What are your opinion on capitalism and do you think it will survive this century?
What are your opinion on capitalism and do you think it will survive this century?
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It won't continue to exist as it has, or they'll have the resources to perpetuate the system forever. Literally the only two ways it can go.
There is absolutely no proof this happens when you raise the minimum wage.
>muh proofs
are you retarded? Dont you know how basic job market works?
Its turned to shit just like Americas Government. Take every dollar you make, while you get ass raped by over priced bills.
capitalism is not a "system" that someone invented or implemented
capitalism is a description of the way humans behave when they are allowed to trade freely
black markets are always capitalist because they form naturally and capitalism is human nature
capitalism can lead to negative outcomes so we regulate it
but the truth is capitalism will always exist in some form
even communist china had to create capitalist zones to ensure its economic survival
every "communist" government ever instituted ended up practicing a form of state capitalism
this is because capitalism is a natural evolutionary adaptation, not a contrived economic system invented by academics
it will only end when society reaches a state of superabundance aka unlimited free everything
not because of any action on the part of government or society, but because in a state of superabundance there is no need for any economic system
until then, capitalism is what we're getting, whether we like it or not
best learn how to survive and prosper within it because complaining or revolting against it will get you absolutely nowhere in the long run
Yeah actually I do and that's why I said it, fucktard.
No, capitalism is already dying.
mcdonalds is making automated order machines to replace the people who wanted 15 dollars an hour for taking orders. where are those jobs now?
One of mankind's most prevalent traits is greed.
Capitalism isn't going anywhere.
The most peculiar thing is I find that a lot of people who are anti-capitalism are people with little money. My theory is that most anti-capitalists aren't against capitalism because they don't like what it is, but because they are jealous and salty towards people who have what they don't. You give each of them a billion dollars and I'd be willing to bet a lot of them wouldn't have a problem with capitalism any more.
This quote actually reinforces that capitalism is here to stay. When abundance dwindles, the desire to amass grows greater. It's human nature.
are you mixing up "growth" and "capitalism"?
McDonalds could afford to pay for a $15 minimum wage but refuse to. That's their deal, whatever. Raising the minimum wage is inevitable and their automation will fail. I have absolutely no faith in them. Long term though people making more money = making more moves = more jobs open at entry level positions
The faster those jobs are lost the better.
I have a pretty nice life, and not against capitalism per see. I am however very against unchecked capitalism like you have in hamerica
Rich people buying politicians to gain unfair advantages in the market is not unchecked capitalism. It is statism at its finest.
Capitalism is the only effective and motivating model we currently have. Socialism and communism are worthless unless we are forced back to a society where single ownership is impossible.
It's not going anywhere, but it needs reforming.
without "growth" a capitalist country will stagnate and be devoured by more competitive countries.
It's explained in Economy 101.
I agree. Automation is coming anyways. I wonder how mcshittles will make money though when all the people who buy food there don't have any money!
I'm not some hardcore libertarian, but capitalism is the only system that I know of that works in practice.
I find it a bit funny that many argue for communism because they believe it'll stop the rich from getting richer and that the poor will stop being poor. All communism did was made the top bureaucrats the only ones who were rich and the poor are even worse off now.
There's a reason people leave communist shitholes.
The question is: if capitalism (as well the income discrepance) is inevitable, then how bad the failure is? I mean, in the capitalist regime there are people doomed to be poor. How bad the poverty should be? For americans is to eat Cheetos watching Oprah in a wood house. For brazilians is to eat the contents of a trash can. For the africans is to have nothing to eat (because neither you and the rest of population make litter, as you can't have leftovers without a meal). The failure can be "acceptable" within capitalism?
>McDonalds could afford to pay for a $15 minimum wage but refuse to.
Exactly. Forcing people to pay their workers more is a good way to choke your country's economy to death. Here in Belgium that's what they've done. Companies, even if born and bred in Belgium, get the fuck off as soon as they can because the cost of work is so ridiculous.
