>no drugs and alcohol
>no prostitutes and porn
>no SJW and feminists
>clean streets and polite people
>free apartments and health care
>glorious AriRang
So give me a valid reason why is North Korea a bad country.
>no drugs and alcohol
>no prostitutes and porn
>no SJW and feminists
>clean streets and polite people
>free apartments and health care
>glorious AriRang
So give me a valid reason why is North Korea a bad country.
No food no freedom no life no medicine no money no liberty no safety no security no sleeping well at night
They're currently fine with food. The famine was in the late 90's. They're not at a big surplus or anything, but they're chugging along.
>le communist regime is fuckign morally superior because people are starving and dying and have no future
Nobody is starving or dying. They just live a frugal lifestyle because they don't want to go into debt and end up like Greece.
>just live a frugal lifestyle
the lack of freedom is pretty off-putting. Like you have to be very careful what you say in public to a point most people don't want to talk about stuff.
Yeah, let's trust the shitskin news to tell us about the truth.
besides the poverty and mass starvation? they're so poor that the whole country is pitch black at night, no lights what so ever. and if you say anything against the leader, he'll have you, whole family, and kid's kids be put to work camps
Everybody in NK is addicted to meth, because it keeps them from realizing how hungry they should be.
I'm tired of idiots like you that think all you hear about NK is western propaganda.
Listen to some of the interviews and read some books about actual north korean defectors, it's a fucking nightmare in north korea.
they're not white
Sounds about right, niggers have food stamps and welfare to feed their fat black asses and "chilrens" after all.
was there a vice documentary about this or something?
also nice tripps
The average "man" in NK is 5'5".
You know those faggots ain't eating shit.
No capitalist ability to become a success by ones own hard work.
No property rights to pass that hard work on to ones family.
>to a point most people don't want to talk about stuff.
My fucking very dream! If only people could stop talking everytime everywhere and for nothing, it would be such a holyday for my ears...
is the picture supposed to be a good thing? Pretty sad when that sweat shop is the best they could photograph
Drugs and alcohol are common amongst party officials, 1litre of soju costs the same as 5 meals so peasants don't drink. Prostitution is undercover, extremely expensive, and risky. Porn is punishable by death. "Free" housing is only in Pyongyang for people chosen to live in the city, who espouse juche.
NK is a hellhole.
t. Historian and gook
I probably forgot more than you know son. You should just shut your whore mouth and let the adults talk.
>So poor they can't afford traffic lights.
there's that word again
compared to them your bosnian hobo lifestyle is fit for kings and your capital like tokyo
The answer is simple.
No intellectual freedom.
No ability to learn actual history or philosophy
No freedom to come and go as you please
Ultimate Nanny State
almost no one has access to internet for one.
2" shorter than the average male height in South Korea. Yay communism!
or food
Why are all gooks so tiny? Are they like 20th generation midgets or something?
South Koreans stretch their children so they will be more successful
YES asian career society, very good!
Three degrees of punishment is stupid. If my dumbass cousin gets in trouble, why should I? Manly societies revolve around the individual. Also each Kim is less powerful than the last. What rank will the next Kim hold? Colonel? Lieutenant? A true ruler wants his successor to be more powerful than he, not less
So frugal they eat bark off of trees instead of vegetables to save the money they dont have.
>the lack of freedom is pretty off-putting. Like you have to be very careful what you say in public to a point most people don't want to talk about stuff.
The irony of a fellow german saying this is superb.
I have and do. I don't think everything is propaganda. I do think plenty of it is.
Welcome to researching things.
You don't have to, you could just note that they started releasing demographic data again after refusing to during the famine.
No, it's one of many photographs. Shows some factory work.
I can post more if you've got requests.
Yet to have any evidence of that existing. Having read their entire criminal code, penal code, etc. there is no mention of it in there, and even includes exclusionary articles that specify the elimination of the regressive law policies that existed in the 90's.
>I can post more if you've got requests.
would be interesting to see more
is there anything about colleges or research/technological progress?
Yeah, it's really limited. Cellphone usage and local data stuff is increasing, but sadly their primary access is still INTRAnet rather than INTERnet.
Yeah, sure. Kim Il Sung University even has a website now where you can read their journal publishings (many are weird, be prepared): ryongnamsan.edu.kp
Otherwise they've got an international school (pic related) that takes students from places like Africa.
