Liberal Sweden clashing with religious refugees

US embassy telling Americans to avoid crowded places when in Sweden

Sweden is "Rape Capital of the West"

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You mean Sweden no!
It sounds like the goy are waking up, stop this you evil racist

''Sweden is rape Capital of the West''

Actually it's worst,there are more rapes in Sweden then even most African countries per capita.Sweden is at level of fucking South Africa where Niggers are dominating today.

>What is sarcasm

Can I go to Sweden and fiki fiki and wont get in trouble?

You used sarcasm on a meme that is literally based on sarcasm
Kill yourself

R u black?

Yes, as long as you say "I'm underage" when you're caught and have enough melanin in your skin.


Share more DIVERSITY and TOLERANCE stories pls

Then you can't lol

Is it even safe to visit Sweden now days? Will you get killed in some Sharia law part of Stockholm?

Oh it hurts even looking at it....

Please send "breadbaskets to sweden

Tbh we are probably on the same level as germany abit worse but our defenition of rape is different. This is dangerous because liberals might say that increased rape is only because of that and willingness to report.

Tell us more stories Swedebro

Post original cucks and stuff


Fuck off you shill

Don't really have any stories desu. I live in the only 100% white neighbourhood in my City. Or there is one Iranian doctor who lives here. But if you walk downtown day time you'll be a minority. Lots of cars burning in the outskirsts of town and plenty of rape and robbery/stabbings ocationaly a murder.

I don't think we have so much more of the robberies then "unbalanced" 1st world countries like america, it's just the way crime is carried out here and the fact that most our crime before was MC gangs vs MC gangs and drunken stuff.

Editing text without proof reading makes almost unreadable, sorry cunt.

It's ok. Thanks for the info. Any possibility of the trend reversing ?

Is Horowitz checking to see how his people ruined Sweden..

Non-Swedes would still be the only growing group if the borders are closed. That being said it would slow the process down alot. It might even be better if the socialdemocrats win because that would trun people more radical and the only "real solutions" are radical like war.

If SD wins I'm afraid that people will be statisfied and feel like they done everything that can be done, a false sense of completion. The problem that Swedes are becoming fewer and Non-Swedes greater needs to be adressed.

I think this video officially redpilled my girlfriend. How long until she's a fascist?

Based accordion guy at 7:00 also performs near the subway where I live. Ill drop him a twenty next time I see him for all his troubles


I glad that my country could be of service :^)

Damn a slightly redpilled GF is great desu you are doing better then most.

Unfortunately it's the example of what NOT to do. Where is Latsbrah when you need him.

You shouldn't redpill your GF?

lol, police wont go there.

are those terrorists he was filming, is that why they were so mad he was filming?

so you are a minority now in your own country is what you are saying?

hahahhaha the police say the rapefugee towns are their own countries. they police chasing people stop the chase once they reach the islamic towns

all the swedes saying immigrants arent the problem have purple hair. is this coincidence?

Not currently just outdoors during working hours. But in the near future I will be.

dude i just watched the whole video and i feel terrible for you. i feel worse that you are being betrayed by your own purple haired country cucks. you guys are so fucked

Those Swedish cops were afraid to admit that their government is covering up the actual crime statistics, namely their all fucking muslims.

Also it's cute that if they are in a car chase, and the suspects reach the no-go zone, they are free to go! Fucking lovely.


>tfw people outside Sweden is more concerned with his future.
The global awareness is great because it'll hit people who aren't indocternated in the Swedish cuck ways. Once there is really big real coverage of Sweden noone will be able to deny. This report for Fox will probably be first of the really big international reports on Sweden.

Get this through your cucked head.

There will NEVER be coverage.

i hope so, for your sake

What do you predict for the future of Sweden?

islamic republic, with small enclaves of white swedish vilages in the countryside here and there.

It was fox news, but I wonder if it ever actually aired on tv.

Can I wear blackface, go to Sweden, and rape a bunch of girls?

If I'm discovered, would I get more years for the rape or for the racism?

So will the U.S

Just say your a genderfluid transitioning male that was having a sudden sexual emergency. they'll understand

sounds like you just have to run into a muslim neighborhood and they cant touch you in there

Get a tan and don't shower for a week

We need you Pls Bring him back

Why not? There must be some pretty big conservativ media stations in the world. Sweden is the perfect example for their agenda.

