Trump names Elon Musk, Uber CEO to advisory team

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk will join an advisory team for President-elect Donald Trump, Trump’s transition office announced Wednesday.

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick and Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi will also join the President’s Strategic and Policy Forum.

The transition team's announcement comes in advance of Trump’s Wednesday meeting with top tech leaders, including Musk, at Trump Tower.

Other key tech players expected to be at the meeting include Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg; Eric Schmidt and Larry Page of Alphabet, Google's parent company; and Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon who also owns The Washington Post. A representative from Uber will not be in attendance.


I thought Indra Nooyi hated trump

makes sense

until now the only appointed person I agree with that I know of


really makes me think

I wonder what ol' Alex Jones is gonna say about this. He's been flipping his shit on Uber lately for tracking everybody.

Sup Forums BTFO

Daily Reminder: Musk is a massive welfare parasite scam artist who delivers almost nothing in real life.

So an average Sup Forums user?

Do you have a reason for claiming this?

More like what the average nu/pol/ shitposting bootlicker wishes they could be.

>The NBC TV series, Timeless, is a show about time travel.
>In it, there is a character who is an an eccentric billionaire that has an electric car venture and other in many respects is very similar to Elon Musk (e.g. physicist, foreign accent) aside from being black.
>He's the one who invented the time machine.

It's a shitty show but are they hinting at something? Trump time machine confirmed. Musk is there to fix it or build it for the "first" time from the late great Uncle John Trump's plans. We are witnessing history lads.

Trumpenhouse confirmed.

Says a random faggot who in his lifetine won't achieve even 0,001% of what elon does in one year

Read his bio

He ran away from his country because guns and the military are scary.

He dam near dropped out of college until him and his friend started writing PayPal. Sold Paypal and became billionaire.

Everything he has touched since paypal has been a failure in one form or another. In short, he got really lucky one time, and has reverted back to his pussy failure self ever since

>You weren't born rich so you know less than rich people!
Fucking plebs never change.

>Uber CEO

It was fun while it lasted, folks

>He ran away from his country because guns and the military are scary.

If you're referring to South Africa, I'd probably run away too. Fuck that place.

>He dam near dropped out of college until him and his friend started writing PayPal. Sold Paypal and became billionaire.

Ok, so he was a success, excellent.

>Everything he has touched since paypal has been a failure in one form or another. In short, he got really lucky one time, and has reverted back to his pussy failure self ever since

In what ways are Tesla Motors and SpaceX failures?

>>You weren't born rich so you know less than rich people!

That wasn't his argument. He simply stated that you'll never be a fraction as successful as Elon Musk has been.

>Fucking plebs never change.

pic related

So he didn't make the first successful car company since Ford?
I swore he did.


>Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi

>I thought Indra Nooyi hated trump

This. I thought she has been quite open she doesn't like Trump at all.

oh yeah
also the guy who made Tesla and is funding the mission to Mars by 2021
oh and those new solar roof panels
oh yeah also paypal

That was exactly his argument. And it's as stupid now as it's ever been.

>He simply stated that you'll never be a fraction as successful as Elon Musk has been.
Now THIS. This isn't an argument.

I already posted them.

>key tech player

Musk criticized Trump too.

Of course, his fortune is built on gibs, so he must bend the knee.

Hopefully Trump decides that to win 2020 he will need to emulate Kennedy and send a man to Mars. Just to BTFO of Eurabia and China.

That guy was harsh, but Space X was a failure in the sense that they keep failing.

Both SpaceX and Tesla are welfare babbehs.

he has none.
Elon is behind tesla and spacex, two massively successful companies with incredible potential.