I was wondering what the differences of the slavs are
Difference between southslavs and regular slavs?
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South slavs fuck your mother in the shitter whilst the northern ones go for the cunny
Basically how much Varangians blood still courses through their veins. The more east you go the more mongol horde rape babies there are. The more south you go the more turkroach mudslime influence there is.
Viking slavs are best slavs
regular slavs have asian facial features
south dont
I've never EVER seen a slav with Asian features, unless it's a half- person.
Every fucking pole I've seen has Asian features you sarmathian mongrel.
you mean minority of "white" russians
like what?
Ex yugoslavia slavs are best slavs, and its true that we will fuck your mother in the shitter. We speak the purest slav language while any other slav language sounds like you have severe autism and use western spy letters like x,y,w.
We don't squat
He is right desu
The amount of Asiatic features in the average Russian,Pole or Ukrainian faces can be seen
what? never seen one
Spy letters? I don't understand, do you use latin alphabet instead of cyrillic?
Southern slavs look like turks. Much darker skin and hair.
Of course of course bong, you pure bred islander overman,this words weigh heavier coming from your mouth considering the Brits are famous for being the most ugly people of europe
Only ex-russian states use cyrillic, and also bulgars. Others use latin.
Broad face, high cheekbones, small chin, brahikefalia (guess that's how it called when one has smaller skull), some also have narrow-ish eyes.
>south slavs
got cucked by turks
>west slavs
got cucked by germans
That is it.
and you got cucked by Indians too
What? Then where the fuck do I live in?
Women, arguably, but yours aren't the best as well.
Slav is an ethno-linguistic group. Not a genotype. If these words are too big for you, let me know and I'll try and dumb it down for you.
Poles are very different from Russians whoa re very different from Serbs because we all absorbed different genetic admixtures over thousands of years.
Pic related
>ethno-linguistic group
>not a genotype
Идиoт, нe знaeш кaквo гoвopиш.
I don't get it
Slavs are white people who aren't too physically weak to stand up to blacks. South Slavs are the best of the best in the slav group.
>tfw all white people secretly wish they were slavs and their wives wish they were being fucked by slavs
South Slavs, East Slavs, and West Slavs only have common linguistics, not ethnicity.
South slavs are brown niggers. Others are white niggers.
crobro knows.
Why are your woman hot but slavic men looks like they are missing a chromosome?
fight me in crimea boy imma whip you wif mah flip-flop boy
Culture. Same reason Swedish men look pretty but are pussies
that guy loks more like an northern englishman that a slav to me. i guess he might be russian, but they're different from us
>but slavic men looks like they are missing a chromosome?
you don't find slavic men hot not because we're missing a chromosome, but because we're missing dark skin and coarse hair packed in a BBC bull deluxe package
Slavs don't care about appearance as much as nordick faggots
pic of Polish man in Sweden
same reason your country is supposedly christian but is filled with muslim niggers
>South Slavs are the best of the best in the slav group.
Then why didn't we go to space ?
Also we have the only actual european white muslims , i mean i like us but you can't say we are the best slavs
mix of mongols and tatars
>south slavs:
mix of turks and gypsis
sure thing bong you masterrace you
Anglos are niggers so maybe.
Are Bosnians slavs? I don't personally differentiate them from shitskin Albanians these days desu
Don't project on me bruv
Czechs>Slovaks=Polacks>Slovenes=Croats>Bulgarians>Belarusians>Ukrainians=Russians>Serbs>other ex-Yuggos
Because we live on the crossroads of nations. Constantly being invade by every would be Empire can really fuck up your development.
Bullcrap. Bosnians smoke, fuck out of wedlock, eat pork, couldn't quote the Quran if you had a gun to their head, and are "muslim" the same way i'm "catholic", which is that i guess that's what you're supposed to be here so that's what you are. There's not one muslim in bosnia that wouldn't be called a heretic in the middle east
That's nice.
What? Frodo pls.
bosniaks are pretty white, of course being muslim opened gate for breeding with shitskin overlords
Hungary (Magyars) are slavs by DNA but not by language. They were conquered by Hun overlords, who imposed their language, but did not mix much genetically with the people...
see >regular slavs have asian facial features
Regular slavs are The Aryans.
Slavs are niggers of the white race
There is no evidence that Hunns spoke an Ugric language.
So the secret of everything is the color of the hairs?
