>I hate western degeneracy
>I hate Isis
Pick one, cucks
I hate western degeneracy
Why? I hate both. So fuck you OP.
Explain why you hate Isis, without using memes, or contradicting Sup Forums stances on degeneracy
Kill yourself.
>Explain why you hate Isis, without using memes, or contradicting Sup Forums stances on degeneracy
They are muslim. Muslims are one of Catholic Poland's historical enemies.
I hate them both, because both of them affect my people in a negative way. There are obviously ways to have a moral society without going full fucking ISIS.
Besides, it's best to remember that both these problem have the same (((cause)))
>t. Ahmed ibn-Al Londanistan
Muslims are degenerate.
No and I don't have to.
They are Muslim.
>le muslims are bad meme
Explain why Islam is bad
>There are obviously ways to have a moral society without going full fucking ISIS.
In a vacuum, yes. But to turn an immoral society into a moral society requires the drastic change that isis fights for.
>world is black-and-white
Grow up, Ahmed.
Because they are literally an apocalyptic death cult? Are you Muslim or just retarded?
>replace western degeneracy with eastern degeneracy
Great solution, ahmed. If only there was a third option...like actual western civilization.
Western Degeneracy
>Isis is kebab removing other kebabs
I can hate occidental and oriental degeneracy
Isis has done more to bring about a positive change in the West than the West itself recently
It's political and seeks to replace the institutions and culture of the West which is based on a Christian foundation,just like western degeneracy. Which is why hating both is not mutually exclusive.
Also only the fact that they are heretics is enough for any sane nationalist, or even just a patriot.
And I'm gonna throw the fact that they are ultra violent into the mix
That's because the West unites in hate towards an hostile culture, you retard
I think there's a rather wide gap between disliking western degeneracy and stoning women to death for showing their ankles.
[citation needed]
you mean by bombing the Baal shrine of Palmyra? Enslaving christian enclaves that exist since almost 2k years in the region?
ISIS is a fat degenerate muslim-converts wet dream.
>It's political and seeks to replace the institutions and culture of the West which is based on a Christian foundation,just like western degeneracy
The Christian foundation has been destroyed. A religious foundation is still necessary
>And I'm gonna throw the fact that they are ultra violent into the mix
Violence is necessary at this point in time to spark a change
Oh? How has that worked out? The strict laws of Islam are there for a reason. We are the prime example of what happens without them
First off lol "ISIS", it's the House of Saud spending it's oil money just like all other "terrorism".
I don't know that I "hate" ISIS, but if you think ISIS isn't what the ideal muslim culture looks like you're probably a muslim apologist. Islam is a bad religion, the worst of an already bad thing. Unlike leftists I think muslims, who aren't a race by the way, can and should exist without their religion. Everything you do to apologize for their religion's flaws pushes this possibility, nay inevitability, farther into the future.
In fact becoming muslim apologists rather than being pro-atheist is the single biggest betrayal by the left. Well, apart from the "seize all media and use it to control narratives via lying 24 hours a day, 7 days a week" thing, but hey, you're already paying for that one.
Okay FBI track op down. he's clearly a terrorist group sympathizer
Am I? Maybe I'm just a Clinton-loving supporter of Western degeneracy like everyone else
>The Christian foundation has been destroyed.
Not really. It's weak but will return as a reaction to Islamists.
And you can't just "replace it", that's the definition of a foundation, if you move it away the whole thing falls apart. Also even if it was possible, nobody wants it and rightfully so.
>Violence is necessary at this point in time to spark a change
If violence is needed to spark a change in the West, then reacting with hate to Islam is necessary to beat western degeneracy.
Do you still remember the premise of your thread lad?
Hahahahaha no way that that's your response
I'm so happy the Euros are going to genocide you roaches soon.
Of course you are
ISIS = CIA = Western degeneracy.
I hate heebs and sandniggers, I hate them all what's your point?
Not into gassing gays, just gassing globalists and muslims.
My conscience is clear.
>muh centrism
>ethnic nationalism is centrist now
>Explain why Islam is bad
its a religion