Is there anything more pathetic than Uncle Toms?
Is there anything more pathetic than Uncle Toms?
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niggers that use the term uncle tom
The idea of uncle Tom is why American blacks are so much worse than any other blacks. Even African blacks are superior.
>that stupid cheeto and his retard daughter
fuck off mulatto
>a black guy doesn't do and think exactly what he's told to do and think?
>phew, what an uncle tom!
>if only he would do what black people are told to do, and think what black people are told to think!
Kanye's too insane to be an uncle Tom. Should have used a photo of this nig here.
Second post best post.
Typical democrats racism.
The real "uncle toms" are the BLM thugs doing Massa George's bidding.
kanye literally told music reviewers to fuck off if they're white
The white men who cuck to them
IronyLand bringing bants
I don't know, nigger. You tell me.
Yeah we know. Leftists are the real racists.
Ctr hues
White Racetraitors. Being an uncle tom makes sense, nigger societies run by niggers are crap.
My screen is not bright. This thumbnail looks like Trump is pointing right, into nothing but a black wall
>Not stirring the pot between dindus and allowing those who want to suck up to whites some minor privilege which pisses off the rest
Do you even divide and conquer, Raul?
Yeah, you.
always liked kanye west
lil wayne also
good to see they have the right mindset
someone with photoshop skill make the kaynemasta green please
If every black was an uncle tom you wouldn't be the worst bottom feeding race in America.
handshake game strong
Why do niggers become so enraged when they are called Uncle Tom?
Kanye is no Uncle Tom. He's a black nationalist who admires strong white nationalists. He despises self-hating white libcucks.
Why is the nigger looking so "unamused"?
You just know
white liberals
You posted the wrong picture OP.
this is kinda cute
>Underlined Great with the T of thanks.
>Almost all caps with random lower case letters.
>Signature that looks like an erratic heart beat.
Is Trump secretly a doctor?
>To Kanye
>You are *
>9beat frieiud
what did trump mean by this?
You... fucking Zika Monkey
>tfw black
I get called it only when I'm either right about something or I'm sensible with my
Getting called an Uncle Tom is codeword for successfull black man
>digits confirm that Kanye BLACKED Ivanka while Donald masturbated in the corner
Nice to see him instilling American values in his daughter.
>Ivanka's neck
He's in awe.
I didn't know black people posted on Sup Forums.
Trump bailed him out of the nuthouse.
>hating based Tommy
Kill yourself Russian hacker
I will never get this whole "sellout" thing.
How is someone selling out his "people" by hanging around with or praising somebody?
People who use the phrase "Uncle Tom" with a straight face.
what a fake smile...
Proud people of color breaking the chains of their white liberal masters and taking back control of their lives.
That is utterly disgusting.
have your fuckin (you)
>goes in for a regular handshake
>instantly realizes Kanye is going for a negro salute
>instantly changes hand movement to compensate
>nails it
This is why he's our president. This guy knows people.
Uncle Cruz
Kanye 2020
>If you don't act like a chimping hoodrat, you are an uncle tom
Fuck off, monkey.
The democrat white power structure had him committed to an asylum for reconditioning. He walked off the reservation.
Fuck off cuck.
in so many terms..
>Is there anything more pathetic than Uncle Toms?
He's saying... check 'em!
I really hope Trump finds a spot in his administration for Kanye "Our Guy" West.
This so much.
"The house negro will try and put out the fire in the masters house harder then the master himself"
You don't know anything about black people or BLM.
Did they?
>The term uncle Tom still exists
>The notion of working or existing with white people is enough to be labeled an uncle Tom
>Trying to be your own person is enough to be labeled an uncle Tom
Is being a redpilled nog the hardest redpilled race?
Why didn't he stay on the plantation?
>mfw libs demand Kayne be lynched.
Yeezus was a pretty redpilled album to be quite desu
>Great underlined with a T
3d chess
Oops, triggered a nigger
aw :3
You have no idea my brother, satanism is running rampant.
>Donald Trump will never call you a GREAT friend
what's the fucking point of living
> donald trump, putin, and kanye might at some point film a music video
pls make it happen
He knows it was founded and intitially funded by an old (((white))) billionaire to exasperate racial tensions, which is much more than what most people know.
well, a werewolf cannot control that he's a criminal.
Trump likes (conservative) Blacks
Trump hates (liberal) Blacks
Everyone on the left kek.
I mean shit, half of you are kid diddlers, sodomites, trannys, animal fuckers or fat.
Really liberals, don't you not see your fellow supporters? It looks like a brothel house that caters to down syndrome. I'd take poor whites, uncle Tom's, red necks and racists over that bunch any day.
That's how I feel about whites. Conservative whites for the most part are great. Liberal whites are creepy.
Found the nigger.
>implying there's anything more to black BLMers besides "gibs me dats".
Fuck off nigger. Even you know better.
>niggers act like niggers
>Sup Forums hates them and wants to lynch them
>niggers act like respectable citizens
>they're called out Uncle Toms and are considered traitors to their own race
>Trump likes (conservative) Blacks
>Trump hates (liberal) Blacks
>Conservative whites for the most part are great. Liberal whites are creepy.
The same for Hispanics.
Cubans (fellows of Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio) voted for Trump.
Trump likes the (conservative) Hispanics (as Legal Cubans)
Trump hates the (liberal) Hispanics (as Illegal Mexicans)
Juan, you dont know what you are talking about. You failed for the racist meme. Kanye is against racism which democrats subtly play, and he personally knows Trump and that means Trump is not a racist.
This. You can rip on black culture as much as you want (and deservedly so) but you have to admire the balls on people like Kanye and Based Ben Carson going against the grain and risking their entire career to make actual substantive change.
I'm perfectly will to educate you on the origins of Black Lives Matter, what their goals are, and what they've been doing to try and achieve those goals, because you've been misinformed.
Why does he look so pissed?
That's his signature "tough street cred" look
The left
Jealous nigs
only a nigger or a racist uses the term uncle tom.
whats next? black people liking rock are now white?
Is Ivanka a Castrato? That neck is freakishly long.
why dose BLM want to kill cops and exterminate white people?
Yes. I genuinely feel terrible for the blacks who are redpilled and try to act right. It must be hell.