"Between 1941 and 1945, 6 million Jews were killed by Nazi Germany in the deadliest genocide in the history of the world. But if you ask Google if it really happened, the top search result doesn’t return any of that information as fact......"
Google says holocaust never happened kek. Jews BTFO
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Google manually changing their algorithm for one "offensive" result would lead to the nightmarish job of manually changing their algorithm for all offensive results. They're making the right call here tbqh.
There's people who already have that nightmarish job.
They tweaked it to disappear positive Trump new and continue tweaking for that effect.
>There are people who unironically believe the Holocaust was faked and that Millions of Jews killed themselves as part of a masterplan
topkek fucking conspiratards
/our engine/
what a fucking faggot, I can do that job with a smile on my face
You should go apply then. I hear google pays well.
Google cares about Trump and how people perceive him, it effects them and thiers. They have no reason to give a shit about the Holocaust.
>killed themselves
What? Most think they died of starvation or disease. At least argue against their points and don't strawman them.
where are the bodies Spain?
Internet is right once again.
stormfront is fake news.
only about 1 million or so jews died then that number got inflated multiple times.
>millions of jews died.
Why that sounds like it would leave millions of bodies.
>they have no reason
except they are the biggest company on earth and most likely directly owned by the Rothschild's. They would certainly care about the Holocaust.
It's just a meme.
where the fuck do people still pull this 6 million? even sources who believe jew death camps actually happened claim around 1,3 - 1,5 million.
plus if you're googling "did the holocaust happen", you're already a disbeliever and are just looking for a biased source to confirm your views, so Google provides a relevant result for that
this is what unbridled capitalism is
> I haven't even read the claims, but I can refute them by making up what these claims actually are!
I already do that, for FREE. I can get paid for it? What's the wage? Bennies?
You see, Jewish people have in their DNA genomes that make their bones dissolve faster than it would. That's why there is no 6 billion bodies around the temporary camps.
Holocaust deniers and other wacky conspiracy theorists are really what's holding us back from becoming the new normy.
fucking hell why are they ruining star wars? can't white people watch anything without being reminded of racism existing or some other bullshit? god fucking damn i want off this ride
>Jewish people
Google reports the truth
>this is what unbridled capitalism is
Pretty sure it was the Russians who came up with it after hearing some rumors the Jews had been spreading. They were the ones that modified most of the camps before the allies showed up.
Both the Jews and Russia had reasons to want to fuck over Germany after the war, and what better way to do that than by framing them with war crimes?
They had all the bodies. They are buried in mass graves. They were found in 1945. There were piles of yet unburied bodies found in the camps by allies. You guys have more.cognitive dissonance than the hill shills.
It's almost as if living in a rat and disease infected POW camp for years while being last on the list for food and supplies which are in great shortage would cause mass deaths. Hard to fathom I know.
Well fuck.
Can't argue with those quads, can I?
No, most think that the Germans gassed them and cremated the bodies.
Many of them were cremated in order to avoid discovery by the Allied powers, and many of them are still lying in mass graves like for example in Treblinka where it's estimated a Million of them lie in a mass grave. Now let me remember that only a depraved person would want to dig up those bodies and perturb their eternal rest, but the evidence is there for all to see.
Say sorry that you were part of the Holocaust. The only way to absolve yourself from your sins is to give home and refuge to poor refugees.
>tfw Jewgle knows that Trump is here forever and is changing for future markets
>Jews BTFO
Hardly. No normal person takes stormfront seriously. All this is going to do is make normal people associate scrutinizing the facts of the holocaust with racism
Human Resources at google make 70k per year.
"Pretty sure that...". Just cause...
>enslave 5+ million people
>ditch them when the war starts going badly
>Allied bombing destroyed infrastructure
>famine and typhoid spread through camps
I don't understand people being upset about denying Soviet and Allied propaganda. It's not like it was all sunshine and rainbows otherwise.