Ultimately, the main goal of an economic activity is to make money. You don't make money by raising the costs without any compensation for it. If you don't make money, you can't develop. If you're a big company, you shrivel up. Meaning you have to lay off people.
Once wages are so high that it becomes cheaper for businesses to automate things instead, then there will be fewer jobs and more people out of work. If you want to keep people employed they need to be willing to accept that there is a cap on how much businesses are willing to pay to employ them.
They will vote for socialists. They won't vote for capitalists if their survival depends on the state.
Capitalism is great at creating wealth
Ehh buying and selling came before capitalism
Socialism is the next step in the evolution of our society
Accept that your system shall be engraved in the history books as the side of the vanquished
I would rather look at it as unchecked capitalism where the state is a vessel for the buying of power. Like the supreme court said, everyone can have a voice in politics and push their agenda, as long as they have the buy-in sum!
They didn't this time!
Alright, then who "checks" capitalism in your mind? Other politicians? Another layer of government on top of the existing one?
The government is a company whose products you cannot refuse to buy or else you get thrown in prison. And like any other human-created institution, it has a tendency to grow in power over time. It is fundamentally incompatible with voluntaryism of any kind.
It's the force that ensures riots and nuclear war eventually
It also does everything it can to counteract this by hindering the humans it enchains
>be mcdonald
>raise minimum wage
>doesn't matter, we still make bilions
> profit decreases, stocks go down
>lose ever more money
>investors aren't happy, invest elsewhere
>have to lay off jobs to stay competitive
>we're back at the start
The system is built against the minimum wage.
Does every job created need to pay well enough to be considered a career?
>Should people working full time at a fast food restaurant be to support their family?
Socialism has been attempted many times and it has failed every time.
More like
in reality that mountain of money isn't cash, it's in products, factories, stores, etc. and most of the rest of what's left over goes to the workers on the left
You'd have to be incredibly narrow minded to believe that everyone wins in a capitalist system.
There's a reason social security is called a safety net, because it traps you and never lets you go.
Not even if you had substantial intellectual property.
But then the companies must also accept to pay a higher price to do business in that country to equate the social differences. The economy is a two way street, it's give and take!
Capitalism aka Rothschildianism is quite near its next apotheosis and transformation.
See: Amero
bo-ne. ws/forum/read.php?24,577075,577232#msg-577232
Some of them are right back where they were.
Still many others are on their way.
This is a process that still has years of development before adequacy is achieved.
Socialism is not the next step. It's the former step. Socialism is the form of society that prevailed in primitive societies. It is sufficient to ensure survival of the group, but it is not sufficient to ensure the growth of a society that already has secured efficient means of survival. In this day and age, superior technology is what secures a brighter future for a society. But socialism is a way to conserve, to protect. It doesn't develop technology as well as capitalism.
Literally this will happen. Communism is inevitable, no matter how much you try to deny it.
Capitalism is a description of buying and selling naturally you retard.
>Raising the minimum wage is inevitable and their automation will fail.
literally the only new type of automation that will actually thrive in the next one or two decades is the kind that just involves a computer running a special program to manipulate data in preset databases/ lists
daily reminder that Seattle's unemployment rate is 3.8% and they had the fastest employment growth in America.
>the fucking capital of homelessness
They have been well conditioned and trained to do so for their entire lives.
IRL life it is not stair the boy is looking at but an automated service machine.
Need to end fiat currency, gives too much power to those further up the pyramid. Gold standard is also a pyramid but a better one.
Yep communism of consumption (robots and welfare) instead of the communism of production (USSR).
Fucking no. To be a capitalist means to support the idea that you can employ yourself and be a successful business man.It's the right to choose and to build your own empire based on what you have in yourself. Socialism and communism don't offer that.
Fuck you.
>implying we're even close to full utilization of the planet
After two centuries of dedicated colonization efforts, North America still has a population density far below Europe, let alone Eurasia. Attenborough is a dummy.
