What really happened at sandy hook?
Today is the 4 year anniversary
Fuck off
Ill have know my niece went to that school and knew several of the kids that died
A few kids got shot so that ludicrous gun laws could be pushed though because "think of the children"
Somebody posted a RIP page on facebook for a teacher so 2 days later a kid attacked the high school and killed her.
The kid saw there was christmas trees already at the fire hall so he counted them and only killed as many people as they had christmas trees so a few days later the fire dept wouldnt have to buy kore trees to honor the dead.
I know people that were affected too, I live about 30 minutes away from Newtown. Stupid gun laws were passed because of the shooting that I'm still super salty about
You fucking edgelords. I was there at Sandy Hook that day. I look in to Adam Lanza's eyes as he shot and innocent little 5 year old girl in the head. Her blood splattered all over the floor and a piece of her brain landed on my lips.
a jewnigger conspiracy to blame white race and ban guns
and my grandfather was only 6 years old turned into a lampshade when he died in the holocaust, i talked to him about it today and told me to never forget the 7 million who died. So I never forget the 8 million who died during the holocaust. i can feel the souls of the 9 million who died in the holocaust with the force of the 10 million who died in the holocaust, i tell you the holocaust was real, i have seen the 11 million bodies myself, the same 12 million bodies were killed during the holocaust
A false flag by the Jews
Kek speaks. He says Sandy Hook was real. He also says Pizza gate is real. Is Adam Lanza behind pizzagate?
If there is any doubt about whether this shooting took place then why not investigate the list of victims? Surely it would be easy to prove whether these victims never existed. There has to be a document trail.
did you eat it? be honest, user.
holy kek'd out loud
>a piece of her brain landed on my lips
how did it taste, desu?
My cat died in 9/11 trying to support the towers from crumbling down. Rip mittens.
>If there is any doubt about whether this shooting took place then why not investigate the list of victims? Surely it would be easy to prove whether these victims never existed. There has to be a document trail.
Trump proved that facts don't matter.
Why would Sup Forums do something that might disprove their wild bullshit?
Look up the date on Adam Lanza's death certificate and draw your own conclusions.
>You'll never eat a 5 year old girl's brain
It happened
4 u
Bullshit. I've posted this here several times before, but my wife grew up in Newtown,= & really only left town for college (where we met) and she moved back home after college. We got married and bought a home in Newtown. We have 3 kids - 2 6th graders and an 8th grader. They were in 2nd & 4th grade when the "event" occurred. I coach youth soccer and little league which combined with having kids and my wife living in town forever means we know most of the families in town. The "odd" thing is that we - nor any of our friends - know any of the families or children. Make of that what you will.