Stock market currently crashing
Stock market currently crashing
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The metal market is currently in a bubble.
Prices are going up but NO ONE is buying.
Jewish tricks inbound.
Well yeah, fed raises rates. Will bounce up again soon
Can someone post the collage with proof the US economy dips every 7 years in accordance to a one of the Jewish cycles?
It doesn't its a poisson rate
Good thing I bought my 30-day food supply.
2 weeks without electricity while the stock market reboots and kikes arrested, famalam.
K keep me posted. I have a bunch of liquid capital waiting to be invested at the valley of the crash. Thanks
Physical gold and silver. Try JMBullion
It lines up with the sabbatical year exactly. If someone posts the image, you should give it a look over.
If you remember when the stock market almost crashed several months ago, that was the end of the sabbatical year.
We haven't bottomed out yet though
>buying bitcoin when fiat is low
Its too fucking over inflated and I'm dying to start some long term investments
It's all coming down soon
Who? The U.S. economy or Bitcoin?
They'll raise Fed interest rates over Yellen's dead body. What can happen between now and then?
>complaining about lack of gold standard and bogus modern money
>buy cryptonumerical jew that doesn't even exist on paper and is going to disappear the moment power goes off.
Best investments:
>gold/silver (small units)
>the moment power goes off
implying i'm not also investing in bullets for such an incident
buy UVXY right now. Screencap this
>it is ever a bad time to buy bitcoin
maybe at the 1200 peak, but that'll be worth more than that someday (soon)
Bitcoin stops existing when the internet stops existing, keep dreaming
>gold/silver (small units)
dumbass poorfag detected
It's gone up 5% since you posted.
>Best investments:
>>gold/silver (small units)
nice try shekelstein.
The Fed just raised rates. There is gonna be some volatility.
DOW is hitting 20k today though. Calling it!
>The Fed just raised rates
source on this?
How can you not have seen this when your on the internet? Shit like that spreads like a wildfire.
they're trying to take down Trump
I'm not against a federal bank in theory, but these decisions need to be handled by an agreed upon algorithm with humans as a fallback
I meant for civil unrest
Of course, even a high up within the fed came out and donated money to Clinton, which angered Trump as fuck.
Trump will kick Yellen out on the streets within 5 months.
digits for bitcoin taking over the world
Hey niggas look at UVXY since i posted this
Even before the election was over it was well known they were going to raise rates.
Calm down Autismos.
They need to be raised too. These low rates are going to come back and haunt us eventually.
S&P down almost a percentage point. Efficient Market Jews BTFO
retards. theres a reason they are raising the interest rate.
UVXY up nearly 10% since i posted this