>go to a psychiatrist and ask for a conversion therapy because im a faggot who feels bad about it because i know it's unnatural
>she laughs and things it's a joke
>tell her im dead serious
>she says she doesnt have time for this and throws me out
i thought im living in a catholic country
może ktos z warszawy mi polecić jakiegos nieprogresywnego psychiatre?
Go to a psychiatrist and ask for a conversion therapy because im a faggot who feels bad about it because i know it's...
Other urls found in this thread:
lmao you like cock.
my dick likes it, my mind doesnt
become bisexual
Retarded faggot. If your gay then there is no changing it, only repressing.
Learn to love yourself, or kill yourself. It will make no difference.
>t. gay homofag
>tags: mindbroke, rape, 2boys
You are gay it's ok find some nice gay partner, catholic priest as example, those who not pedophiles can be fair gays.
I need conversion therapy as well... I only like Korean women.
Just pray the gay away, user :)
Same here Poland-bro. I can't even get hard for a 3D woman.
Call up Electric Pence.
Sounds like you need a visit to a certain Vicepresident-elect.
You can make gay marriage and provide poland ball free canadian citizenship. I think he dream about it.
plastic surgery until all individuality is lost and yet still ugly as fuck.
what if she's bullying the guy
>tuvan throat singing intensifies
You sure just dont fetishize the benis?
Have you ever tried to fuck a woman?
This looks like a job for... Say, what was his name again Sup Forums?
get swole, find a swole girl, let her fuck you with a strap on
be right wing as usual
gg ez
Mike "Ride the Lighting" Pence
Mike "OP won't be a faggot anymore" Pence
Because you see a psychologist instead. Psychiatrist prescribe meds unless the words are the same there. Look for a more conservative one. Something isn't abnormal or a "problem" unless it affects your life. You have every right to treatment.
You don't need conversion therapy. Learn to be celibate. That's the path you've been given.
Reconcile your cock with your mind
Just because you like men doesn't mean you can't support the white race in other ways, or live a happy fulfilling life sucking dick on the side
Even if the therapist was a PAPIEZ-tier Catholic, she probably has nothing for you because there is no proven conversion therapy yet.
If you're hot you can just get a chick and do anal, just imagine she's a guy. Or get a wife and have some side fun. Post pics
Find Jesus.
He's not hard to find. He's within arm's length and can hear you. Tell him you don't want to be like this anymore, and ask him to help you.
Project Exodus.
>Korean women
The Korean women you like are the ones that have been surgically altered to look attractive. The ones that didn't need as much plastic surgery literally won the genetic lottery among the other Koreans. If you think western women are bad, wait til you pick the brains of high-class attractive South Korean women. A lot of them are more materialistic and shallow, it's pretty fuccin' disgusting 2bh
The "normal" South Korean looks like the ones posted
CBT is what hes looking for. Or aversion therapy. Shock him every time he reacts to dick.
m-maybe they have good personalities
Mike Pence
Too much Genghis Khan in you
Pic related actually has zero surgery and she's famous for it too ("I never did surgery" gives you a ton of street cred in Korea). Yeah, she won the genetic lottery long story short. Good looking Asians are out there; you just have to search.
i cant read it !!!!!!
>then proceed sucking the priest dick
>its alright user its alright
this is a shiatolic "country"
and shiatolics are shit.
>er kann kein deutsch
there are bigger things to worry about.
focus on your career, hobbies fitness etc
caring so much about who you fuck won't do you any good. nothing more pathetic than an 'ex-gay', i.e some limp dicked man forcing himself into a loveless straight marriage.
this guy said basically the same thing but am I fuck deleting this
fuck your language !!!!!!
>right click save image
>then breaks out laughing!
hahaha yea i suffer from that as well!
Sup Forums - problemy pedałów
They are Chinese, that's a special case.
Mike "I don't kill but check my electric bill" Pence
wtf the fourth one from the top didn't even look that bad
>Come on John, bring out that 1/164 tbsp German in you!
remember, in my country and others, they wouldn't even bother to question your fee-fees. you wanna be a woman, you say? they lobb off your dick the next week
Also, in response to OP: look man, after a certain point you just can't get the gay out. If you are going to lose your job or something for being gay, just hide it and find some outlet for it. Don't electrocute yourself or lose your mind because you are gay; what Sup Forums worries about is the people who are turned gay because of their environment. What we are not worried about is dyed in the wool gays because you can't change that. There's a difference between a fag and a gay man, just remember that and you'll be fine.
