How do (((they)))) keep getting away with it?

Seriously fucking how? How has no one just said no and ousted (((them)))? How has no one said
>we're sick of (((their))) lies
And started a revolution?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because they are working really hard for you to not make a revolution of any kind. Like they spend their lives on doing it solely.

It's confusing for people because most of the elite globalists are Jews, but most Jews aren't elite globalists (or globalists at all). But Jewish elite globalists use the Anti-Semitism card to protect themselves from legitimate criticism. The new law on Anti-Semitism in Britain is a perfect example.

Because muh Hitler.

And because even if it happens, (((they))) will likely intercept it.

Because Russians like this faggot hack any hope of bringing (((them))) to light.

But it is true that a large part of work is dedicated to escaping any possibility of a revolution. Not recognizing it is deluding yourself.

They control the media and government and suppress everything.

>Jewish Bolshevism, also known as Judeo-Bolshevism, is an antisemitic and anti-communist canard which alleges that the Jews were at the origin of the Russian Revolution and held the primary power among Bolsheviks.

Though amongst themselves they have no problem discussing these things.

>“I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish,” Putin said June 13 during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.

You are right. This is why they hate white identity politics. They are an outgroup and have to be to exist, so if whites start acting in their own interests they will no longer be able to freely operate in and exploit our societies.

Multiculturalism diluted the pool and makes them just yet another groups in a sea of many and reduces the power to whites within their own countries which inhibits people adding together against them. Self preservation is their primary and goal.
It is part of this speech. It's a speech for which he was blamed in anti-semitism by many.

What he says here after cited by you words "they are the same people who were going after wrong ideological tenets, arresting and killing many people including Jews, including Christians, including people of other confessions. All people were subjected to one rake by them. And these ideological blinders and wrong ideological tenets, they, thanks to god, were collapsed."

This being said in quite a hinting and even threatening manner. Interesting.

Yeah, I sure hate jew! Anyone agree with me?

Post address and phone number please too.

This, and because Jews have lots of traits that let them sneak under our noses.

White people think they're white. They can choose to be white when its convenient, but among themselves they're jews.

Their religion is connected to Christianity. This is the biggest reason Europeans havn't ousted them yet, because they're hypnotized to see them as spiritual kin and friends who quote the same scriptures.

Muh Holocaust gives them the ultimate pity cover, with the added benefit that Hitler represented "evil bad racist white man" in all its hideousness. White shame and guilt was implanted deeply after WWII.

It's fucking crazy how many things they have their hands in. And none of those things are good for Europeans as a people.

Porn. News. Banking. Movies. Television. Psychiatry. Universities. Literally making us cut our dicks like them in the States. Fuck.

I wonder if you could use this as a redpill test

But interestingly enough, if you look it up, it's not true. I mean, not all of it, only Gulag part (ironically).

I'm going to post the translation of a proof in a next message, as an image because it doesn't fit the length restriction.

definitely a "has he been on Sup Forums test"

Check the brain for increased neural activity upon seeing it.

Putin fucking (((knows))), that's why he is the enemy of the EU.


Ah, however, it's true however if you look to the Central Executive Committee (BЦИК) list instead:

Among the commissioners of the highest levels of leadership of Russia: Bronstein-Trotsky, Apfelbaum-Zinoviev, Rosenfeld and stone, Gaukhman-Sverdlov, Nahamkes glass, Goldstein-Volodarsky, Radek-Sobelson, Lurie-Larin, Goldman-Gorev, Katz-Kamke, Goldenbah-Ryazanov, Nathanson, Bobrov, Rhine-Abramovich, Chernomordnik-Black, Rosenbloom-Maklakovskiy, Bleichman Sun, Gubelman-Yaroslavl. Not hiding behind other people's names, the elite of the workers 'and peasants' republic are gentlemen, comrades Aranovich, Rabinovich, Rafalovich, Smidovich, Kalmanovich, Rivkin, Heynkin, Frumkin, Friedkin, Malkin, Haskin, Kaufman, Feyerman, Gluzman, Shenkman, Berman, Hachmann, Shushman , Shotman, Svalbard, Steinberg, Gronberg, Lander, Posner, Schneider, Livenson, Liberson, Michelson, Martinson, Fenigstein, Schlichter, Schroeder, Rosenthal, Beck, Vorovskii Landau, Slutsky, Dretling, Shirvin, Haytis, Zakheim, Shmukler, Rutgauzen , Brilliant, Rozengolts, Kreinis, Alperovich, Goldblatt, Lifshitz ...

About the Gulag:

The chiefs of the camps of the Gulag, speaking in Yiddish: Jews in the Main Directorate of the NKVD camps and settlements
Head - Berman Jacob Matveyevich.
Until 1936, the Chief of the Main Administration of Corrective Labor Camps - Gulag - was commissioner of III rank Matthew Berman and the Chief of the NKVD was another commissioner rank III Boris Berman. Apparently it was a family row of Bermans.
Deputy Head and is free-settler NKVD control - Samuil Firin.
Head of the camps and settlements in the territory of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, at the same time head of the White Sea political camp - Samuel Leonidovich Kogan.
Head of the camps and settlements of the Northern Territory - Finkelstein.
Head of the camps and settlements of Sverdlovsk region - Pogrebinsky.
Head of the camps and settlements in Western Siberia - Szabo.
Head of the camps and settlements of Kazakhstan - Wolin.
Head Elephant (Solovki Special Purpose Camp) - Serpukhov.
Head of the Upper Ural political insulator Task - Mezner.
That is, the leadership of "The Gulag Archipelago" consisted only of Jews ....

I doubt if Szabo and Firin are Jewish though.

>How has no one said we're sick of (((their))) lies And started a revolution?

I know a fine nation that did, but luckily good goys stormed Normandy beaches under gunfire, so their granddaughters can participate in BLACKED videos

When I read that after getting fairly red pilled on the JQ it kind of blew my mind of similar his story was to mine. Once you start seeing the (((coincidences))) you are start asking questions and it spirals from there.

When you start seeing ww2 as a civil war within Europe over Jewish control of the continent everything slots into perspective.

Hitler WAS the revolu

What's JQ?

Jewish question

Required viewing.