Dumblr thread

Dumblr thread

>support fat transgendered people
This is not why I started lifting

>Support fat
Alright... wait a second, that white person is male! This does not tickle my pickle.




>this pathetic attempt at harnessing meme magic









>Stars us stop shit money shit stop us stars

Also, stay the fuck away from Ocean's

I thought transfats are not healthy?

I know that as a fellow leaf we both very well understand why this is absolute bullshit


"restricting" is bad




Not even their knees can support them, why would I?

This might be my favorite fat tumblr post of all time.

>Keeping a whale from her family
Not cool


Have another.

>lordesses of the clit ring

A reasonable black man? Was that a Sup Forumsster undercover, or is there actually hope for this world?

>relatively small

>libtards trying to harness meme magic
I bet you 60 gorrillion shekels that they try to create some sort of leftists Pepe for this coming election. Probably a gecko or some shit/

based and white

She must be so fat that she would float anyway, they were actually scared of capsizing the boat.

Anyone else hate the word nourished now?

>my amazing son, Fallyn star.
>that poor kid, a name like that

Why didn't the kids just ride on her back?

You think an ancient egyptian chaos guard will be satisfied with this?


>your body needs nourishment
>better cover up the nutrition facts

checked and kekd

also those legs


>support fat transgender people
*sigh* i'll go get the crane

>x-large out of stock

Checked myself kek

That person should have their reproductive organs removed and should be banned from holding any occupation in the realm of teaching so that they cannot infect future generations with their poison.

wew, this one is something else.

Btw can you fucking imagine taking a picture of yourself crying? Wtf is wrong with these people, man?

>person is thin because she/he cares about his/her health
>for some reason he/she is now privileged and deserved to be hated

my god, when things got this fucking retarded


>tfw my absolute fetish is being forcibly impregnated by a nazi

Fat transgendered people are retarded wastes of air.

>recovering alcoholic

This one is infuriating

>racially diverse movie based on Celtic folklore
E . .E


>Chinese cookware is being admitted to universities over white men


>fat transgender

Why even bother? Either way you've got tits and you can't see your genitals.

what the fuck is a WOC
fucking niggers and sjws coming up with new words

Dear god, this is satire...this has to be satire...please tell me this is satire?

>cocks gun

i can only help you with that if you are jewish (thats my fetish)

>chinese cookware

>this volume hog lives in the same state as my glorious meme-powered snow fortress

In the new paradigm, any effort to better yourself whatsoever is vile oppression of the otherly-capable-of-not-being-a-piece-of-shit

right cunts all of you are now banned from english



The only trans people I'll happily support are the ones who pass 100% and don't half ass it like majority of those on tumblr. Not to mention Those who don't spout the fact they are trans too. I have respect for the trans people who just want to be themselves and get on with their lives without getting involved in all the sjw crap


also poor fucking kid
these degenerates have children

Kek.You nigger, how was she supposed to know you were starving yourself, instead of going on a diet or eating in moderation you fat shit?

> don't learn english

Neivell, greit. Da skal vi se hvor lenge verden varer.

> Either way you've got tits and you can't see your genitals.


>multiculturalism is now racist
What the fuck? Fucking oroborus style liberalism


this can't be real
look at that shit above the headline
did one of you sly fuckers do this

poor kid :/

I have a reverse experiment. Google "authoress" and see how many men come up.

These fucking tranny-goons need to be thrown into the ocean. Maybe that's how we save the Orcas, let them eat tubbies.

> I will fight for people who have mental illness by humiliating and traumatizing my own child

That's cannibalism

>This shitpost got 90k notes

these degenerates' opinions have been indistinguishable from satire for so long, it's hard to say at this point.
>pic related

meant for

"Urban" dictionary


shes a cute
I just want to hug her and tell her its ok because im a man
then she gets so triggered she cant leave
and thats how i met your mother

Sounds like the father was doing some whale watching too

> Actress

> Do you even english motherfucker?

*all options are lies it is thinking up to get attention*

>muslim is a goat

>We do other "fun" things in the bedroom ;)
boyfriend watches BBC destroy that blubber roll

>non binary queer muslims are the most persecuted people on earth
>comes from "economic privilege"
There should be an oppression Olympics where these people get together and argue over who is the most oppressed

That's actually true. Just imagine you have a kid with paralised legs and then someone comes and talks about their kid being a champion at running.


To be fair, six inches is fine. In fact, eight inches or logger starts to feel really uncomfortable and does not even fit all the way, which makes things not as fun for either party involved.

The size queen girls that only sleep with guys that have the high maintenance ten incher, simply do it for superiority standards, I.E., bragging to her friends who either do not have boyfriends or do have boyfriend that have a penis size of less than 10 inches.

Oh, and girth matters, maybe not to all girls, but to more than you would think.

I cannot tell you the amount of times a guy has had a well hung eight inch peen, only to have it posses the girth of a pencil.

The girl from the post simply said "relatively small 6 inches" because it is relatively small, considering the fact that her and her boyfriend both weigh over 300 pounds each.

When you get fat, you penis starts to get harder to use, and becomes harder to stay erect. Also, the penis, no matter how big, will always looks small, simply due to the fact that it is surrounded by all the multiple layers of fat that hang around it.

If you want your penis to look large, and in charge, make sure to stay at a healthy weight, and shave correctly down there.

Even if the guy was not so fat, the penis would still have a hard time reaching the girl's vagina, in most positions, simply due to the fat that barricades her own body.

Wanna know why most BBW porn features a skinny, lean, or muscular guy, and almost never a super fat guy that is as fat, or fatter than the woman?

The answer is simple, it is because the sex scenes would look awful, and the amount of positions would be restricted, due to the fat that separates the two unhealthy blobs from reaching penetration.

Hope that helps some of you guys out that are more insecure than ever, due to the whole fat, tumblr-tard, left-leaning, feminism like society that is on the rise.

t. the FtM trans girl.

Whelp. That ruined Undertale for me. And here I thought it was a nifty little indie game. The trannies made it their own and gave each character a weird sexuality and confusing gender. I swear, if they do this to Link...

someone edit this to "the scientific term used to describe niggers"

>shit test so hard that you invent a new word for actress
>pissed that all the years of accumulated knowledge dont immediately catchup with your whims

Women of Colour.