Once a fag always a fag, science proves, conversion is only repression of how your brain has been structured.
jprdl. To, że lubisz facetów nie oznacza, że musisz być pizdowatym, lewackim pindrykiem. Weź przykład od pana Mariana Kowalskiego i przestań pierdolić: youtube.com
I did the same, only for transgender.
>tell her I hate these abnormal thoughts of wanting to be a girl and I'll never be a girl
>she insists on referring to me as a girl, she, etc.
>tell her I feel like a clown when she calls me that and to call me male pronouns
>she insists on calling me her, and she still
>we literally argue over it
>But, you have gender dysphoria, why don't you want to be called a girl, user?
>Because it's stupid when I look like a giant man.
>that's internalized transphobia, user
>And I still look stupid if I try to be a girl, so what?
Life is hell.
Also forgot,
so they are the top trolls?, or you looked poor, i dont know
They were the free counselors at my college. We talked all about how I've always wanted to be a girl, old memories and everything.
I feel the same and it fucking sucks. I just wish I could live twice, my second life being born a woman.
But I was born a man, born to suffer and take responsability for everything, born to be strong one way or another. We have to endure this pain, user, somehow.
musclegirl is best girl.
>nie oznacza, że musisz być pizdowatym, lewackim pindrykiem
>i przestań pierdolić
Damn, your language is awesome.
Damn kek
Even the lions have slanty eyes
Buy a dress and then work on something else.
It worked for me...¨
Also do you have much anime? like girls and stuff. Yeah think about that, are you soft? like do you get that masculine drive from a fantasy and not irl all the time?
Dont listen to all homos encouraging you here. Find someplace that will help.Dont let these subhuman gays influence you. You already realised something is wrong and tried to get help. Dont stop now.
>It worked for me...¨
Except that he's gay, not trans.
you dont need therapy you just need to stop being gay. read the Bible and pray.
How much imbreeding is that?
It's been tried. Doesn't work.
OP, you can be an admirable person who helps others and serves the public good and still fuck men in the ass. Also, you say you like cock but it's not natural-what does that even mean? Faggotry exists in nature all the time.
I`d say AFTER are actually real pictures, while BEFORE is photoshopped since no one can be that unnaturally ugly without sever genetic ilnesses
>german humor
you're a low test beta male that can't handle the responsibilities of being a man, start lifting weights and exercising to boost your testosterone
You need a shock therapy
Its been tried and afaik at least once it did work. Some lunatic hooked up electrodes to some pleasure center in the brain, and gave a gay man highly pleasurable buzzes as he explored a prostitute who had been hired for the experiment.
He ended up being conditioned to find women sexually arousing without the external stimulus.
Nice try please go back
I dont want to be a woman entierly, just a faggot.
Many saw me as masculine, and i used to beat up some sportmen in highschool. But yeah nothing now.
I like my dick desu.
4th reich when
Also it eased the gayness, all i had to do was dress upp for a while and then shit got better, i could read and go to sleep. Instead of wasting energy on gay stuff.
The answer is simple: grow up. It's not that you want to be a woman, it's that you find women childish, and you want to be a child. You haven't come to terms with your adult self, and so it has manifested in your subconscious as an impossible desire. If you recognized it for what it is, it would instantly disappear. Take responsibility for your life and your time. All your assumptions about what life is like for women are completely wrong. Grow up.
it's not gay if the penis is feminine
Przykro mi, ale niestety tak.
Don't worry senpai, I've got a solution for your gay ass.
Get yourself some pro-pure water filters and start taking super male vitality. Your energy is going to increase, you'll get more motivated, and your metabolism will increase. Before you know it you'll be balls deep in pussy without a gay thought in the world.
you fags are probably beta cucks who need to take steroids and hit the gym
As a Korean, I cannot help but agree, which is why I think I'm prepared to be forever alone. I wish Korea had a bit more depth to their culture or something. They lack the femininity Japan is proud of because they don't have anything like Yamato Nadeshiko.
>that top comment
It's normally done with pedo sex offender. They show them CP and literally shock their dick until it stop reacting. Those must be lovely appointments to go to. I was joking about that.
CBT is cognitive behavioral therapy.