Any updates on pizzagate?
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post her titys
can't believe shes fucking 80 bros
fucking succubus
It's blood from children that keeps her young
Nope. Just more crony capitalist picks for Trump's cabinet.
Trump won. No need for this fake news anymore.
Didn't you heard ?
It's all about secret heyys in antartica now get your shit together
Big Updates incoming user
After 1/20/17 pizzagate will become the world's biggest story.
said the man who posted a drawing of little anime soldier girls.
Where is Eric Braverman the CEO of Hillarys foundation?
Why did she send almost 2 Billion to quatar the city of "foreign guest residents" in saudi???
Cheryl Saban is one of the directors of the charity foundation that paid for the wedding of Hillarys daughter and Haim Saban of univision also sent emails to and from pedo podesta.
There are 15000 MORE emails to be released soon from seekingassange or findingassange dotcom
Not a newfag, just ignored the story because it seemed so unbelievable. Now I'm curious; what's the specifics of pizzagate?
Yeah, it was proven to be fake.
If she's 70, I'm 70.
It was Russian hackers.
There is the main core then 1000 investigations splintered out of that
Just Rasputin my shit up
remember, you should only believe it if you read it in the ny times
The Fortean times is more reliable
>minimal partisan bias
>Sup Forums looks through podesta emails
>random user comes up with a "code"
>tinfoil retards on Sup Forums think it's legit and starts connecting dots
>finds connection to hipster pizza place where dems hangout
>satanic pedo sex and child sacrifice ring who who drink blood to stay young
Oh yeah and they kidnapped maddie but really she's a clone
This guy claims to know something and is planning on releasing something soon.
his latest tweet says to focus more on podesta than alefantis
Is Alexander Soros involved? Please post more info on Alex.
You're forgetting the part where they believe that the Podesta brothers PERSONALLY KIDNAPPED MADELINE MCCANN. It'd be like if the fucking Skin Lamp fuckers tried to say that Adolf Hitler was personally pressing the "gas all Jews" button in Auschwitz.
Podesta did it all and he would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!!
ctr shill here. you guys find any victims yet?
>Wall Street Journal
>The paper that desperately tried to protect their illegal immigrants by calling them "undocumented workers."
kek this
>Now I know they say that those logos look like pedo symbols, but look at these logos for big American companies that look nothing like those symbols! Don't they look similar?
Want some more salt on them lies shill?
So much this.
I literally had the vision of Podesta himself with Madeline tucked under his arm running for the hills, you really this someone as high profile as that would get their own hands dirty? It's laughable really.
The scary thing is people will see what they want to see if they look hard enough, I hate Hillary but connecting her and her cronies to kidnapping and satanic pedo rings is obsurd.
Don't get me wrong they make some twisted and disturbing decisions, they're greedy and some (Hillary) take some bribes etc but this has nothing to do with them at all.
Whatever Comet Ping Pong were tweeting about was probably a running joke between coworkers, nothing more don't take everything you read as evidence of wrong doing.
James Alefantis
>J'aime l'enfant
This is a false lead. There is no way someone as powerful as podesta would personally kidnap . There are troves of evil power hungry washingtonites who would gleefully offer their kids for more power.
An actual fucking shill. Does me replying to you give you more money?
Just for humor
>Any updates on pizzagate?
Yes, they found out it was fake news.
The people sacrificing kids to Moloch
>I literally had the vision of Podesta himself with Madeline tucked under his arm running for the hills, you really this someone as high profile as that would get their own hands dirty? It's laughable really.
1. He and his brother were probably there in Portgual at that time (their buddy's place is a couple km down the road from where she was taken)
2. They were quite possibly high/drunk
3. They quite possibly got off on the idea of doing it themselves
4. The computer police sketch looks fucking IDENTICAL to them
5. How the fuck can you prove to me that 2 sick pedo fucktards like the Podestas WOULDN'T take the girl themselves if they're sick enough to FUCK little girls like her?
Good luck.
>the guardian
fucking behave.
The Wall's Ice Cream logo is literally a reflected and mildly squashed version of the GL logo. The spiral in the TWC eye looks like the LBL symbol mirrored and not drawn by a crab with Parkinsons. On a related note: Sure, the Besta Pizza and Terasol logos look VAGUELY like the BL and GL logos, but the LBL and CL logos have basically nothing to do with Comet Ping Pong. Its pareidolic gibberish, literally the same as saying that EVERYONE who uses triangular or optical iconography is Illuminati because ZOMG EYE OF PROVIDENCE!
