Is it time to rally our forces? Civil War?

>Harvard University law professor Larry Lessig, who has been providing free legal counsel to "faithless electors" from the GOP considering voting against Trump, claims that 20 GOP Electoral College voters have contacted him and are seriously considering flipping their vote.

Is it time to take up arms?

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I am getting to old for this shit.

Just like trump wasn't going to reach 1438 delegates or win Michigan right? Oh yeah but this one is for Realllll

It is time to bend over and take it. It's sad, it's terrifying, but nobody is going to do anything. Go back to watching your Kardashians and get used to saying Madam President goyim

Will help with the public lynchings

I wouldn't be so sure.

We have never experienced something like this.

It's still too early. Wait until the 19th/20th. Everything'll be clear by then.

wont it be too late by then?

Maybe if the electors know we wont stand for shenanigans they wont try to pull any bullshit.

If the Electoral College blocked Trump, it would be perfectly Constitutional you know. You would not have the legitimacy to claim a government coup, or trampling of Constitutional Rights.

Would not even be able to claim a suppression of the principles of democracy either, since Trump did not win the most votes. His entire legitimacy to assume the Presidency is based on how the Electoral College votes. If they don't vote for him, there is no fall back source of legitimacy.

What exactly are you trying to say here user?

>That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

I disagree

nothing, its just the implication.

Might is right.

Things are tense enough. The transition of power is well underway, the government is continuing to work as assumed.

There are a few likely ways any of this can go:

Nothing happens and libs continue to cry for the next four/eight years.

The electorates vote against the results of last month, or something similar to deny Trump the presidency and throw the nation through a true test the likes we haven't seen in our lifetimes.

These are the two I see. All we can do is wait, if war comes it'll spark quickly or at least be evident from the get go.

Sure, amend the Constitution, to mandate that the Electors cannot vote except as directed by their State. But right now, that is NOT what the Constitution says!

All the 12th Amendment say's is that the Electors shall meet in their respective State Capitals and vote on who should assume the office of the US Presidency. The demand of entailing their vote to the popular vote in the respective States has been a principle of choice, not a statute of law.

Alexander Hamilton's Federalist no. 68 spells out quite clearly why we have never Constitutionally bound the Electors to the popular vote in their State. Because there was always the danger of a person being elected who posed a unique danger to the survival of the Republic, and should that unlikely event occur, the Electoral College would stand as a critical line of defense against that person assuming the Presidency.

>20 wouldn't be enough
>they wouldn't be voting for Clinton anyway, likely Kasich or Cruz
>even if Trump gets below 270, it goes to the house where they will vote him in

They know denying this election to trump would really stoke the ire of the 1/3rd of the country that staunchly support him. They wouldn't want people out in the streets looking to lynch the electors

All it would do would be to stop the Process, and throw the shitstorm into Congress where Trump may very well prevail anyway. However, it would ALSO give Congress the space and time with which to look into what is unavoidably a damning cloud surrounding the President-Elect.

Another thing the the country does not need is to inaugurate someone and then be faced with an impeachment process 6 months later.

Hamilton was a cuck that should have been shot by Bur earlier.

Hamilton wanted Washington to be a fucking Monarch get the fuck out of here with that.

Besides that though, The amount of tyranny on the state and individual by our current government is far greater than what our founders rebelled against.

If they saw the bloated tyrannical federal government/empire of today they would be calling for armed revolt this instance, Trump or not.

We don't need to overthrow the government solely on the basis on unconstitutionality of specific actions. We can overthrow and reform it in the same way purely due to its corruption

Did you bring enough gun's to share with the class?

I'll take any rifle senpai

That's arguably the safest way Trump would be denied, and if found to be at fault then so be it.

Let's just hope whatever happens doesn't come out of nowhere, god help us all otherwise. Pic related is the worst case at the end of the day.

does the class want to fight for freedom?

We've been waiting for years for this moment.

It's time to smash the Union once and for all.

