The "5D Chess" Redpill

>post yfw you realize that the "establishment" or "powers that be" or muhh luminati is flooding the world with brown people that are poorly behaved and maladjusted just to enrage the white man and invoke subconscious ethno-nationalism until we eventualy reach a boiling point and eliminate all undesirables and never get fucked with again.

>post yfw when """they""" are playing the long game
>post yfw when chicks dig the long ball

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yeah, it seems like the masterrace is just a construct to make people kill eachother instead of focusing their attention on their real enemy.

also sorry for the fuckin thumbnail image. please accept my an extremely rare merchant

care to elaborate good user? also it would bump the thread

fuckin good ol' boys self-bump

self bump again. get in here and discuss fags
dont let my premier of the rarest merchant go to waste along with some fags rare pepe and a spicy meme I googled

i mean, the average nigger blames white people.

the average white person has no fucking clue whats going on

and the average Sup Forums tard blames the jews for manipulating everything.

white people don't engineer black culture, jewish use niggers to do it, while saying that they're white. its like the communist revolution in russia all over again, a bunch of "atheist" russians, who are really just jews fuck over a country and no one can figure out what's happening.

at the end of it all, you have a population of 44 million people, and half of them have heart disease, and the other half don't really care/know that the remainder are basically murderous criminals. and this population of 44 million is going to blame the rest of white america

there's this guy named alex collier, he's basically a nutjob that talks about aliens. but he makes a lot of very interesting points from the galaxy.

we're the only species that will let eachother starve to death, die to exposure, and sell eachother for a buck. aliens look at our planet, and say if they had a choice, they would never come here because they can't understand why you have to pay to live on a planet you were born on.

he has an overall message of compassion that just makes the masterrace concept seem weak.

there's really no difference between me and a sand nigger. can you blame ISIS for coming around?

in the 1990s bill clinton slapped sanctions on iran that targeted water treatment plants and hospitals after bush fucked them up in the late 1980s 500k kids under the age of 5 died alone to things like leaky butthole disease from bad water (dysentery) all the kids that survived that, i mean can you blame them for joining ISIS? don't you think if you lived through that you would be in the same boat as they are?

i'd still shoot a sand nigger before i try explaining any of this to him, but it doesn't change the fact you can use the quran to unconvert people if you know it well enough, and its still a good book

>all the kids that survived that,

i meant to put *grew up and are our age now*

not enough characters, had to delete a few points in my post.

>in the 1990s bill clinton slapped sanctions on iran


also bumping this because i'm tired of this masterrace shit.

You hit some key points there user. Thanks for expounding on your previous post. I agree that we as a whole and I mean the entire general population is pushed to pick a side against one thing or another. Now there are subsets within the general population who fight entirely different fights but non the less it still seems to all be a manufactured aggression. Like the way news networks encourage partisanship ( red v blue ) or how they convey the conflicts going on in the middle east as good v evil/order v chaos ( isis v government(s) ) and the reality is that we put all this in motion. And there are a lot of very smart people in the world. surely somebody somewhere saw this coming when we were creating conflicts and destabilization schemes not so long ago

I don't necessarily buy into the "masterrace" theory because I believe each of the races are unique gentically and culturally although that has geographical influence as well and should be preserved as such. What is was getting at in the OP is surely, with all the minds that come together to make the EU operate, it had to have crossed someone's mind that "hey, these people from an entirely different culture are probably going to clash violently(in most cases literally) and basically anti-brown/anti-foreigner/anti-white sentiment will start to gain a foothold". Now assuming this thought did cross someones mind, why did they pull the trigger on it any way? Tell me what you think? Is it to manufacture aggression?

also you should look into the long term effects the stuxnet virus that attacked the Iranian uranium enrichment centrifuges had. quite the opposite than what was intended i would suppose, but maybe thats yet another example of just planting the seed of an idea

i dont buy into the masterrace theory because only 2% of DNA is dedicated to phyiscal characteristics while the remaning 98% is basically DNA structured to modify behavior.

the thing they want most is conflict between their manipulated populations.

still, i dont understand how a christian can think hindu's are heretics when they believe in not hurting other things so much a large population of the country is vegetarian. i don't understand how muslims can call the indians heretics either on this principle.

people won't even look at the other persons shoe. no one considers how the sand niggers in ISIS grew up with US sanctions up their ass and depleted uranium in their dirt. I don't blame sand niggers for wanting to kill my nation, but we can't let them stand by and let them do it.

i think the average sand nigger is a lot smarter than the average nigger.

they know its the jews that manipulate everything.

though all those people from africa don't know though, if they did they'd realize that germany is about to pull a real holocaust on them.

still the misinformation comes from both sides, and looking at the construct of the internet, it seems like ((they)) let out the truth too, but you have to look through so much bullshit to find it.

basically when the elites fuck and eat children, they aren't doing it. something takes over and consumes that energy. all aggression is manufactured to take away from this concept. and the fact theres something eating the energy that the 50~ million people in slavery put out into the galaxy.

Shit thread.


Wow I guess I don't have to fight back against them now because they are actually my friends:DDD

Austism you are my greatest ally

Thanks for your contribution

Now now, I don't think we should lie down and take it like good citizens.. I'm just saying, if the make white people a minority ( in many countries minorities have an advantage ) and back said minority of white people in a corner what the fuck does anyone with a brain think would happen? I don't think we are cucked beyond the point of no return. I see hope around me every day...

Dumping truths, this has all been prophesied in the bible and old testament.

The Jesuit Romans and Zionist "Jews" are all satanic sorcerers brining about rapture since lucifer is running out of time.

Really, think about this election and how it went down, how rushed the formula was and how bad their campaigning turned out. There are no good people in your government, right left doesn't matter.

This is New World Order

They're trying to bait catastrophes because they KNOW they need blood sacrifice to carry out their plans, that and lack of faith in YHWH and the messiah, Creator of all things.

They cant do this BY FORCE, humanity needs to willingly go toward the bosom of Satan. The economy will be flat-lined and you'll have to accept the mark of the beast in your right hands(Chips to make transactions) and on the forehead(Having the mind of the beast).

Times almost up and they're rushing to get this done, rushing to lucifers side to put him above all humanity so he can be like the most high.

They need gods chosen people to accept this hell. And you all play into it with your high-mindedness and hate.

Christianity is seen as "cucked" and completely dead in America(Babylon) and you all think this is a fun game. Plunging humanity into eternal hell fire for the gods of olds, as above so below.

Christ is the only answer.

Thanks for contributing user although it was a bit off topic.

btw what do you mean ol Lou is running out of time?


Day of judgement is closer than you think.

John 3:16 isnt the full truth
The anti-christ isnt one person but WORLD GOVERNMENT ITSELF.

With the devil himself at the top.

>>post yfw when """they""" are playing the long game

I agree that they are playing the long game but it's not to benefit whites. I believe the Georgia guidestones is the goal of the Elites. I believe they are creating a slave race and eventually will force an Armageddon biological event and kill billions.

I've always been wary of the Bible precisely because it was written by the hands of man. Books are one of the oldest forms of media and who has proven time and again to be quite proficient at manipulating media to suit his/her/their agenda? If i could post my rare merchant again i would but its up top there. feel free to save.

you got any easily digestible redpills in the form of infographics or reading material or websites that can git me good at the Georgia Guidestones

Nothing easily digestible.

actually fuck something easy to digest. point the direction, I'll seek and find.

I tend to stay away from /x/ tier Conspiracies because it's a huge distraction. ((())) are usually the people that we can always focus on to stay grounded.