>Jews rule the world
Other urls found in this thread:
bomb israel desu
>Germany,France and Sweden
kek you should also include the UK my greatest ally
fuck off back to /sg/ shlomo
dont forget USA.
Your time will come, spawns of Satan.
>uk/spain/moortugal/shitaly/denmark not orange
rabbi go kill some palestinian childs.
right you are greatest ally
>Jews rule the world
what this guy said
pls don't send me to gulag mrs may
>lowest muslim population in europe
>forgets Northern Ireland
Step it up Shekelberg
oh common is Ireland lost to the goatfuckers?
Denmark is lost????
France and Germany are Christian.
>being this new
do you even 2016 bro
Wales is another way to write 'islaw' (eslaW) which is another way to write 'islam' (eslam). why don't you have wales up there boyo?
eslam also writes 'lames' and 'males'. it's so damn obvious masons are just males hexagrammy islam
there are more practising muslims in france than there are practising christians.
at least we aren't brown
>spawns of Satan.
Look who is talking
Don't you have some babies to sacrifice to Lucifer, Shlomo Shekelstein?
We kill mudslimes, you hoard them.
Supply & Demand
fuck you kike, you don't know shit
Excuse me, Germany is 70% Protestant.
>Not knowing about moosad-Saudi royalty connections
>Not using your two brain cells to realize jews are trying to convert the west to islam because those sub-80 IQ mudniggers are easier to control with their death-cult moon religion whose leaders at the top are all Kabbalah-practicing jewniggers themselves
Wow great thread newfaggot
Same enemy different name
ladies and gentlemen
I believe we have a butthurt muhammad newfag on our hands
>Cause all the wars to trigger the migrant crysis
>Blame it on the Europeans for being gullible enough to take them
You take most of the blame, David.
How many foreskins have you eaten today?
I really hate Jews
fuck off schlomo, you are acting like a meme'ing aids nigger, fucking kill yourself
its party time boys!
crank up the tunes ya'll Tyrone is looking for a bride!
it can be your mom/girlfriend/sister you know the drill!
happy Swedencuckster :-))) xoxoxox
>source: my ass
There are 50-60% christians in France
>There are 50-60% christians in France
in 2016
Let's talk again in 2030 shall we?
Sure, that number will drop when the white Europeans will ally to kick you out of Europe.
I've been to bat-mitvahs and bar-mitvah's, but I think I'll pass on your little gay party where you suck cocks and lick the rim of eachothers assholes, make a male centipede with dicks, yeah, I'll pass on that party my little kikeling.. have fun though, sucking dicks and what not, have fun... soon, sSOON 1488
kick us?
we left long time ago friendo :)
you have other problems now, but it seems you are oblivious to that.
cheers good luck
>itt: kike pulling out antisemite card aganist everyone who is calling out his shit
gas the kikes
lights are on, scatter!
Not falling for your shit Shlomo.
We know very well who's behind mass immigration in Europe and the US.
your politicians?
Austria and Netherlands are also extremely Islamified.
Austria literally has more muslims than Germany
Interesting, this proves Israeli Jews have an IQ below 100.
Are you insane?
practising, as in they go to church. there are more practising muslims than christians and church numbers are on the decline while mosques are on the rise.
jew think he knows anthing about europe. I bet you never even was in europe.
Muslims live in a fucking desert, Jews are everywhere manipulating world governments for their one world government under Jews plan
Israeli bantzrabbi is back
Netherlands has lots of muslim migrants from former colonies
Austria is just supremely cucked
Netherlands muslims: 4.9%
Austria muslims: 7.0%
Germany muslims: 1.9%
kikes are the real roaches of the world.
yea but 1.2 from germany is so mmuch more than 7% from austria
If we go by that logic then America is the whitest country on Earth because our 73% whites is more than the 99% from say, Poland.
omg, did Voe really do this?? D:
and under our noses, i'm shocked!
Jewish influence on our politicians.
