>british people actually live in an orwellian nightmare ran by the jews
holy shit
>british people actually live in an orwellian nightmare ran by the jews
holy shit
What is this
new british definition of antisemetism put into law
it is their hate speech law with max sentence of 10 years in prison
Things that we are not allowed to think any more
btw if you're reading this Prime Minister May - great moves keep it up.
I'd like to read the full text if you don't mind.
Yanks, your dad has lived long enough....just fucking nuke us already.
We have hacked you.
Screencap this post in case you are ever in possession of documents relating to crime of any kind. Show this post to the authorities/taxman or whoever.
The Brits are the most drunk, stupid and complacent people on Earth so they always trial their tyranny there.
Of all the things they try to deny or get out of, it's killing Christ. Who did they think was responsible, the Romans?
This is ridiculous. UNFUCK yourselves right now.
>Who did they think was responsible, the Romans?
it was russian timehackers. We killed christ.
>Holding Jews collectively responsible for the state of Israel
They dindu nuffin.
Our best used to run to canada... For opportunity.
>saying israel is a racist endeavour is a crime punishable by jail.
But saying britian is for the british is racist.
This combined with brexit perhaps getting destroyed you guys have truly fucked up.
Jewish dept / debt. Great if you have the card. No tipping for males.
please help
Jews are begging to get shoah'd
If it was a right wing government you wouldn't be complaining
wait so if you deny the gas chambers you can get jailed? wtf?
some britbongs need to deny the gas chambers then kill anyone who comes to arrest them
the holocaust was a lie, the jews control the media, fuck every single jew lover and israeli
almost all of those are from bullshit local ordinances that will get thrown out LOL the rest are bullshit. I bring kinder eggs to USA all the time for my wifes kids and never get in shit.
notice how non of them went to prison
v& incoming
No. OP is shitposting. Those laws do exist in Germany though.
They are degrading the plebs to work drone automatons. Only allowed to work, sleep, repeat while risking their life being not offensive.
The beast will arise soon. In all societies and masses there is lying a beast you should not push. Once unleashed it will bring blood and tears. Where injustice and fascism and thought control exits. The beast will awaken.
While most people will brush off Holocaust denial,
the 2nd to last one is hilarious because there is actual documentation of Israel practicing eugenics, which is what the Nazis where always accused of.
Boi He Done Did It
Plus they have the superiority complex of being goods only chosen people while waiting for YHWH to enslave the goyim and give every Jew 6666 slave.
In Germany we know gud where those complexes will lead to.
>It will only be enforced on social media
Everybody knows nobody on Sup Forums is gonna get arrested because they need to keep the honeypot intact.
Brexit caused this. The EU would have shot this shit down so fast
Denying the holohoax is illegal in most EU countries ,questioning the official story is anti-semistism.Definitely one of the most Orwellian laws going.
over here it's only lefties who do any of this. looks like a gr8 way to smear labour before the next general election
As it should be. We must never forget the Millions of Jews exterminated by those death programs. It's one thing to be an edgy Sup Forums poster but another thing entirely to deny a Genocide and glamorize true evil. We must never forget the depths of evil to which we sank, so that we can remember how much good we need to do in order to redeem ourselves. Refugee Welcome.
Also I reported your IP address to british authorities.
>in b4 a Muslim does one of these and a black hole forms from lefty confusion on what to do next
>pro eu politicians put in place speech ban
>this only happened because of brexit.
Why is it illegal to deny 6 million dead, but not 20 or 50 million dead?
"It's alright, it's in his culture do hate jews. We just need to respect that." The leftist thinks, as the jew puppetmaster struggles to steer the leftist in the direction he wants.
This. Muslims hate Israel far more than anyone else. Most of Sup Forums is actually pro-Israel as far as I can tell since that's where all the "good jews" went to and left the "bad jews" here.
What are you talking about
Sorry but the fuck are you talking about? There are no good jews. Every time I accost one on here about their shitty diaspora and all the shitty mcshit things they're doing and have done throughout history they claim that Hollywood jews have nothing to do with them and they relate with Western values. Jews are the primeval dindus. Dindus on a cosmic fucking scale.
>accusing jewish citizens of being more loyal to isreal
this is the big one. Unreal.
China and Russia's much, much bigger genocides.
You can run down the street screaming mao never killed 50 million.
Because those things are not fault of the West. It's our fault as Westerners that we allowed for Jews to be turned into soap among other horrors. Now we must atone for the sins of the past and anyone trying to pretend they didn't happen needs to be punished. How the chinese atone for their sins that's not our problem yet but one day we will also have to atone for that even if they don't because we're all humans.
