How do we unionize factory and warehouse workers? They are objectively some of the most important employees for the country's day to day functioning, and yet they are taken advantage of and shit on by their employers.
Unionize the warehouses
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you get people on board and make one, you could unionize Walmart if you had the time and the people. All ya gotta do is be smort
abolish all temporary foreign worker programs
let the labor market tighten up
I don't think Wallmart allow the unionization of workers.Im sure there are a few companies who do this starbucks being one of them. Used to work in warehousing and tried to start a union no one gave a shit they didnt want to be mobilized because they felt they would loose there jobs.
They lost there jobs eventually after i left.
I already have the laziest do-nothing factory job and get paid way more than I deserve for it
What do I stand to gain from unionizing?
Not being fired on the spot
this 10000000%, that and punish companies who hire illegals.
>but we'll have to raise prices
No, you will have to pay middle management less, and have less bullshit positions in middle management.
>but we won't be able to give raises to employees
What raises? And see point A.
Call the ILWU for warehouse organization and USW for factory workers. Done.
If more people show interest in this, there is an entire doctrine which makes something like this possible.
The objective would be to capture local government and utilize it as a means to pressure Unionization, through Industrial Unions, rather than attempt to do it through traditional means, which is Craft Unions.
The specifics on how to get it done are complicated and require really old labor organizing techniques lost to time and space. But if there is enough will to rebuild the labor movement, then maybe it's time to get active.
Same here, QA for walmart warehouse $21 an hour.
Might be different from the store, you cant be fire don the spot here. Actually hard to get fired
>the union meme
You will be treated fairly most of the time... And when you aren't, you'll be able to call upon a team of people that will help you uphold your contract.
That's really the best part. Ideally, everyone in the workplace, union or not, should have a contract that they have read and signed. Most employees blunder onto the job and never sign a contract, meaning that the employer can change the rules of the game whenever they feel like it. Even free market libertarians would agree that having a contract between two or more consenting adults is the only way to go.
Like how Hollywood stars have their agent to bargain their contract and enforce it's terms, the union executive does the same.
A lot of unions will find you a job somewhere if you are terminated due to organizing... Keep them in the loop and they'll hook you up.
My union has done that a few times in recent memory... Even for a manager that organized his men due to appalling work conditions.
tfw i used to work there making those robots
They typically are unionized in older organizations and they're typically powerful.
Like teamsters, except teamsters will be replaced by automated commie bots in 5 years.
Automations reduces the amount of people employed, but doesn't necessarily undermine the capability of being Unionized. In fact, it's easier to Unionize high-skill craftsmen that run the machines than low skill laborers who are interchangeable.
Fuck warehousing. First job after college to make bill money...I had to go to two competitive group interviews and take a 25 question reading/writing/math exam for $11 an hour. Lifted up on the front of a forklift on a fucking pallet every day with no safety harness by a guy who didnt have the forklift cert. or who spoke a lick of english. When a 75lb box of glass fell and hit me in the head, which gave me a concussion, I didn't even get a 10 minute break, they told me I was fine and that I should go back to work. The guys that do this for a living are usually doing it because they're doing shady shit on the side and need legal income to report, have a record, are illegal, or are former or current drug addicts. Shit is absolutely ridiculous, even with a $4 a year raise (in my case) there was no health insurance or benefits. You can only do hard manual labor like that for so long before your back gives out. It made me strong as fuck though and I learned a hell of a lot about people and Spanish. 4 years from hire I would have been making $27 an hour with no benefits other than a case of beer on Fridays. Fuck that
I get plenty of holidays off, and about 3 weeks vacation every year
The chart establishes what the Federal Minimum is for paid holidays. Nicer jobs of course offer paid vacations, but many jobs however don't offer anything.
One more story about warehouses...I have so many I can tell. It was June, there was no orders we needed to work on (pick and subsequently pack) and there was nothing to un/load, so the foreman sent us outside...with a forklift. He made me and the smack addict I work with take brooms and a garbage can and get in the basket, and had the illegal guy, Jorge, drive up to a rusted, non secure ladder which was hanging off the roof of the warehouse. While Jorge was SCREAMING at his wife on his phone and jerking the basket around, me and the smack head had to jump onto the ladder, climb up, and throw the tools and garbage can onto the roof. We then were walkie talkied and told to sweep the roof, during a thunderstorm. Jorge went and got lunch while this was happening, and the foreman stopped answering the walkie talkie, so we were stuck up there until the delivery guy came and ran inside to get someone to get us down. This was a normal day
Unions, not governments or corporations, are the natural balance against being exploited at the workplace. Which is why people are so invested in keeping them weak.
Yeah Wal Mart and other companies will fire all the management and then close the facility before they allow unions to get a foot hold. Their warehouse workers start at like $17-23 an hour and have a decent benefits package so I doubt they would even want to unionize.
>you could unionize Walmart if you had the time and the people.
They'll just close that plant, there done it before
You fucking bonus harpy. Watched so many dudes get salty for getting their bonus taken on the last day of the week by you guys. Don't fail audits I guess.
this. there is literally nothing wrong with collective bargaining in the private sector, in the same way there is nothing wrong with capitalists getting rich of other peoples work in the private sector.
i bet the leopard is socialism. leopards are faggots
Warehouse worker here. The factory I work in never bothered spending any money upgrading its facilities as the company grew, so all the orders being shipped out have to be loaded individually, box by box, onto a truck, and when you're loading 15 tonnes of boxes per person onto a truck each day, it gets pretty tiresome. Especially when you're being paid the same amount as women who sit in the back of the factory doing non-jobs like inventory and printing incoming orders.