Its the thought process of a schizophrenic. One of the major neurological defects of the paranoid schizophrenic is excess activity in the portion of the brain responsible for pattern recognition and processing abstract data. This causes the paranoid schizophrenic to perceive patterns that aren't really there, like the famous "cloud picture" phenomenon turned up to 11. Whorls in wood become the hostile eyes of unseen powers, random people looking at them become members of The Conspiracy, the play of light and shadow on a tree becomes leering shadow demons, etc.
TL;DR this shit is schizo-tier.
I know, I saw some guy try to analyze the iris of some girl in a picture as proof of esoteric meddling. Shit's wack yo
OF COURSE its a false lead. This is the fallback defense of the deluded. If another person in your camp makes a claim that's obviously fake, it can't be that that person's a retard or schizo; no, they're CLEARLY a false plant that THEY put there to discredit your side, and you, in particular. This is a classic way to avoid cognitive dissonance when you are wrong, but don't even want to allow the POSSIBILITY of wrong-ness into your life. People can't be stupid, or wrong, or misinformed, or crazy: THEY'RE IN ON IT AND PLOTTING AGAINST YOU.
I've been making a 'secret members area' for Comet Pizza for the last week. It's pro level website design. I've been populating it with posts, reviews, etc, using this stupid code.
I'm going to start leaking screenshots and images taken with a phone
>the user is taking pics with his camera of the screen it must not be photoshopped
yes pizzagate "researchers" are this retarded.
and I'm going to fill the whole thing with even worse technical jibberish than when I did the fake hacking thing before and said I needed to "crack a PGP key"
and you'll all buy it all over again
not a shill paid or otherwise, trolling people who take things too seriously is the only way I can achieve an erection
1. If true, that doesn't necessarily implicate them. The area of Portugal the Mccann's were staying in was a TOURIST AREA. The fact that two wealthy people on holiday were staying there fails to shock me.
2. "quite possibly were" and "were" are two different statements. Obama is "quite possibly" raping his daughters AT THIS VERY MOMENT, because (to my knowledge) there is no evidence to indicate otherwise. This is nothing more than wild speculation which wouldn't hold up to the average person on the street, much less the court you (I presume) want to try the Podestas for their crime.
3. There's that phrase again, "quite possibly". AKA "I have no proof, I can't even construct a reasonable chain of hypothetical events, so I'll just make wild accusations and try to shift burdens of proof like an incoherent chump."
4. I've seen the sketch, and I would yield they look similar, but your claim is wrong at two levels. FIRSTLY, the sketches only look identical if you are either already inclined to believe that those are computer sketches of the Podestas, or if you are a face-blind chump. SECONDLY, eyewitness testimony is UNIVERSALLY known to the forensic community as being completely unreliable. Those sketches might as well have been assembled by throwing darts at a dartboard.
5. And here, you tip your hand: you do not understand how logic works. How this SHOULD be couched is "Here are points A, B, and C that serve as evidence that the Podestas are cultist pedophiles. Therefore, they are cultist pedophiles." What YOU are doing is "The Podestas are cultist pedophiles, and this CLEARLY means they would do A, B, and C." Your premises require me to have already accepted your conclusion. Your entire argument is logically flawed from the word go, and would not convince an unbiased person with even a layman's knowledge of logic and reason.
You are so incoherent it is depressing.
The child prostitution in government is a method of blackmail and control.
The child prostitution ring is a plague in not only the US government, but in almost every major Western government. A politician is relatively clean going into congress, senate, or the white house. Sure they made promises to some high profile donors, but nothing terrible. Once they're introduced to the position, make the rounds, and work for a few weeks then they start to get settled in. They'll go for drinks with some peers, or go on a vacation with them, but as all this is happening they're being monitored and vetted.
There are certain members of staff in the government who are considered "handlers". They are aware of the child prostitution, and they judge the politician's character to see how willing they would be to fuck a kid. If a person is scum then the handler will mention how most laws don't apply to politicians, and how politicians get to experience some of the "better" things in life. A naive politician might think it means doing some coke without repercussion, but some of the seedier politicians will be interested and ask about the perks. The handler will invite the politician to a "party" which always breaks out into underaged prostitution. They handpick the kids for the first-timers. They'll pick the ones who look of age, and after the deed is done then the handler will mention that it was a minor, and show the politician some photos of them in the act. At this point the politician is primed to be blackmailed.
I struck a nerve so I'm probably right. Quit impugning on my free speech shill.