You're only attempting to convince yourself if you unironically think this bill would have been written up so easily without resistance through the EU. It's time to admit that Brexit was a good thing, but only because it kept British ideas out of the EU -- not the other way around
> Separation of church and state
fuck off
might not be long before we're there burgerbro
(1) ACTIVE MEASURES BY RUSSIA TO EXERT COVERT INFLUENCE.—The term “active measures by Russia to exert covert influence” means activities intended to influence a person or government that are carried out in coordination with, or at the behest of, political leaders or the security services of the Russian Federation and the role of the Russian Federation has been hidden or not acknowledged publicly, including the following:
(A) Establishment or funding of a front group.
(B) Covert broadcasting.
(C) Media manipulation.
(D) Disinformation and forgeries.
(E) Funding agents of influence.
(F) Incitement and offensive counterintelligence.
(G) Assassinations.
(H) Terrorist acts.
That... Makes no sense. If the problem is that millions of people died for no reason, the holocaust is a relatively minor event.
There are people who are from, and ideologically influenced by those massacres in the west. Some are in power, so it's still the west's problem. Why can you deny a large genocide, but not a tiny one?
>jew soap
How many bars of soap have they found jewish dna in?
>no reason
The difference is that there was literally an industry of death that focused on killing jews and treating them like animals in the most abhorrent of ways. Literal facilities dedicated to building soap out of Jew fat, mattresses out of their hair and dedicated to exterminate them as if they were cattle. Even if the number of people killed in that death industry is smaller than the number of people who died in the Gulags, the horror of such machination is unparalleled. There are no communists in power in the West.
You shouldn't be able to deny any genocide but those genocides were not the fault of communism as if has never been truly implemented.
>How many bars of soap have they found jewish dna in?
That's disgusting, you should respect the dead.
If they had artefacts made of human remains, where are they?
Any historian worth their salt would keep jew soap around as evidence for the future, especially if who that soap is could never be determined.
How many bars of jew soap have been found?
I don't get why Britain lets shit like this get passed so frequently. Their laws around knives are fucking pathetic
>literally the second article
oy vey
>keeping soap around
You're disgusting human filth. Why would someone waste a perfectly fine bar of soap? Anyway I'm going to continue my ironic pro-Holocaust posting in the other thread, cheers.
It's called having a containment zone.
Though much like Sup Forums it's probably a bad idea, as it just concentrates the ideology which then leaks out everywhere else.
>be British
>some guy shouts "fuck the queen"
>fight him, obviously
>have to use fists
>I walk away with broken nose
>he walks away with broken fist
>both easily treatable at NHS
>be Amerifag
>some guy shouts "NOT MY PRESIDENT"
>fight him, obviously
>he pulls out a knife
>that's cool, I have a gun
>I get stabbed in stomach, walk to hospital cause cheaper
>he and several innocent bystanders don't walk away
damn i love my country
oy vey goyim, Jews never exaggerate da Shoah!
Arrest me for hate speech and you'll be trying me for murder. Fuck the jews.
That's now how you America.
Have you ever been to America?
Because that's not how you America.
Good, i wish antisemitism wasn't allowed on this board either.
Ah seent it
>I want to get off Mr. Hitler Wild Ride
>british gov 'what is a skype??'
Half Jew here. I can tell you that the subversive, progressive nature is in fact innate. In my teens I was a psuedo socialist atheist edgelord. Taking the redpill on the JQ was pretty tough, but it made sense. The combination of high IQ with that subversive nature is dangerous. I've always been naturally very skilled in semantics and rhetoric, which made me pretty convincing when I was an edgelord. the good news is that with those skills I redpill my university classmates quite often and even make my professors look foolish at times.
I just dream about partaking in RWDS's to drag the dindus, progressives and globalists out into the streets. I never really talk about my half Jewish roots and nobody suspects it because I look very European (my Jewish half is Austrian/German Jew) and I'm a practicing Catholic. So you won't hear about it from me when the happening comes
All the truths the Jews don't want spoken.
And I'll add, these new laws are fucking disgraceful and Orwellian. The Voltaire quote comes to mind, "If you wish to know who rules you, simply find out who you can't criticize" or something along those lines.
More like
> be British
> some guy shouts "fuck the queen"
> fight him, obviously
> have to use fists
> I walk away with broken fist
> He walks away with broken nose
> He's a Jew
> Go to jail for hate-crime
You're with us now, welcome!