I'm NOT against Jews having their own religious/ethno-state.
That's actually great. And we want the same for ourselves.
But most Jews think the West is also their homeland. It is not.
Jewish and European culture and history are parallel, but not the same.
Jews need to remember that, and stop influencing our politics.
>uk not red
It shouldn't be in Palestine. that land belongs to Russia or France.
You have done some shady things in the past...
And today you have too much power in the West. Recognizing that would be a good step towards better relations.
>But most Jews think the West is also their homeland
nobody thinks that. That's why Jews from all around the world make the "Haliyah" - the coming back to Israel.
ye I fixed it here
>implying population means power
The fact that they have the smallest population means more power and a more solidified clique.
They can't go against their instincts.
desu I agree with the Honored Minister
can you have mercy on Aus?
>no USA
>all the other countries not yellow
>"controlling doesn't mean ruling, stupid goyim ;^)"
Nice try Shlomo.
Well, then many Jews act like it, telling people in the West what to do and how to think.
I think we should be friends. Jewish-European relation are historically strong, but full of occasional outbursts of ethnic violence. I think part of it is prejudice, but there is also a deeper feeling of trying to protect one's culture from a force seen as invasive.
There is a difference between giving advice and trying to enforce certain ways of thinking.
You should paint israel red too since we're more than 60% arabs.
>Ficky ficky
Oy vey we need more Breiviks
Palestine is a non state
move to Jordan cunt
>that tiny sliver owns most world banks and over half the entertainment industry
Gotta love how liberals omit facts to serve their narrative. So easy to defeat in an argument. Then they get mad and insult you.
Only 3 countries are free from Rothschild controlled central banks, so try again you fucking kike.
Careful. You wouldn't want wikipedia to come in here and scold you for posting coincidental and potentially damaging facts, now, would you? ;^)
the cunts that own that shit aren't from Israel
I actually didn't calculate that made up nationality.
Just imagine...
>Admitting to a genocide
And the world isn't crying "genocide" yet? I wonder why. Must have been all that white demonization that someone has been doing... But *who*? Hmmm...
>Being this retarded
Oh, my bad. I forgot to check the flag first. Sorry Emu.
They're Jews and that means their families are from Israel.
>the cunts that own that shit aren't from Israel
No, they just made sure it was established and funded in the name of Zionism.
>Rockefeller and Rothschild from Israel
this, but is that a bad thing?
>this, but is that a bad thing?
>doesn't understand how detrimental the federal reserve is to the us economy and other central banks are to their respective countries
Yes, it's bad.
German Jews, you fucking kike apologist.
Goddamnit, you got me again! Just send a roo assassin and do me in already. Fuck my life.
Why can't cucks simply accept their REAL masters? Why do they want their wives to be impregnated with an ape with 60 IQ when they could offer them superior jewish seed?
fed is relevant to a deal established by western Europeans and the British who accumulated wealth in gold stocks
pic related is me laughing with our rightful benevolent overlords
Israel is 20% Arab yet you are calling countries like Germany, Sweden who are 4-5% Arab. Dumb daggot
Thanks for correcting the record.
10 stones have been removed from your weight balance, ham plan- I mean, sir.
>conveniently doesn't show that the US' gorillions of dollars considerably helped Israel in all of their wars
Good goy
actually its 30%
but our arabs are tamed
do criticism on a kike you get banned, you lost your work they destroy your social life.. do criticism on a muslim and it's pretty normal
t. Mexican intellectual
T. Muhammad Abdul ibn Abdullah
Israel has one of the best education systems in the middle East, I would say only Iran and Egypt might compare.
>do criticism on a muslim and it's pretty normal
Meant to reply to this.
What's good, Aramco kaffir?
يا ريت ١٠٠ الف زب يرقصوا دبكة على كس امك.
>Aramco Kaffir
Butthurt that Israel has a better education system than you?
Can't despite facts, fucker.
aw shit son what's happening