Put every last Federal agent and employee to death by firing squad.

Burn Washington DC to the ground.

Have an army, clad in grey liberate Northern Virginia from the Yankee tyrants, dig up every last piece of dirt from the CIA and FBI, and put it out in the open for all the world to see.

There may be a rebellion yet.

Yeah....remind me again why you even vote in Federal elections if your desire is to destroy the Federal Government?

Makes me think you vote specifically needs to be nullified by the Constitutional defenses against popular machinations, like the Electoral College.

>defending faithless electors

get necked, traitor scum

>1. Christine Pelosi (D-CA)
>2. Micheal Baca (D-CO)
>3. Anita Bonds (D-DC)
>4. Courtney Watson (D-MD)
>5. Dudley Dudley (D-NH)
>6. Bev Hollingworth (D-NH)
>7. Terie Norelli (D-NH)
>8. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH)
>9. Clay Pell (D-RI)
>10. Edward Buck (D-CA)
>11. Donna Ireland (D-CA)
>12. Vinz Koller (D-CA)
>13. Katherine Lyon (D-CA)
>14. John P. MacMurray (D-CA)
>15. Andres Ramos (D-CA)
>16. Gail Teton-Landis (D-CA)
>17. Olivia Reyes-Becerra (D-CA)
>18. David Scott Warmuth (D-CA)
>19. Gregory H. Willenborg (D-CA)
>20. Jerad Sutton (D-CO)
>21. Robert Nemenich (D-CO)
>22. Nancy Shepherdson (D-IL)
>23. Dori Dean (D-MA)
>24. Jason Palitsch (D-MA)
>25. Parwez Wahid (D-MA)
>26. Paul G. Yorkis (D-MA)
>27. Robert Leonard (D-MD)
>28. Salome T. Peters (D-MD)
>29. Melissa Mark-Viverito (D-NY)
>30. Stuart Appelbaum (D-NY)
>31. Stephanie Miner (D-NY)
>32. Melissa Sklarz (D-NY)
>33. Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D-NY)
>34. Sam H.W. Sappington (D-OR)
>35. Beth Caldwell (D-WA)
>36. Bret Chiafalo (D-WA)
>37. Deb Fitzgerald (D-VA)
>38. Terry C. Frye (D-VA)
>39. Jeanette Sarver (D-VA)

>40. Chris Suprun (R-TX)


Actually I like to think of it as defending the Constitution.

We love to harp on the system of Checks and Balances that have been built into our system. As any 10th Grader will tell you, Constitutional Checks and Balances exist to check "the powers that be" in the Federal Government.

What is less discussed is that the PEOPLE are also a source of Power in our Government, and checks on the power of the People exist in our Constitutional order. The College of Electors is one of the most blatant checks.

It is Undemocratic. It is Undemocratic by design. It gives small states like Wyoming massively disproportionate power compared to States like California when it comes to electing the President. Its other, very undemocratic power, is the constitutionally granted power to override the will of the people under extreme circumstances.

The rabid frothing at the mouth and blatant screeds towards other Americans and their own Government by Trumps own supporters here simply seeks to underscore the importance of this "Emergency Brake". It exists to prevent demagogues and foreign puppets being elected by the People.

> all in places that wouldn't even vote Trump

Trump supporters are such fools to think that by destroying the current government will somehow bring resolution. Don't you even see why Trump is in power now? The elites are using him to create civil unrest in America, and from that chaos will create destruction which will bring in the United Nations to control America... the final step for the New World Order.

Nope. This is fake news BS.

I want off of Dr. Shelkelsteins wild ride.

Isn't Larry Lessig the same faggot who ran for president and absolutely no one paid attention to him.

>allowing the UN on American soil
Boy do you even know how to fire a rifle?

This faggot is putting in overtime in both CW threads. Shill.

Wahhh, someone disagrees with me on Sup Forums! Quick, pretend he's a paid shill!

