy. I can't speak french so no french-speaking places. Also, my grandmother is canadian. Will that help me in my quest for permanent stay?

>inb4 fuck off we're full

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off we don't need any more muslims


Gas yourself Somali OP.

Fuck off Mohammed stay in your caliphate country cunt.

Muskoka is god's country

>not an argument lads

>Gods country

More like Allah's country

Not trying to argue, just trying to keep the rapists out

>invites chink real estate owners to buy up the entire city
>invites syrian refugees in masses
>can't invite a white swede with canadian blood

And this is why you'll lose

>Ontario: more 1million km^2
>GTA: 7000km^2

We have cancer, but it's well contained.

Fuck off we're full


Fuck Swedes and fuck Sweden.

Gas yourself Ahmed, don't come here. We already have asians as cucks.

Nunavut is nice this time of year.

>moving from a frozen multicultural utopia to another frozen multicultural utopia


Ah yes so live in a frozen tundra wasteland or in a multicultural hell hole.

Surely you should be happy with this arrangement.

If you're white, then I would suggest moving to Saskatchewan or Alberta. Those are the best places for a nice regional culture, friendly communities, and comfy weather. Also beautiful landscape.

If you're a shitskin moslem fuck off we're full

Fuck off Mohamed we're full

Fix you're country first cuck

Canada is fucking trash, full of moose fuckers and white folk

Why don't you go a little further south into Detroit?

Are you white? If so, you should come to the US, not Canada. What happened to Sweden is about to happen to their dumbasses.

>inviting more Scandicucks here

Please stop


Fuck off they're full

Fuck off they're full

Montreal is the best city.

Canada is almost as faggy as Sweden ( a lot of Swedes settled there) you'll fit right in

No fuck off we are full.
But don't move to the maritimes or the west.
Toronto is where you should move muzzie

fuck off we're full

>Comfy weather
pick 1

>t. shitskin

you need to go back, mohammad

no you're just retarded if you think Alberta has nice weather. I've lived in Calgary. Forest Lawns.

Heres a good watch for you.

But dont you fucking dare come back once the rest of us are done cleaning up here.

I said comfy weather, not pussy (nice) weather


Yeah m8 come to Edmonton.

As long as you're white.

translation from leaflang: fuck off we're full

That's just cruel. Sven will think the natives are human and be taken advantage of...maybe even hurt

fuck off we're full

Stay in Sweden, our women are fucking disgusting