At my workplace we have a lot of older men (mid 40), They have told me a lot of how sweden was in their time. Ive heard so many stories from them, it makes me want to cry and just abondon all hope. It feels like something beautiful has died here. People truly loved each and every one, trusted each other with their hearts and helped out as much as they could. If there ever was a paradise on earth, that was it. Everyone was wealth and had the most beautiful life. Now Sweden especially the bid cities, like Stockholm resemble any other bid europeean city.

How about you stop fucking crying and do something about it? You Swedes piss me the fuck off with that pity shit. Holy shit you sound like a fucking pussy.


You dont get it. You cant give away your soul and traditions to kill muslims, and then expect it to have it all back afterwards. Its not how we live. Once you go down that road, youre never coming back. look at yourself america, even now I wouldnt want to touch you with a 1000mile stick

>meanwhile in little Mogadishu

Just the average day.

yeah Milton Friedman said that the best society in history was sweden 60's.
Best shool in the world etc.

Why the fuck to the swedish guys in the video have more makeup than the girls?
They are literally cucks incarnate.

So I watched the Fox video and...Swedebros, please tell me you're not as brainwashed as pol says you are? I mean they only asked sjw dykes if there was a connection between the Muslim invasion and the rape epidemic. I mean the average Swede is not as cucked? Right?

>Women having loyalty to political ideology.

People are pretty pissed, the problem is reaching critical mass and people feel like they have too much at risk.

If shit does hit the fan, you can trust me that we have the facilities and logistics to disappear a million people in a month.

So Swedecucks you ceased your land, women, and culture so you wouldn't be called racist. Very Progressive from the Atheist Socialist people of Sweden

If you kill them they win. So...

But Nord Front is growing soon Sweden will be liberated

Russia literally has about 15x as many murders as Sweden per capita.

>Atheist Socialist people of Sweden

Keked, Sweden is über capitalist, even more than the U.S in some ways. I bet you're one of those dumb Americans that share articles about Obama being a secret lizard muslamic atheist socalist communist.

fuckin sweden

Even during the 2000's it was known to be a great nation. Back then, Sweden was often ranked to be the best country to live in the world by numerous surveys and magazines. It was safe. It was prosperous. It had great education system and social welfare. People there were happy. The only thing they complained about was the high rate of taxes.

Nordfront is a news site. The organization is called The Nordic Resistance Movement.

It's not fucking rocket science

Yeah helping is good , but trying to help a rabid dog that is medically beyond help as the rabies is set it and attacking it's nervous system, trying to help it and keep it alive is just endangering you.

Because one moment without you noticing that dog will bite you , attack you and you'll just get rabies and spread the disese because you were too stupid to remove the dog to keep yourself and your family safe.

Helping a wounded enemy warrior , means one more enemy that can rape,kill,take.

It maybe a good thing to help , but most of the times doing good means bad.

There is a reason we have borders , there is a reason we have armies, there is a reason Men ruled. Because men protected their lands ,women and children from other men who would come to take,rape, kill and enslave.

Since men are no longer needed to protect and the trend in the last 60 years have been to give women rights who have no fucking clue about "protecting" , "security" meant more liberal crap that ruins economies , ruins security , ruins your way of life.

Keep up the good work Sweden.

Some times when you stroll downtown in Sweden you just wish for a nuclear winter

not completely unthinkable that they could get into parliament in 2020. voting for them is a risk though.... if they miss 4% that's 1000s of votes that could have gone to SD wasted

Living in Germany makes me wish for a nuclear winter.

Damn I fucking hate muslims and people from Stockholm

Im gonna snap soon

This video needs to be memed as hard as possible.

Seriously, spread this like wildfire. Nobody who sees this will be able to just shrug it off.

Sharing it on facebook senpai. Already had one girl telling me she is worried about the 'muslim invasion' her words.

Stop crying. Fight, goddammit.

>I bet you're one of those dumb Americans that share articles about Obama being a secret lizard muslamic atheist socalist communist.

It's not a secret.



Them interviews by by the end, my sides. Please Sweden, you've already shown us what it means to go full leftist, you don't have you sacrifice yourselves, turn back.

You better join up Sven.