>I failed microecon 101: the post
right wing globalist cocksuckers btfo
Seattle: Highest Minimum Wage, Lowest Unemployment Rate
The man who said that either died before the birth of the internet or was fantastically stupid. The answer is simple: DIGITAL ECONOMY.
You're right there isn't.
>trump is a populist
>hillary only cares about her donor's interests
The system itself is flawed. Corporations are not people, the gov't should be for and by the people and thus always serve in the masses' best interest. The American system has great potential when it comes to checks and balances, but has huge flaws like the supreme court judges being influenced by partisan political philosophy rather than the cumulative understanding of the constitution.
What's your point?
>Communism is inevitable
lol, all of Europe is moving further away from socialism right now
You have not followed recent polls, every single country is leaning to the right
3,000 homeless in a city with over 2 million employed. How fucking retarded are you?
You retards promised that if Seattle raised the min wage, jobs would collapse. They didn't. You retards got btfo. Stop worshiping your globalist overlords.
TIL: Higher minimum wage means more automation.
true but for you to succeed you have to exploit others, and the temptation is to give very little back. That is why the government is forced to legislate, no one is decent enough to want to give anything back. Also in a country you only get rich because of the infrastructure, education and other things provided for by the state so you have to be responsible and make sure those advantages exist in the future. It's fine saying 'be your own man and start an empire' if you weren't exploiting a system.
My point is right wing retards really need to stop obeying the commands of their globalist billionaire elite overlords.
We don't actually have capitalism. Capitalism would be true economic freedom for EVERYONE on the pyramid. Very low or no taxes for ALL. You've been brainwashed to blame capitalism when WE don't actually have it.
>supporting a family off a fast food job
Why do people do this? Make yourself actually employable before having kids. You're not entitled to make enough money to raise a family.
Europe is becoming more national socialist not more libertarian.
Parts of capitalism will have to be rethought. Information problems are being solved through technology without the mechanism of scarcity, and that will cause even more political instability in the long run.
Apart from that though capitalism is the best system around except for all of the others that have been tried.
Oh, right, so a big fat pile of nothing.
Fuck off, leaf.
Slowly but surely the geopolitical mindscape is becoming more and more tyrannical and more totalitarian.
What I don't understand is, if we have the technology to allow everyone involvement in the decision making of how taxes are earned and spent, why do we still have politicians and corporations?
I agree user. And I'm happy with this.
But we are moving away from filthy communism too.
>hur duur socialism is the next step, thus you are doomed to go extinct because you're the past
>forgetting about all the attempts to implement retarded policies based upon that cancerous ideologies and how they failed, killing millions and displacing others in the process
socialism is the past, it works in extremely small communities, but it isn't enough to ensure the growth of a society. Also, the fact that getting rid of your own culture and forced to share the wealth you have worked so hard for to gain with a bunch of good-for-nothing idiots fuck things up. So no. Trade is great and even though capitalism isn't perfect, it is better than communism/socialism, the problem is that there's a tiny group of people who tend to become extremely obsessed with making shekels at the expense of pretty much everyone.
Why do socialists treat automation as if it is the messiah that will finally make socialism possible?
Mixed economies, distributism, and fascism are all perfectly capable of dealing with rising automation. In fact fascism and distributism actually bother to deal with the cultural issues that would arise from automation, whereas socialism and mixed economies don't even attempt to deal with those problems. So why do the leftists think automation will always lead to communism?
Anyways, corporatism is the way forward. Corporatism has worked well in the past. Check out "social corporatism" and "folkhemmet", which is basically fascist economics applied in the nordic countries. It worked fantastically and was used from 1930-1970.
Now, that's not to say fascist corporatism is always fantastic. When it is handled badly, it is mediocre, as seen in Franco's Spain and Salazar's Portugal. But, badly handled corporatism is only mediocre, whereas badly handled communism leads to implosion, and badly handled capitalism leads to communism.
Why do you think it'll fail? Automation of transport, cashiers etc. is well on its way.
