Why are we, people who are red pilled and passionate, always told to not talk about politics at family gatherings but blue pilled normie family members have free reign to talk about whatever they want?
Why are we, people who are red pilled and passionate...
people don't want to hear what others think about their opinions, they want to hear what reinforces their opinions.
It is more pleasant that way, given that politics is mostly used as an initiator of small talk. It is not taken serious in this situation.
Literally, how can you be this autistic ?
I already knew that they wanted to remain in their bubble because it's comfortable but I didn't realize it was autistic to question a blatant double standard.
I've sperged out multiple times in family gatherings where talking about politics or any remotely controversial issues is strictly haram, and every time i see relatives slowly slip out of frame, i may have had good points at the time but i still cringe at the utter edginess on display. Not worth it.
I guess the most that should be done is to drop tiny red pills to make them think and come to the conclusion themselves so as not to turn family away from you. You're right in saying that it's not worth it to spill your spaghetti in front of them.
>drop tiny red pills
Yeah that's doable, depends on what your family is like I guess... I still have nightmares about how I decided - at my cousin's wedding no less - to go full white nationalist and go off on an anti-immigration tirade... The damage is irreparable t.b.h. - the round table at which we were sitting got less and less populated; i don't even want to talk to those specific relatives anymore causei hate their opinions and vice-versa
Geez, dude. Yeah, I can see why you have nightmares about that. What made you decide to go full sperg?
>What made you decide to go full sperg?
Pent-up rage mostly. One of my cousins had mocked my political stance at a previous gettogether and since i'm a vindictive cunt I had that bottled up and was just waiting for the first occasion to, uh, set him str8 I guess? When i saw him at the wedding i just sperged out completely, totally off-topic probably.
Most memorable moment that stuck with me was when i said that ultra-nationalism quote "made my dick hard" - the cringe and shuddering induced was audible, no joke. My conservative uncle broke the silence and said "Uh, it's g-good that you feel strongly about it"...
Probably because all those "normies" you hate on so much have "careers" which allow them to "buy and own homes" like the ones you're a "guest" in, and because they "enjoy sexual relations" and "have children" and they don't want their loser uncle/cousin ruining their kids with your bullshit nonsense about Jeld Wen and water purifiers.
I mean, that could be one reason.
Passion is scary
more likely, people here are autistic and sperg out with pills
See this is why you were only invited to attend a wedding, rather than being in a wedding party or I don't know actually getting married.
Here. Have a red pill on me!
the things we talk about are unsetteling even if they are true. the things blues talk about are just stupid.
>"Uh, it's g-good that you feel strongly about it"...
wew lad
Sup Forums talk should probably stay on Sup Forums
>mfw you're in the "Doom" category
Yeah, sounds about right.
>Sup Forums talk should probably stay on Sup Forums
You know how the saying goes? "something, something, hindsight is 20/20". As with all my great decisions, seemed like the thing to do at the time. At least i got folders full of dank memes, r-right?
i don't know what you're talking about. the men in my extended family do almost nothing but talk shop during holidays.
are you by any chance letting the women voice their opinions?
Because they are making their own rules, and you are being a passive bitch. If you let them make the rules for you, you are dumb. They don't want anyone to disagree with them so they can accomplish their goals unimpeded. You have every right to do whatever you want, like stick up for your beliefs.
>at Displeased & Enlightenment now
I want off this ride
This. Fucking Jews caused this shit.
reminder that you aren't a 10 yet until you recognize the federal reserve is the #1 force for evil in the world and that the jew literally serves satan through it.
I'd like to think i'm in the "articulated soldier" category, except for the articulated part, and the parts involving self-improvement.
In my experience its the fear of ignorance. Once you touch subject matter unknown to them, they get scared of the truth.
By Odin, you're right...
I didn't think about that
Did you just actually listen to a krautposter? Are you retarded, or do you just not realize that every German poster on this board is and has always been a massive cuck?
You're right. I never said that I would suppress myself, at least not completely, but I almost became a passive bitch.
PC is sooo 2015 user.
I could never understand why people didn't have a thirst for knowledge or to conquer the unknown.
I wasn't agreeing with him. I could tell he was full of shit.
NEVER bring up politics. But if someone brings it up dont ever back down from your red pilled beliefs. If they get mad just tell them thats why you dont bring up politics in social situations. If they distance themselves from you they arent worth the time anyways.
Sounds like you're one of these people.
i can actually speak my mind
while some members (like my father) agree with my opinions others are not repulsed and try to use actual arguments to refute my points.
i voiced my support for Trump, LePen and Hofer
Youll find that the male family members will agree and female ones will say "you shouldnt say that thats mean"