Tech wise I can show random building improvements, computers (them switching from Redstar to Windows), graphic design crap, solar panels, etc.
>Tech wise I can show random building improvements, computers (them switching from Redstar to Windows), graphic design crap, solar panels, etc.
would be great :)
>no drugs, alcohol
Wrong, weed grows on the side of the road and is defacto legal, crystal meth is a huge problem and its laughable that you think they dont drink
>clean streets
Maybe in Pyongyang, where nobody is even on the streets
You gotta know people, and be spotless for generations
You are a faggot OP
All right, dumpin all tech theme stuff I can find!
>No food
>Family has no food either
>Not sure what to do
>Starve hard
>Infant child is now almost dying
>Go to market place, beg, nobody gives you anything
>Infant child dies
>Other kid also starves now
>You starve too
>Steal a loaf of bread
>Get sentenced to 3 generations labour in prison camp
gg wp meaningless lives gone to waste en masse
>no drugs and alcohol
>no drugs
>cia debriefed DEFECTORS
>from north korea
You probably believe that Syria is committing war-crimes against it's own people because the CIA and MSM says so.
I thought they ran on people's revolutionary microchips and apps, not foreign imperialist dells and software borne out of freedomâ„¢
Its all that Neanderthal blood in them. They have more than us.
>You will never impregnate a brainwashed Nork
or in short... it's fucking north Korea.
its probably a great place , if nkoreans werent so fugly i would totally move there to peace out
you dont need 100000 kcal every day to survive
North Korea is like what if communist 80s' in Eastern Europe met Japan.
>No drugs
M8 weed grows on the side of roads and most of the """rich""" people are high on meth 24/7 there
That was the goal, but they've been adopting more capitalist policies for 'reasons'. Maybe its because capitalism is flat out better? Who knows.
Reminder that North Korea is the closest thing to a modern day Third Reich
your story is pretty innaccurate.
they clearly would have eaten the infant in that scenario
this. people need to shut the fuck up.
Weed is legal in NK.
Concentration camps for you and your entire extended family if one person is disloyal to Fat Boy.
The reasons North Korea is a bad country:
- no drugs and alcohol
- No prostitutes and porn
- Get killed for littering
- Get killed for bitching about govt
- Get killed for not having correct haircut
- Get killed because Dear Leader is bored
- No real internet access
- No food
- Constant threat of nuclear annihilation because Dear Leader mouthed off at the west.
Their leader is literally nigger-loving cuck.
If North Korea is so great why do people get killed for escaping, and why do all escapee stories tell about mass death
>no drugs and alcohol
Doesn't nk have a huge meth problem?
no sleeping well at night? How would you sleep knowing there is no crime in your country and everyone is patriotic towards everone? it's literally a big family. There is no better placer to sleep in than in NK.
Unless you're on warfare.
Because they aren't actually North korean defectors. Just people telling a story so people hate Norks
Average quality of life is dogshit.
The state will gas you and your family for thinking wrong.
Country is run by a dynasty of actual manchildren.
Famine and squalor everywhere outside of the capital.
If you think 1984 was a good place to live you may be a sociopath. People who delude themselves about living under regimes like that usually assume they'll be the ones running the place. The boot will own you, not the other way around.
Kill yourself my dude.
sounds like paradise, how is that different from america with sin taxes and vice being illegal?
And how the fuck would you know? Every single North Korean who has defected would argue otherwise.
Cool technology pics.
I guess my criticism of norty korea for a long time was that it is a nation sustained on brutal propaganda, but in truth our western societies aren't any better, just richer.
>no alcohol
This is completely false. Where did you even get this information?
sounds like elementary school in america.
Hang on, you're trusting one totalitarian anti-west source (Al Jazeera owned by Qatari govt/royal family) to tell you about another totalitarian regime.
Yeah, nah.
Sounds like all schooling in America, especially colleges.
Why are the license plates using Arabic numerals?
They look like fucking androids.
every time
>wanting to starve to death
That's cute, they think 1960's era tech and tractor rocket artillery will knock down South Korea in 3 days
probably because the soviets also do it like this
Average caloric intake is 600 calories per day. They are a paradise.
some defectors go back to north korea
Every picture of cars in North Korea that I can find also have some moon runes though