>survivors recall that during the final hours, some soldier would set fire to huts with people inside
>tfw it was probably last ditch effort to stop the typhoid from spreading and saved their lives
Those were typhoid victims resulting from the bombing of supply lines. So that's an allied warcrime.
The only difference between the American and german concentration camps is that ours never had supply issues.
They've tested the pile of dirt at treblinka. It's just dirt and rocks. No ash.
I have actually been invited to go there to study (all paid for) and then to work, the only reason I don't go I have been saying since day one is that I would be taking someone elses place.
You know how I know the holocaust didn't happen?
Because if the Nazis gassed all the Jews in Germany, there'd be no-one left to turn the valve.
They don't teach the holocaust in China or India or most muslim countries. So if we want to go about most for the entire population, you're wrong you degenerate porch monkey.
Yea, no. Also there is bone there, not ash. Also you are not allowed to dig it for obvious reasons.
Which is exactly why it's been left at the top.
Oh you didn't know? It's literally a crime to be white now.
Impressive desu
Oy vey!
It's a well established fact that the Nazis ate the bodies, used the bones to make powder to integrate in their ammunition powder.
Serious question. What is the "obvious" reason you can't excavate?
Yeah, but there weren't 6 million of them.
Not even close.
That's like catching a trout and then going on to tell your friend you caught a shark.
It is true in this instance that a fish was indeed caught, but how big of a fish is falsified.
if six million jews died, why are there so many fucking jews still around and why are there millions of survivors?
No excavator
Bit too expensive
>snuff videos, rape, zoophilia, child pornography, suicides, beheadings all of these were filter through this man's eyes
So he just looked at Sup Forums for a while and made around 60k a year?
Sign me up please.
Jews were put into work camps as POWs. When the allies bombed German supply lines later in the war they had to ration off food selectively.
Should they feed the military.. their first line of defence.. their own civilians or some Jews in POW camps... hmm...
A couple months later allies roll in and see thousands of dead/starving people in camps. Jews get mad and decide to frame Germans as genocidal maniacs and have their bolshevik goys build extra furnaces and chimneys. The end.
It didn't happen
Because there's millions of shekels to be made.
> Poland
> part of the Holocaust
our government would prosecute you and put you in jail for 3 years for saying that desu
>there are people on this board right now who fell for le holocaust meme
>number one result is from stormfront
I'm literally dying here
nice digits
nice thumbnail
Fuck, those clever Kikes. Make the top search result a source that'll be instantly dismissed by 95% of the public.
Nice perception
the death toll was only 240k jews that died in concentration camps due to execution/murder according to text books from the 70s and 80s
the figure of 6 million came from the total number of estimated jews that lived in europe during WW2
typhoid was a thing. you ask a hungry nigger in europe during WW2 what they got he would probably say typhoid
and france was THE slave labor of the nazis. no point in keeping the jewden around if you wanted to kill them right since you got a entire nation of slaves that exceeds the jews total numbers
Because we should respect the dead and the families of the victims.
What the fuck does it matter?
>If a billion humans died how come there are billions of humans today
This is the problem with holocaust deniers, their arguments are weak af
i dont understand why woman think a fictional strong woman makes women stronger... we're supposed to be impressed that a man wrote a woman like this? You go girl.
You respect the dead and families of the victims by returning their bones to them, so they may be buried with respect and not shoved in a hole.
Leaving them there is disrespectful to the families.
Why can't you excavate?
Wow, what a news.
Of course, writing that "Stormfront paid a lot of money for Search Engine Optimization" isn't nearly as clickbait.
>EU nations in charge of free speech
The Polish government is just as happy to throw you in jail for saying something of which it does not approve as the Swedish and German ones.
Why do people post this screenshot? It sounds implausible but at the same time it sounds like a LOT of fun! Why don't we try this in Israel sometime?
What a pussy
>2016 still believing in the Holohoax
>Many of them were cremated
I don't think you understand the logistics of cremating so many people ,an entire factory dedicated to cremation would be needed as well as supplied with fuel 24/7 then you would need trucks in and out dumping the ashes somewhere.