I'm not against legislation. It provides a much needed set of rules for both consumers and business owners, both of which will try to fuck over the other party. But I don't think the state should meddle into people's affairs too much, and not to the detriment of the whole economy. Minimum wages are one such example of the state fucking with people for no good reason. There is this notion that the state should provide all kinds of idealistic standards for people to go by regardless of foreign practices and regardless of the laws of the market.
I think it's based on the outdated view that automation would lead to the means of production being self-sufficient, whereby centralisation would become so easy that the temptation would be huge to form socialist states that manage self-sustaining factories while people get paid a universal basic income... I think it follows the idea that machines will solve most problems related to the economy or something.
>Why do socialists treat automation as if it is the messiah that will finally make socialism possible?
It's mostly STEMfags. I guarantee you every leftist STEMfag has used the "muh automation" argument regardless if they're even a tech major. They simply do not understand how scarcity works and pretend as if we're in a post-scarcity society.
automation of transport has supposedly been just on the cusp of taking over jobs for a few years now
automation of things like cashiers are the type of jobs that reasonably can be automated and as such is already happening
doing actual physical tasks with innumerous variables to take into consideration with automated electronic control is far more difficult than the average liberal marxist believes it to be
Brother, we are about to go to SPACE. Asteroid, moon, and mars mining and farming, will be enough to sustain growth for a few thousand years at minimum.
But there are no dead dinosaurs in space!
The thing is that government is, at its most fundamental level, incapable of being "for the people."
>human beings are biologically hardwired to want the most reward for as little work as possible; laziness and greed are the two key reasons why the earth is dominated by homo sapiens
>government is guaranteed to have a certain amount of income from taxes (unless, miraculously, people en masse realize they dont need it and simultaneously stop paying them)
>people who work for the government are guaranteed income regardless of whether or not they perform well or fulfill their promises to the people they ((((((represent))))))
>this not only incentivizes politicians to not deliver on promises, but ignore the will of their electors entirely and only help the rich people who write you checks
There is no getting around the fundamental flaw of a firm that exists only through coercion, no matter how many "checks and balances" it has.
Nuclear energy and Helium 3 my friend.
>Why do socialists treat automation as if it is the messiah that will finally make socialism possible?
As robots take more and more jobs people will rely more and more upon state welfare (socialism). People will vote for socialists/statists/nationalists who promise to give them more welfare. At some point governments will need to pay for this welfare and they will nationalise automated industries (communism). A form of national communism will develop.
The last jobs will be politicians, generals, and propagandists.
This cartoon makes no sense.
The republicans are the ones against the minimum wage.
The super rich are all democrats.
source of the picture?
What is more competitive than a capitalist country?
>best learn how to survive and prosper within it because complaining or revolting against it will get you absolutely nowhere in the long run
Unless we complain and revolt in favor of a superabundance system, in which case it will get us everywhere in the long run.
I'm not talking about demfags/repdykes. Both are capitalist cronies
The will to voluntarily exchange goods and services will live on in the hearts and minds of everyone who isn't a complete retard.
>true but for you to succeed you have to exploit others
>Marxist LTV
I came here to just laugh at you for posting anything based on that absolute retardation that Marx himself was never able to make into a workable theory
No you don't, fucktard. You're an idiot.
But like I said, there are different ways of handling it.
Distributists decentralize the industries, give them to individual families to make them small local family owned businesses. The decentralization means production won't be as good, but you'll have a job and a family business.
Fascist initiate retraining programs to get the unemployed into what useful jobs there are left. Everyone who is left gets drafted into the army, as the increased automation allows for a much larger military.
Mixed economy uses UBI, if the big industry owners want to keep their businesses they'll shut up about the high taxes needed to sustain it.
>At some point governments will need to pay for this welfare and they will nationalise automated industries (communism)
Not at all what is happening.
Manufactory companies are just moving to less developed country where labor is cheaper. The state will have nothing left to nationalize.
>McDonalds could afford to pay
>Raising the minimum wage is inevitable