I'm an 18 year old California Bay Area college student, ending first semester. AMA
I'm an 18 year old California Bay Area college student, ending first semester. AMA
don't assume things will be different in college just because you're in college
you have to make things happen
okay, ill start
can you please kys?
Bay Area? So power bottom then?
Fucking learn how to cite shit, faggot. That's like the easiest thing to do in a paper.
stop acting special
i've dealt with a literal communist english teacher from croatia this semester, everyone deals with this shit in college so don't go looking for gratification
I've tried. Trump makes life worth living at the moment
San Francisco-tier, so I'm not even on the bottom. I'm outside of the room cooking dinner for her and the bull
I pay 30,000$ per year to get told white people are bad and cops are worse than cartel members or terrorists.
I red pilled an entire English class so bad once the teacher started to give me shit grades based on his 'interpretation' of my papers.
I had to go to he dean and got my grades overturned to what I wanted.
Are you more likely to just waste a nigger that pulls a gun on you? Of course. But maybe they shouldn't pull a gun on you and have obscene prevalence of crime and violence in their communities.
Don't come here for us to make you feel good about getting a bad mark. Just do your fucking assignments. When your education is finished you can strike back at this retarded liberal insti by having a wife and virtuous children.
I got a B+. I'm not complaining
did you go to a private college
How hard can you shart in mart?
about as hard as you can't poo in loo
Seems like a good deal
why would you think anyone cares enough to want to ask you anything?
There really is evidence of racism in American policing. BLM is bullshit and most of these recent cases are bullshit, but you're just being jaded if you seriously think racial profiling doesn't exist and cops are color blind.
that's not very american m8
Dump your paper as proof OP
Fuck Cal.
How many of your fellow students have been pozzed already? How long did it take, and what were the symptoms of indoctrination?
I'm a 19 year old college student who just ended his first semester at an SEC school. AMA
most were pozzed a long time before class started
>muh raycism
>muh safe space
>muh undokumented
common symptoms include
>poorly made handdrawn signs with shit memes
>a poster for illegals to get financial support
>pohleese is raysiss
>"""unconscious bias"""
There were two notable holdouts, both former Marines fresh out of active duty. One stopped showing up to class after about 2 months. The other is a Libertarian.
Nice Reddit thread my main man
who exactly is you think cares about this? this is the level of arrogance i have come to expect from californians.
do you go to the academy of Art?
Community college in the Bay Area, Contra Costa County to be more specific
Story time please
Whoever graded you writes like they have Cerebral Palsy.
plz storytime.
Why don't you have a mechanical keyboard?
Do You Have To Suck Dicks To Pay Rent?
Can you present any case studies of a complete acute infection over the last 4 months? Normal to Tumblr, complete conversion.
>ask an 18 year something
lol fuck off and come back in 15 years
none of this happened. keep rping you pathetic losers.
I cook for people.
Please give More Detail.
Local lowmid-tier Jap restaurant run by chinks. Comfy atmosphere and good for lunch