>Because we should respect the dead and the families of the victims.
That's why the bones should be recovered, identified when possible, and given proper burial.
So that's what moot is doing at google.
There is no bone. Prove that there is.
You can't cremate thousands of bodies in a fucking bread oven, you need something that burns a lot hotter, like maybe a fucking crematorium, the Krauts knew about them I think.
Belize in yourself
look you wanna get into a serious discussion we can get into one.
why did the "deathcamps" have medics? why did they even feed them? why did auschwitz have a swimming pool, a petting zoo, and a theater? why did some of the "gas chambers disguised as showers" actually operate as showers? why has the official death toll at Auschwitz fallen by almost 3 million since the end of the war? why were all the "deathcamps" located in soviet occupied europe and restricted from examination by western nations?
am i supposed to believe the germans went through all this effort to put on some elaborate ruse just so they could kill some jews while they were struggling to feed their own soldiers?
thanks newfag
>returning their bones to them
Sifting through 200 Million bones and correctly identifying them is next to impossible. Let them rest in peace.
>I don't think you understand the logistics of cremating so many people ,an entire factory dedicated to cremation would be needed
Yea and they had that, it's called a "crematorium"..... In auschwitz alone they had 52 ovens responsible for cremating 4000 people a day or something like that.
am on holiday in belize kek am russian
>Implying Jews are people
You know that even if Hitler intentionally killed 6 million jews that's not the deadliest genocide, right?
This, i noticed this too
>not realizing that the holocaust happened, and the only bad part is that it wasn't completely successful in removing European Jewry
dude, why bait people like this
there are people dumb enough who actually believe the things you are saying yet you feel the need to make it a joke to provoke a response, it's a waste of everyone's time
52 cremation ovens isn't enough to burn 4000 bodies in a single day.
It is mathematically impossible for the holocaust to have happened. I'm not even stormfront or white btw.
yeh and that's the greatest ignominy in their eyes, not the fact that "millions" were killed but, shock, horror, oy vey! the fact that they were forced to do MANUAL LABOUR!
>forensic science and dna don't exist.
It wouldn't be too hard, actually. Reconstruct the bones, then test them. People who have an ancestor they suspect died there send in a fee. They get a response, and if possible, grandpa's thigh.
Jews are legendarily successful people. They have the money, the smarts, and the know how to get this done. We know where it is, we have documentation of the numbers there. This would be a very straightforward job compared to some of what we spend billions on.
Dig em up, give them proper burials, and silence holocaust deniers forever. Why isn't it done?
(p.s. the longer those bones sit in the ground unrecovered the harder they will be for future science to identify. The fallen only get harder and harder to name and remember as time passes.)
Thats pretty honorable Pedro I appreciate that.
Skip to 7:13 btw
Top bait m8
>Sifting through 200 Million bones and correctly identifying them is next to impossible.
Not an argument. We recover human remains all the time regardless of whether it is difficult to identity them. Even if you are blown up and charred beyond recognition, people will recover the scraps of flesh and bones to give it proper burial.
the science has it, especially section 3
You shouldn't say that even as a joke. As a Holocaust survivor, I can tell you that a weakling like you that's only brave across the internet would have shit your pants on the very first day, and on the second day turned into a vegetable from the shock and all the horrors you've seen.
It is once again proof of the superior genetics of the chosen people that we jews managed to survive that literal hell with our minds intact and even have the strength to remember it and talk about it.
>why did the "deathcamps" have medics? why did they even feed them? why did auschwitz have a swimming pool, a petting zoo, and a theater?
Not all of the Jews were exterminated, the most able ones worked in forced (slave) labor while the vast majority was exterminated. Just because there were "positive" facilities in certain sections of the camp this doesn't invalidate the atrocities committed in the "death zone" part of the camp.
The rest of your questions are extremely anti-semitic and I refuse to answer them