wtf i hate racism now
Wtf i hate racism now
That's genuinely the most retarded fucking argument in the entire fucking world
Donald Trump won because he spoke the issues that mattered to people, and he won their trust
Woodrow Wilson was an academic, in fact his pre-politics career looks pretty similar to Obama's - Wilson was a lecturer in history, political science and jurisprudence - Obama was a lecturer on law and jurisprudence if I remember
Trump is far more accomplished than that what he said. Sneaky, oily way of convincing people your point of view.
And Bill Clinton, he went to Oxford and Yale if I remember, has a couple of different degrees, and he ALSO talked to two different worlds (the south, where he came from, and the liberal north as well)
hillary was rich, white and possessed a vagina. she was also an asshole. i just read a retarded quote from a perpetual victim. not an argument. dismissed.
I call making billions and owning lots of hotels and businesses pretty fucking high accomplishments, he just jumped 6 feet high at a different location.
Low quality bait
Not really sneaky, just not intelligent. He sees a simplified pattern of correlation. But can't see the more complex pattern of causation. He's honestly just a dumb nigger. He's not trying to lie, hes just incapable of higher thinking
>if i have to jump six feet to get the same thing that you have to jump two feet for thats how racism works
is this why blacks are so good at basketball?
blame democracy, not "racism".
>Donald Trump had to share the concerns of the majority
when will dumb peasants understand you need a highly educated ruling class to plan the economy?
>plan the economy
spotted the communist
It's not easy to be rich
Or white for that matter
>The first person who ever won the Presidency based directly on his skin colour
Welp, that really showed me.
I watched that great CNN coverage of Trump's cabinet. I'm not even sure when it was from or who the based black man was, but he was based
>"I mean look at this cabinet, sure there's women and minorities in it, but they don't make up the majority (incredulous looking black man surrounded by question marks), it's all mainly, old white men. How do you feel about that?"
>"Well I have no problem with it. I've experienced real racism and that isn't it. You won't get me to condemn white people on here, the 3 most important people in my life were white and they were the ones who helped me throughout my life. I only try to be the best person I can be and it's because of those 3" etc etc
>"What an absolute honour and a privilege to meet you, sir. Saying something like that is wow!"
>Shakes his hand
Do these retards ever see how condescending and patronising they are? "Oh you didn't chimp out, you didn't give us the reaction we were expecting that we condemn "racists" for expecting, let me just shake you by the hand for showing all of these "racists" how wrong you are. I'm not trying to belittle you because I knew you would react like a real gentleman that's why I feel the need to sit here surprised and thank you for not chimping out like we expected". I can't wait for these niggers to "get woke" and lynch these (((whites))) because they fully deserve it.
The Fendippitous Eggmen are coming.
Niggers get free SAT points.
AND they still score overall in the lowest brackets.
Racism is discrimination. He's describing inequality.
>to be president Obama had to be a community organizer and junior senator from IL
>oh and black thats why we elected him lol
Trump won because, like Obama, he is very charismatic and good at telling people what they want to hear. He will of course do the complete opposite of most of his promises, like he is already doing with "the swamp," but he already won so it doesn't matter.
This is bait.
Kek, next he'll break out the watermelon math to explain why the electoral college is flawed.
Then maybe some Kentuckian fried economics to explain why the n-persons are all still stuck in the ghetto.
Obama rode the wave of starpower and being a black president.
Donald Trump rode the wave of angry blue collar workers and pants on head retarded media.
the point itself is stupid, but even bringing it up makes no sense since the choice wasnt between trump and obama
A nigger can become a doctor for free just by wanting to be one. A White man has to have incredible grades and test scores, money to pay for college, and then more incredible grades and test scores.
I'm sick of these affirmative blacktion faggots pretending life is difficult when they were born well after the civil rights era. They have never experienced anything but perceived hardship.
>I have to jump six feet to get what you jump two feet for
>Lol white boiz can't jump
Sounds fair to me.
>please ignore university entry requirements and affirmative action btw
> Wilson tried to engineer democracy in europe.
> obama tried to engineer democracy in arabia
Both failed and the results led to death and desteuction kek
Source plz. Can't find it.
what is it with reductionist arguments and msm
wtf i hate white people now
Someone send him ointment for his hurt butthole .
>niggers should ever be president in the US regardless of qualifications
yeah, no.
I am racist, I dont fucking care.
>reduce all that Donald Trump is down to a couple labels
>say it's because of those labels that it was justified to do that
This is what actual racism looks like, it's sad that most people won't know that.
WTF I hate niggers now.
It's true.
Hillary Clinton was one of the most experience and intelligent politicians we've had in this country. She lost against someone who repeatedly falls for fake news and has a history littered with failure. Somehow we normalized Trump by continuing to put him next to far more accomplished and, quite honestly, better people.