Thats funny that he provides free legal council when what they would really need is a free army battalion to stop whats coming to them.

Fake news. But,just in case, we should find this professor's home address and phone number, and make them public. Once the civil war starts EVERY progressive is a target. There will be no rules. Doesn't matter how many you kill, or which ones, as long as you kill them.

>Lawrence Lessig
this attention whore has got nothing.

>destroying the current government will somehow bring resolution

It will.

The US Government is the most evil, wicked, and despicable force on the planet and it's about time we brought it to it's knees.

>muh UN invasion of America

You seriously buy into that bullshit? If the UN can't handle a genocide in an irrelevant African shithole, what makes you think they'll be able to control us? The NYPD outnumbers the total number of UN Peacekeepers worldwide at any one time.

I love democracy and everything, but imagine if you could stop Hitler. Imagine if you could prevent millions of people from suffering unjustly. Imagine if you could prevent the sins of you fellow ignorant countrymen from ruining your great country. That's what's happening, and it needs to happen, so help me God.

>It exists to prevent demagogues and foreign puppets being elected by the People.
not to subvert the will of the people then? traitor

>The US Government is the most evil, wicked, and despicable force on the planet
not the government itself, the (((people))) who control it

Actually Britbon, the Electoral College is the Diligent in the US Constitutional order. It never defies the vote. Just like the Queen never refuses to sign an act of Parliament.

Yet just like the Queen can in fact refuse to sign an Act of Parliament, the College can choose to defy the vote of the people.

>not the government itself, the (((people))) who control it

The state is tied to those who run it you twit.

And the corruption of the Federal Empire is so pervasive that it cannot be fixed.

The ONLY solution is it's complete and total destruction.

>It never defies the vote.
40 electors are saying they will

it would be funny if they did prevent Trump

how do we tell if their classification of Trump as a demagogue or a puppet is valid? by listening to the (((MSM)))?

omg a real life confederate general namefag

>The state is tied to those who run it you twit.
so undo the ties. aipac should be first to go, along with anyone with dual nationality

>stopping someone
>before they've done anything

Canadians need to be banned from this board.


I've always wondered when it's all over who's going to run things? How would that be decided?

here's a (You) moron, work harder on the bait next time

That would be for Congress to decide. There is no way in hell the College would affirm Hillary Clinton President Elect over Trump. There duty in the doomsday scenario that exist for in our constitutional system is to invalidate the results of the 2016 election, not supplant it.

Congress would take up the matter if no candidate gains a majority of the College. They could choose, after deliberation, to affirm Trump anyway. But before they do that, Trump would be called to testify before Congress and its Committees. Testimony that would require Discovery, which would mean Supoenas for information about Trumps business dealings.

It would also mean the CIA would be called forth to Congress in order to spill the goods. Including sources and methods, because selecting a President is the highest level of national security. Revealing sources and methods in defense of the succession would be legitimate exchange.

If after that happens, Trump "dindu nuffin", he'll be President anyway.

They won't do it. They're cucks at heart. They'll pussy out and vote for Trump out of fear of the consequences.

Fuck off faggot. One liberal idiot doesn't represent an entire country. You have any idea how many retarded Amerifat posters there are on this board?

keep on dreaming, so far you have 1 single trump elector who says he will betray his voters

But the Trump Sore Losers would pick up their gunz and lose their shit. Because they are sore losers.

How many Hillary supporters are calling for civil war because Trump won the preliminary estimate of EC vote?

Why can't Trumpers do Constitutional Law?

what about Trump makes you think he will do anything close to what Hitler did.

he is a moderate democrat.

Center-right. The world has lost its mind.

What grounds do you have that Trump will be shit?

>sore losers

The establishment is so butthurt and desperate they will, for the first time in 240 years, completely go against the election results and pull the faithless elector, never tested, emergency break over a guy who is objectively not very extreme.

yet we are sore losers?

Plot twist: neither of them are elected.

Except he is right, you kike slit