All Slavic groups are different from each other when it comes to ethnic origins, linguistics is the only place where they find common ground. The terms Slav characterizes a language group, not a racial one. For example, Bulgarians are descended from the ancient Thracians, the Romanians (although not a Slavic group) are actually not that far off from Bulgarians, as Romanians are descended from the Dacians, who are closely related to the Tracians.
Most Croats are descended from the Goths, many Russians have Finno-Ugric origins. Lots of Ukrainians are the descendants of the Scythians and many Albanians the descendants of the Illyrians, and yes I know Albanians aren't a Slavic group either.
The point is, Slavs are white. There is nothing unifying to Slavs other than their language, their blood is their own. A Bulgarian is no more closer to a Russian than he is to a German, all three of them are of different ethnic origins, but all branch down to Europeans.
We are better looking.
>The point is, Slavs are white.
whoa, that's a lot of stuff to dump at once. Its heavy man. Im considering /suicide
Romania is Orthodox Country with great respect for values and morals of Christianity. Your country destroyed Europe two times and it seems you will cause war again, but this time it won't be a Hitler but a Muhammad, under the banner of the German Caliphate.
Western Slavs are god tier
Eastern Slavs are good tier (women are god tier)
Southern Slavs are Turkey tier
Wtf is going on in Estonia, Christ
(You)r welcome that we gave your life meaning, without a wife? What are you going to prep?
I hate the improvement in technology, people shouldn't be able to shit post out of the basement.
i see you have a big problem with slavs bro.
look, i'm sorry, but you can't just hate all of us because one fucked your girl. most of us are very principled and would have turned her away. i hope you understand.
I would kill myself if I was a slav
>would have turned her away
*would have fucked her in front of him to show how big of a cuck he is
Have faith in yourself, you might be able to do it without slav genetics.
>netherlands more than most east european countries
what are you trying to prove exactly?
Ones are shit. The others are... oh wait, no, actually there's no difference.
>slave in norway
Nailed it Anglobro
Get a job you fucking abbo otherwise, I'm going to sniff all your gas and hack your emails.
this one is better
okay but really russia bro, what's with the squatting? i don't get it
keep prostate sharp for sneak attack
>Yup, i'm from Portugal and around summer time tinder gets invaded with Dutch chicks begging for the caralho. Dutch guys, good looking and pretty tall are outplayed by short tanned dudes.
>When these girls set foot on forgeing country, i mean the minute they step their foot outside the plane, they get wet just thinking about the caralho ride they'll be getting.
Had a rough time Daan?
You're a slave, you should know
moroc got triggered
>all this polish diaspora
fucking kek
you know we're fucking your grills you stupid dutch SUCK MY DICK and kys faggot
Bitch please, I am Aryan Slav hailing from Petersburg on work here.
The only subhuman slavs are moskal.
kek, don't let the toothpaste trigger you bro.
guess which one is you
I get it man, you're angry, and I would be too if I was in your place(not that that would ever happen since I'm a slav, but still).
Just...try to remember, your girl loves you, and I'm sure the affair didn't mean anything beyond sexual ecstasy for her. It was just physical, okay?
>muh dick nigguh
>we be stealing your girls nigguh
You're not doing shit. A proper Dutch woman wouldn't even look at some disgusting potato faced slavshit
Slavic women love western Dick though and you can't deny that
is this potato face you moron, i bet you're ugly as hell and even your grills don't want to hook up with you, you desperately watch them going for slavs instead. you should heal your complexes but you're doing it wrong obviously, nigga
>I am Aryan Slav
that's like saying I am Christian muslim fucking kek
according to this we're still better than Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal
That's because you're partially Germanic, hence automatically superior to other slavs (but still vastly inferior to us)
>They come to Algarve, Portugal to get smashed by the locals (many of them are fishermen from small towns not lying). Yesterday I was out clubbing in a place packed with Dutch/Belgium girls and it was so easy. The dutch/belgium guys on the other side had some problems trying to get with any type of girls...
>Men here are also feminine as fuck, no masculine energy whatsoever. I noticed many of them gossip about other men, like a bunch of 13 year old girls who are on their period.
It's all gonna be alright Noortje.
>A proper Dutch woman wouldn't even look at some disgusting potato faced slavshit
Guess there are no proper Dutch women then?
Well, it was a good night showing slavs their place in this world (below us).
Good night
goodnight bro, and don't worry, you'll find a faithful dutch girl...somewhere