Stop watching porn
Stop consuming dairy
Stop smoking weed
Stop watching porn
I'm literally going to do all 3 of those things when I get home from work.
Dairy comes from cows milk which is meant for baby calfs, not adult humans. It's also high in fat and not exactly rich in essential vitamins/minerals which can be found in healthier alternatives.
What's wrong with smoking weed?
It's degenerate.
Why do british people call their mom "mum", like what the fuck? You people can't even speak your own language anymore.
I agree....I guess I just expected some outrageous rationale.
>t. eternal lanklet
GOMAD or go home
is drinking?
Don't tell me my business devil woman!
1. no issue
2. ain't taking muh cheezes
3. no issue here
Can I eat weed and smoke dairy ?
>t. manlet
>lactose intolerant cucks
Stay mad. Other things are, in fact, degenerate.
Not an argument.
do you even GOMAD?
fucking manlets
>Missing out on all the great cheeses of the world
>Missing out on ice cream
>And milkshakes
>Being sober
Fuck off
is there reasons orrr??
im gonna blaze it an watch anime then fap to traps while chugging milk
>only white men can drink it. where do you think we get our complexion from?
Yeah but it doesn't lead to the psychological impediments smoking weed can cause.
Yeah it is.
>I would expect him not to hire politicians with deep connection to international finance
New ad campaign
trying to disguise your daily vegan thread wont work
Do you have any facts to back that up? I love weed and I believe to be better off than the people getting shitfaced and throwing up on the sidewalk.
I dont understand what height has to do with not drinking milk meant for baby calfs? I'm 6ft for the record.
According to you. It's just your opinion. Calling people degenerate is inherently a value judgement. Not a fact. Not even an argument.
Then fugg me and breastfeed me
>Not a fact. Not even an argument.
Fuck off Molymeme. Smoking weed is degenerate. Fact.
when will they learn
Is rape still ok?
Only six?
Already done
>Stop watching porn
I'm trying
>Stop consuming dairy
I've been keeping it to a minimum
>Stop smoking weed
I'm not saying I'm tall. But I'm not a manlet. But what does height have to do with abstaining from dairy?
>Stop consuming dairy
fuck off shitskin
>smokes weed, avoids dairy
im sorry your sanders vote didn't do anything
I'm just fucking with ya m8, no clue about the dairy. I'm guessing something to do with estrogen or something.
>not a manlet
According to you. It's not a fact. It's your opinion. Difference.
found the lactose intollerant paki.
>Stop consuming dairy
Spotted the nigger.
Ok so you're gonna do the futile "you can't PROVE that X is true, so therefore its just your opinion" routine then?
??? no
definitely not
It's quite telling that most of you gluttonous fat fucks have more of a problem with giving up your beloved cheese, ice cream and milkshakes more than anything else.
Nice little man of straw you got.
Do you really think I'm going to give this up?
1. I will never stop
2. I will never stop
3. Implying I can find weed when I have no friends.
Yuck! All that animal fat meant for baby calves with all those added growth hormones. The Dairy Jew isn't that hard to kick.
I don't do any of those things. Feels good.
kill yourself
because that's the way it sounds when it is said. It sounds like sum, not like some
Fuck you NO
Says the poo-in-loo paki. For real whites dairy is literally heroin.
>real whites
I-I-I'm six foot, I s-s-s-swear!
Whatever you say manlet.
>stop consuming dairy
Consuming dairy is not limited to. Drinking raw mulk, you fag.
Skyr is not meant for baby calfs and has no milkfat.
5'9 here (:
How big is your wiener Mr long tall and handsome? I'm guessing if your height is your only bragging characteristic, its not very impressive. Do you also go to the gym lol; get them gains hoping your muscles will make up for the unchangeable sadness in your trousers? You can always tell who the insecure people by how they cling to the most miniscule things
>muh hairline
>muh height
>muh diet
>muh gym reps
Dude if your dick is under 9 inches you still lost lmao. You can be the richest muscular tall and handsome Chad that ever lived but if you have a tiny dong your girl will still cheat on you with a short horribly hygienic out of shape Mexican with a fat dick simply from receiving a picture of it lol. I say this with confidence friends
I don't smoke weed, that is for conspiracy nuts and leftists.
Is using LSD for profound introspective experiences degenerate?
I dabble in psychedelics, but its rare. Have not smoked weed in years tho
Britnbong is a nigger. Friendly reminder that lactose intolerant people isn't white
>ID doesnt change to senpai
>Stop consuming dairy
Since you're a nigger trying to tell me what to do I'm going to go ahead and do all 3 at the same time.
I'm not lactose intolerant though. Drank milk/consumed dairy for 27 years.
Stop having fun!
No really.... stop!
You're not white if you smoke weed.
No, No, and No. Why the dairy though?
I beg to differ
You're a faggot if you think I care.
jesus christ
Also stop drinking the caffeine jew
That's one I'll get round to eventually.
> trying this hard
you cared enough to reply, didn't you, you dumb junkie pothead. :) Faggots like you are the reason white women are going black. Stop smoking weed and grow up, kid.
that's sad
>I replied
Some c. 2009 level trolling. I don't want you to grow up; I'd rather you kill yourself. It's better that way. issue
2.why? issue
Forgive the degenerates who are in this tread.
