Kill me Sup Forums
>be me
>1st year in my physics degree
>shitposting on Sup Forums on mobile in the university corridor
>retarded classmate peaks over my shoulder and sees me writing ISIS
>omg you're talking to ISIS?
>nah m8 just messing with some faggot from Sweden.
>because Sweden is a shithole
>but their life quality is so much better than ours. Is that because if the refugees?
>yes because of PoC, rapes, destruction of cultur-
>omfg poor refugees they were born in a shithole and it's our fault
>how??? Just because they weee born in the wrong place how come is that my faul?
>omg so racist. We Europeans fucked up their countries like africa.
>actually if hadn't conquered them they would be even more poor running naked thought the desert.
>fuck you man. And fuck countries. One world gov right now
>fuck no I love my country
Fatfuck says
>I don't give a fuck about countries
>so you're a citizen of the world?
>of course. I don't give a fuck about Portugal.
Dumb nerd liberal faggot says
>nationalism are black spots in history. It should be abolished.
>no it shouldn't because…
>omg so fucking racist. I'm done talking to you. Man can you believe this that guy is so racist.
>mfw im not even racist nor far right
I need help Sup Forums. Where can I find an assault rifle?
I thought they were an American meme
So you want to kill them? Doesn't seem like the best way to convince them you're right.
"Ha, now you're dead, so you can't disagree with me any longer!"
T.Alberto Barbosa
Do you know what kind of autism National Socialists have to deal with every day? Your little encounter is nothing. You're like a little baby.
>Guten Bonjourino Hola
>t. Proxy Canadian
Man they don't listen to my arguments they just shout racist
But I'm a moderate Sup Forumslack. This shit shouldn't be happening to me. I thought this guys didn't exist in my country and as physics students they should have critical spirit but no, they're exactly the opposite of what a scientist should be.
The universe is trying to tell you something.
Look for the signs, follow them!
Blow them up or mow them over in a truck. That seems earn respect these days. You'll have a statue dedicated to you erected on your campus.
It will only be small and made out of recycled paper mache cause your country is povo as fuck though.
>in classroom before class starts
>me and several students talking with the teacher
>the topic of immigration comes up
>teacher used to live in England
>she spends 20 minutes dropping redpills on Islam
>everybody agrees the muslims are fucked up
you're probably a southerner lmao
I'll think about that. If the cops get I can just they they're racist because wtf I'm a Muslim now. About the statue: it would be made out of gold because governments here like to spend lots of cash in stupid shit.
I don't like nat soc very much. I believe in free speech and democracy. Would like to go back to the system we had with Salazar (may he rest in peace) but more democratic. I feet for the future of my nation. This fags are supposed to lead the country in the future. Only based people are over 50 years and they die in my lifetime. What do?
Surprisingly I'm from Guimarães and the uni is in braga the university of Minho. Most people in the north are pretty red pilled.
Ps: forgot to add. Those faggots are from the north too. How come they so brainwashed?
Pps: they browse 9gag and Reddit. Probably because of that.
Was the person you were arguing with a woman? sounds like some irrational emotional shit some dumb cunt would say
All men. Women don't give a fuck about that shit. Only if asked about.
weird and surprising. I've never had problem with bluepilled cucks and I'm from Porto
Yeah a friend of mine studies in Porto and he says his classmates aren't brainwashed. Shitty luck I had. Considering moving to Porto or Coimbra next year.
>This fags are supposed to lead the country in the future.
And he probably is not a radical one.
This is why we are doomed, is not muslims or immigrants is the most cucked, unintelligent, stupid, promiscuos, anti nationalist, anti traditions and controllable generation this world has ever seen and wait to see their children (half of them will be mulato btw).
You can thanks the jews for that.
The future sure is scary. Btw thanks for the pic gave me a good laugh.
Just remember: "if you kill your enemies they win" cuckdeau
Vem pro Norte, mantém-te o mais longe de Lisboa possível
Bem, em Viseu e na Guarda não há problemas, talvez já não seja o caso no litoral
Nem no porto. Nem em Guimarães. Nem no resto da universidade. Só na minha turma. Puta que pariu.
No shit, did you seriously only come to this realization now?