How has african culture influenced your country?
In Brazil miscigenation is a big thing, and african culture is deeply rooted in our music, language, customs, religion and other things. Brazilian culture is really rich due to the melting pot of the native, african and european culture, not including others like the japanese and arabs. Literally anyone can be brazilian and contribute for our culture :) Some examples:
African Culture
Plz go shitskin.
If it wasn't for black people, the fundamentals rhythms of most popular genres nowadays would have never existed my friend :)
kys nigger
Brazilian culture was created during the military dictatorship in the 60s as a way to unify and control the masses. Only poor imigrants believed in this brazilian culture shit because they did not know any better: portuguese, africans and italians that came here after 1900 think they are culturally brazilians but japanese, old italians and german people know better and mantain their own culture (it was even illegal to not be "brazilian" during the dictatorship).
African culture here is like black people everywhere else: violent and uneducated.
yeah, that is why there is no brazilian culture prior to the military dictatorship amirite.
>Brazilian culture is really rich
macaco please
Literalmente quase 100% dos travestis e 50% das putas aqui em Portugal são Brazucas
And by having trannies that just mean we have no culture whatsoever? Or that the world wants our women and trannies to the point of importing them?
The arabs that came to brazil were christian not muslim correct? I dont see muslims being able to live amongst things like Carnival celebrations.
20% were muslim
Fun fact. All "nigger music" is made by whites, funded by jews, and puts some retarded monkey in the spotlight.
Even their shit "music" isn't theirs.
did they stay snackbar or did they accept brazilian culture like bunda and samba?
I would be amazed if there was any sort of black influence.
citation needed retard
There are some mosques here and there, but I have seen only 1 woman wearing a hijab in my whole life. All of them know portuguese, most of them lose their religion, like not drinking alcohol and shit, and those that are religious usually get around normally, but tend to do mafia stuff with those that follow the same religion and stuff, and to be honest every brazilian family with money is kinda mafia-like. So they fit in normally
Disregard this leaf.
t. music expert
Every single solitary song "made" by a nigger, was in fact written by white publications, every single beat made by whites, every lyric every note. All of it is funded by kikes and aired by kikes.
Niggers are the showpiece.
Hehe, we kinda genocide our blacks using them as cannon folder
yeah clearly
>every brazilian family with money is kinda mafia-like
How so? All of the well off Brazilians I've met have come off as decent, hard working people. Maybe a couple of the women were a little spoiled, but that was about it.
Wuz rap singuhs n' sheit mah nyqqa.
All cultural innovation in the USA has come from blacks. You've been niggered.
yea nah just stay out of the south
Well colour me surprised.
the brazilians around me are more or less trust fund babies who go on a permanent "holiday" in the US or just study here.
Most middle/high class Brazilians usually only start working after graduating in a public college which is like bordering 30 years old. And everything is funded by the family until getting a good paying job. And usually getting a good pay job usually revolves around contacts that your family has or through your friends. And with more money and influence you have better benefits for your family and friends and shit, even if you don't have qualification for doing so. We are kinda like Southern Euro countries in that aspect. People here value friendship and trust over qualification most of the time, and have no problem in doing so. That's why arabs, italians and the japanese did so well here. Because they have strong family ties and know how to bend the system to their will. Hence our biggest industrialist was an italian immigrant and most lebanese immigrants literally go for the politics career
No it was white people who created the electric guitar and drum kit so try again.
oh yeah, instruments play by themselves amirite :)
Yeah but black people didn't create them.
Your 'country' is a complete shithole
and? Syncopation, Semiquaver rhythmics and odd rhythms is literally the trademark of african influence. Europe didn't create those m8
Are you retarded? Do not know who Beethoven or Mozart are? Making Ooga Booga sounds with your mouth doesn't count as music or at least the enjoyable kind..
>the fundamentals rhythms
Ok first off hue monkey, learn to speak English.
Second off, it was EUROPEANS who made modern music theory, which is what all WESTERN MUSIC (including nigger music) is based off of.
African culture is interesting, and they seem to naturally love the simple things in life which is lacking in the west.
>Do not know who Beethoven or Mozart are?
KEK, yeah they totally did those two things HAHAHA kys
Obvious troll, but in case you are retarded: Europeans invented all classical and contemporary musical theory. Blacks never progressed past bongoing on a drum.
(P.S. Jazz and Tapdance were invented by the Irish)
(P.P.S. To be fair to the nogs, Tapdance is a corrupted form of Irish folkdance, so it is at least semi-original)
Do you even know what syncopation means?
Yeah, I do my friend. I did music college for sometime, almost went to Berklee :)
>Semiquaver rhythmics
>Odd rhythms
You shouldn't use big words if you don't understand what they mean, nigger.
Why don't you learn how to read music and then actually look at classical composers?
Just because they don't sound like niggers doesn't mean they didn't use techniques.
nice rp
Yes, you need to know music theory to make good music, especially since music theory has theorized everything in music
Yeah, I clearly don't understand them kek. I dare you to find a classical music by beethoven or mozart which has syncopation, or constant semiquaver rhythmics like Blues, Jazz or even Bossa Nova
Yeah then I'd hope you know that "rhythmics" isn't a word .
So the fact that I made a mistake in a language which is not my mother tongue makes me wrong?
>constant semiquaver rhythmics
Woah, hueman, you never said constant. Also, what about daring me to find odd rhythms?
I'm not saying that niggers didn't use those things. They did.
Just because Leibniz invented Calculus doesn't mean that Newton didn't also invent Calculus.
I don't know if you're pretending to be retarded.
>what is fallacy fallacy
No but it makes you look stupid considering you studied music extensively
Yeah, cause I studied it in English and not really in my mother tongue
>Implying I read the sticky.
Wrong person. Also:
>actually syncopation
>basic rhythm unit is quaver
Blues? It's a fucking shuffle. I'm sure whites would have figured that out.
Oh sry m8. Didn't read the part were you said English wasn't your first language.
stop this autistic crossdress-posting faggot
Well you misconstrue the definition of syncopation if it makes you feel better.
Yes, which has the strong beats in 2/4 and a 12/8th feel and it's written in 4/4 which makes every classical musician to rage and read it wrong
kek, then why didn't they write syncope or something instead of sforzando in every beat there m8? Do you even know what sforzando mean in italian? Has literally nothing to do with syncope beat. This case is literally cherrypicked case of something """similar""" to how rhythm back then is done today
>How has african culture influenced your country?
The gangs in Copenhagen might as well be African tribes constantly killing each other.
Trust me I googled it.
>most popular genres nowadays would have never existed
And the world would be a better place without them.
Trust me, I actually learned the practical way in university, had several international workshops with tons of jazz legends including Dave Holland. But no wikipedia is the literally the bible when it comes about music theory, which even most music theory books have problem documenting and theorizing everything
You know what? I'll take your word for it.
anyone have that pic of the irl woman who looks like op's pic? she's beautiful with stunning eyes. I've spent the last 6 hours on askjeeves trying to find it without any luck.
Uh... thank you? I guess?
Brazilian culture if leftist shit.
it's hilarious how stormniggers ACTUALLY believe the things they post.
But Leibniz invented it better
Kuruminha is cute!
bless you
that image literally sums Brazil until the XVIII century kek
It gave my local area a successful resort...
Reminder that if you want to find your very own 3D Kuruminha you should go to the northeast, it is easier to find that type there