The conveyor that takes the boxed orders from the packing line to the loading bay is ancient and frequently breaks down, and while you're busy fixing it, the people packing orders are still going, and you have to work doubly hard to get back ontop of all the boxes that are being sent through to you.
With a bit of investment, the whole system could be made a hundred times easier, boxes could be loaded onto pallets, wrapped and forklifted onto the back of a truck in 20 minutes tops, but instead they have to have people constantly loading by hand for the entire day, just for the sake of saving a few shekels.
It's also a complete pain in the ass for the freight company workers who have to unload the truck at the sorting depot.
Unions are a tool of the communists.
That conveyor system is actually considered more efficient for some orders. Order filling individual pallets is still tough work. You're just a lazy fuck I'm afraid.
FYI unions also get different pay for each areas. I'm a merchandiser in SD and I make $18.12 after two years while LA merchandisers make less than $17 after 10+ years
I did the same working for the people that supply Victoria's secret and other shit like that. Loading 10,000 boxes of Bath and Body Works candles onto a truck by hand, only allowed to stack them shoulder height, with a broken shitty conveyor system was fuck awful. The damn feed belt wasn't even tall enough, so I had to constantly hunch over which killed my back.
I'm not certain that there is a better way to do this given that each store we supplied needed a different number of each product, but surely there is a better way than destroying your back throwing boxes onto the floor so the unloaders can do it in reverse later.
Warehouses are horrible places; they should be automized as soon as feasible so that these people don't have to slave away in a fucking sweatshop until they die.
Hard to do. Humans are better at stacking orders than any computer is likely to be.
Where would the warehouse workers go? They don't work in those shitholes because they want to.
By educating Fendippitous Eggmen on what unionizing actually means.
Joining an Union is the dumbest thing a person can do.
Starting an Union is the smartest thing a person can do.
Its a pyramid scheme that only rewards the lazy or men that act like women.
Palleting this stuff would be much easier and quicker than the current system. The current process works (in a fashion), but is let down by aging and unreliable equipment that is "too expensive" to maintain or replace.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind heavy lifting and hard work in the slightest, but what we've got at our place is making hard work that doesn't need to be hard work. If we were able to pallet up all the orders, the freight company could simply send a driver up, get loaded up within an hour and then drive off, instead of having to bring an empty trailer, park it round the back, hitch up to the full trailer, pull that round the back, then shunt a fresh, empty trailer into the loading bay. Not to mention the hassle of having to unload the entire truck box-by-box at the other end.
Like I said, I'm not against hard work in the slightest, but there is a lot our company could do to make the whole process a lot more efficient. Hell, we can't even control the conveyor from the loading bay. Instead we have to work 150 yards to the packing area, hit the switch, send a handful of boxes through (by only sending a few at a time it reduces the chances of the ancient conveyor throwing a shitfit, spewing boxes everywhere at best, mangling and wrecking them at worst), walk 150 yards back, load the handful of boxes (which is arguably the easiest and quickest part of the process), then rinse and repeat.
Working in a warehouse for a summer was good motivation to study and get a white collar job. Warehouse jobs should be automated, breaking your back isn't worth it
fuck the teamsters
Almost everyone I worked with quit their other job to come order fill. Our whole daytime weekday shift has been working there for 10+years.
It's a great job if you just want to be left alone. When they blast mid-late 90's boy bands on the radio it gets even better.
This; double work every time. I worked at a sorting facility for 2 years and it's disgusting how people get fucked over physically.
Also; women I've met at these facilities were the most beast ones I've ever met.
Now doing a part time; my back "cracked" late summer and now doing a part-time at a supermarket (as the only dude around I'm 'responsible' for the drink compartment which means i'm constantly loading in 10-15kg packets into racks but hey; I got a dick and the other females here are 1.5m tall... So It's only obvious I'm responsible for 'the hardest' compartment of the store; not complaining here.)
I want to be treated as a human at work and that was simply not the case when I was a warehouse worker. Time flew but my back went crazy and a couple of females from the back-office were acting like such fucking cunts that I had to call it quits.
>Unionize the warehouses
>Automate the warehouses
I used to work at a warehouse for [a distro for a large beverage corporation]
and learned the value of unions- they generally keep mgmt from fucking up beyond reason- e.g. on safety, generally greater labor control etc.
That said, for "petty" things like vaca time, time off, arbitrator control, THC found in the system etc. they sided with mgmt 99% of the time. Not bad for individual instances, but they add up.
The other thing that comes along with unions is they play favorites, keeping along shitty workers that that we or mgmt didn't want to keep aboard because they were safety/productivity fuckups.
The fags at AFLCIO support amnesty and mass immigration, and need to be kicked in the spines if they had any.
So we need better unions, and better propaganda for those unions. Now people can org via FB and IRC.
Yeah, the Teamsters are some dirty fuckers, but at least they aren't as cucked as AFLCIO.
This. Mass immigration and workforce integration were means to drive down the price of labor to the LDC- both pushed by LBJ.