>Alcohol withdrawals, hangovers and massive depression don't count
Way ahead of you
Was it at least a little bit funny?
Sure they do. But weed will impair your memory, make you lazy, prone to leftist ideologies and degenerate culture, and become habitual. It's devastating in a different way to alcohol. Weed takes away one's potential. Btw I'm a daily smoker and it's the one thing I have trouble kicking the most. I'm currently on a 38 nofap streak and cut out milk over a year ago, cut out meat several months back and just started cutting out cheese a few months ago. I've never felt better. Weed is the only vice I can't get away from.
durr durr
fuckin idiot pothead
you obviously need weed as a crutch cus you're a degenerate, and obviously not a Christian.
>But weed will impair your memory
Negligibly. Doesn't seem to affect my memory when I'm sober. Only hard to remember shit while high or remember shit I learned while high.
>make you lazy
This is a stereotype. Weed makes you complacent, not lazy. I despise cleaning but always get blazed beforehand because I'll clean the whole house without bitching about it.
>prone to leftist ideologies and degenerate culture
>become habitual
Anything can be habitual if you enjoy it and do it enough as a result. Non argument.
I need weed as a crutch because people are fucking retarded and the thought that I can leave it all behind at the end of the work day and get blazed is sometimes the only thing that keeps me from seriously considering hurting people.
You Sup Forums fags who use the word degenerate crack me up. It's like you don't know what image board you're posting on.
Average marriage here in burgerland.
>Only hard to remember shit while high.
Which can take up several hours of a day. Why would you want your memory impaired during the day?
>This is a stereotype. Weed makes you complacent, not lazy.
It's a stereotype for a reason. When I decide to smoke I always put off something productive. I know I'm not the only user who feels this way. Replacing "lazy" with "complacent" is just you giving yourself some wiggle room.
>>prone to leftist ideologies and degenerate culture
So are you going to deny the role weed had in the liberal/hippie movements in the 60's? Why do you think so many degenerate liberals want weed legalised and lefty politicians use it as a tool to get votes?
>Anything can be habitual if you enjoy it and do it enough as a result. Non argument.
t. joe rogan
"You can become addicted to fuckin' cheeseburgers bro!"
>Why would you want your memory impaired during the day?
I don't; that's why I smoke after work.
>It's a stereotype for a reason.
Sure, there are tons of irresponsible smokers out there. Because you don't know when and how much to smoke doesn't mean that's a weed problem; it's a people problem.
>So are you going to deny the role weed had in the liberal/hippie movements in the 60's?
Nope, I'm just confused as to why this is a point you needed to bring up. Partisan bullshit has no place in this discussion; I know hardcore right-wingers that smoke more weed than I do.
>t. joe rogan
"You can become addicted to fuckin' cheeseburgers bro!"
Watched one of his stand ups before. Seemed like he was high on something other than weed. Pretty funny though. He's not wrong.
>>Only hard to remember shit while high.
>Which can take up several hours of a day.
Also, you need to hook me up with that shit. I smoke a bowl of Cinderella 99 and I'm high for 2 hours MAX if I haven't eaten.
Stop using Sup Forums
>I don't; that's why I smoke after work
Implying you couldn't be doing something more productive after work than smoking weed.
>Because you don't know when and how much to smoke doesn't mean that's a weed problem; it's a people problem.
But it's not a case of "not knowing how much to smoke", is it? It's an addiction. When a heroin addict doesnt know when and how much to takem is it a person problem too?
>Nope, I'm just confused as to why this is a point you needed to bring up.
Why would you be confused? You asked how it can make users prone to leftist ideologies and culture, and I gave you two clear examples. Yet you just ignored them and gave me some anecdotal evidence about having right-wing smoker friends. Kinda Jewwy behaviour.
>Pretty funny though.
>Finding Joe Rogan funny
Stop living life.
>Implying you couldn't be doing something more productive after work than smoking weed.
Productivity is an illusion. Regardless of what you spend your time doing, you will die. Everyone you know will die. Everyone capable of appreciating any kind of legacy you've left will, you guessed it, die. You're just busying yourself until it's your turn; no need to over complicate with shitty requirements.
>When a heroin addict doesnt know when and how much to takem is it a person problem too?
Heroin is chemically addictive. Apple to oranges, brother.
>Why would you be confused?
Because "Leftist Ideology" being bad is complete opinion and "degeneracy" is just as open to interpretation. I don't care about your feelings.
>Pretty funny though.
>Finding Joe Rogan funny
Character assassination in lieu of an argument? Why, you've just removed one of your points. Thanks mang!
Nothing wrong wirh dairy.... cheese, yogurt, etc.
But I love cheese
>You asked how it can make users prone to leftist ideologies and culture
Oh, I see. You misunderstand; I didn't indicate I disagreed with this point; only questioned it's validity in this discussion as it has none.
>Productivity is an illusion
t. weed smoker. Spouting the exact nihilistic thinking that weed will lead you to. "We're all gonna die, who cares if we led an unproductive, degenerate life?"
>Heroin is chemically addictive
And weed isn't psychologically addictive?
>"Leftist Ideology" being bad is complete opinion and "degeneracy" is just as open to interpretation.
Spotted the Bernie supporter.
>Character assassination
Definitely spotted the Bernie supporter.