You will convince me that Trump is truly redpilled only when he dares oppose the most evil nation on the planet...

You will convince me that Trump is truly redpilled only when he dares oppose the most evil nation on the planet, Saudi Arabia.

Until then, I don't give a fuck.

Pic. very related.

The only politician that deserves my respect is one who dares to point he finger at these fuckers.

Israel isn't more evil than Saudi?

Not happening. Americafags are laughably impotent against Islam Central. It's like kryptonite.



>The only politician that deserves my respect is one who dares to point he finger at these fuckers.
He did several times pointed fingers at Gulf in relation to women's rights. When he will have full access to intelligence he'll also be able to point them out as terror funding states.

Trump hired John Bolton because he plans to invade Saudi Arabia and take their oil. Destroy salafism and make some $$$ while doing it. Kill two birds with one stone.

well without funding Islamism they wouldnt be the world power they are now.

As if

You could literally just nuke Israel and Saudi Arabia and the world would be better off.

They even come to this board and troll us. Most of the peeps here don't even realize it.

> nuke your Muslim investors
> nuke your Jewish overlords

great idea

Does any world leader dare oppose these ugly Arabs?

Arabs were based, why did they have to invent such a clusterfuck religion?


>Arabs were based
They were always ugly goat fuckers subhumans

Yeah just wait until he's in office. He's already teaching China and the treasonous CIA a lesson in manners.

russian hackers making false proofs guys

nothing to see here

Jews are deceivers holding land that isn't theirs. Arabs are literally not compatible with society.

Trump said he would reopen the 9/11 investigation.

Saudi Arabia could be in very big trouble.

Well IMHO Saudi Arabia is a bigger problem than China

Saudi Arabia is spending billions to destroy Europe

>Trump said he would reopen the 9/11 investigation.
>Saudi Arabia could be in very big trouble.
Oh please God let this happen, let it be true!

>Arabs were based
What world are you living in?
Their achievements aren't even their own.

(((Saudi Arabia)))

Let them fall, they will serve as an example.

lol , i cant believe it , they support others.
DONT europe support PKK ?
doenst america support every group in existence that opposes the government.

every country that has troubles , you see the hand of america behind it.

double standard .

>Saudis fund terrorist mosques
>Wests face when

Based Kike, which cities should I visit in Israel?
t. Alberto Pilgrim

i hope so , then finally you all caan see WHO WAS BEHIND THE LOGISTIC , sa / israel and usa itself .

bush will pee his pants. corrupt cia/fbi will commit suicide .


You may be joking, but the current Arabian ruling bloodline was originally Jew. You don't even have to go far back, it's pathetically in your face.

You mean Israel.

Read Trump's twitter after the Saudi king died.

Are you retarded? They are not and have never been based in any way.
All they did was fill a power vacuum left by the Romans and Persians and then take credit for the works of the civilizations they put to the sword.

As long as those goatfuckers have oil, nukes, and keep control over their batshit population, no one is going to do anything to destabilize them