If a politician is stoic, either refusing to fuck kids or refusing to even entertain the thought of cheating on their spouse, then they will be drugged. Scopolamine is the mind control drug that is used - under the influence, a person is at the complete control of whoever is sober. They'll have no memories of what happened while under the drug's influence. Give the stoic politician some scopolamine, set them up with a child prostitute, take some pictures of them in bed with some bottles of booze on the nightstand, and you have a politician in your pocket. Some of the rare politicians who display tremendous virtue and courage will be ignored for the blackmailing because they're deemed a risk - they might sacrifice their name and image to bring something like Pizzagate to light.
Keep in mind - not every politician is involved. You only need enough to constitute a majority.
5 shekels have been deposited into your account. I hope the money was worth it. May you find peace in this life.
>4. The computer police sketch looks fucking IDENTICAL to them
Those sketches are two different sketches of one person, not 2.
what now?
This entire graphic is just screaming ((())).
Roman pulanski isnt a pedophile you made a fucking stupid image. These pizza gate people are sub 12 years old, almost everyone you posted fucked teenagers
Neck yourself
Apparently more Podesta emails are coming, followed by 2 passwords for Assange's insurance files.
Shit is going to be NUTZ if true.
You'll have to pardon our dimwitted friends in this thread.
Pretty sure the Clinton Foundation paid for Chelsea's wedding; what with it being such a humanitarian event and all.
We took the Wikileaks of John Podesta's emails, the business and instagram and other self-reported images from James Elafantis, the faggot lover of David Brock, head of CTR and Sup Forums's personal enemy, and exposed the pedophile ring at the top of Hillary's democratic party to the public.
Not to mention that the descriptions placed the two men in their 20's, whereas the Podestas were in their 40's at the time.
The woman in the pic. Her name is Marina Abramovic. She's well know for her "art" and for being connected to celebs like Lady Gaga, Jay-z and Kim Karwhateverthefuckherlastnameis
she has nice tits for a 70 year old
We'll start mass arrests once we've got the new DoJ in power. For now...we wait. Like sharks.
I'm not shutting you up. On the contrary, keep talking: your ranting is hilarious. I'm merely pointing out how wrong you are, and watching your reaction. Which is just as I suspected: OF COURSE I can't disagree with you for any valid reason; I MUST be in on it as well! You are illustrating exactly the point I am making, and you can't even help it!
One little note: freedom OF speech is not freedom FROM criticism/mockery/dissenting opinions. Cry more.
This is the POLITICS board, dear user. Please take your obsession with magic squares, gematria, and planetary godminds to its proper home:
Okay. Thank you.
I've always wondered this at the end.
5 is number of man.
Is 6 number of beast/demon?
Is 7 number of holy/God?
>shostakovich's waltz no. 2 is playing on spotify
>it's the eyes wide shut theme
>see this thread
Aiding and abetting.
Where do you find the time?
23 hours left until 10k more e-mails are posted
David brock embezzling from media matters? Podesta involved?
this is big!
" On December 15th at 6:30PM 15,000 John Podesta emails never before released to the public as well as the passwords to two of the Wikileaks Insurance Files will be published here for download."
Bump pizza, forever and always.
Word of mouth anyone that will listen.
And that was illegal. It also reportedly paid for her nyc apt.
what a crock
Roman polanski is a pedophile. Klaus kinski was an incesting pedophile. Natasha and her sister were victims. Polanski has a weird bunch of connections. Mia Rosemarys baby husband is a pedo. Yes...these are pedos.
Still fake
Epstein's child snatcher Ghislaine Maxwell was there.
Lel, your tears are delicious
>Any updates on pizzagate?
Craig Miurray .former ambassador saying that he received leaked e mails from dnc whistleblowers...not putin. Reported in dailymail. E mails handed off in dc park near american university. Bernie supporters.?
I saw a commercial on Fox for this new book today. Gunna Kindle it or something, I think.
The shills did a good job making us focus on the pizza joint instead of the Clinton Foundation
Kys fucker
" Just feels like a thrown together book to try to imply that Trump and not WJC was a principal player. Only mention one flight WJC made with Epstein when 26 are known to have been made. Conversely Trump made not one but in this book no photos of WJC but two of Trump in adult, social activities. 22 phone numbers in Epstein's phone book go unmentioned while that same book showed only one for Trump."
This bitch needs to be burnt at the stake.
Ice ayylmaos?
These people are too smart, they don't leave victims alive.
As such it will be impossible to ever prove it.
>RT isn't even shown