Let's meme Le Pen into power! Le Pen would be a major blow to the global establishment.
Le Pen/French election part 3
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fuck, sorry OP, can't delete that post for some reason
2017 Operation Overlord II begins.
Drive back the globalist
Sorry, but MAGA is for Anglo nations only.
Fuck France and Fuck White Flags.
I have some
Then why did Italy vote no?
I would love to help, but I can't speak Arabic.
this one could use sources for a better effect
Le Pen has been in politics forever. Even her father was in politics. She's not a corporatist, but she is an authoritarian. All that's gonna happen is we're going to have a new elite class, but instead of economically conservative neocons, they're going to be populist, isolationist demagogues - Le Pen, Erdogan, people like Farage and Johnson, Trump, Xi Jinping, Putin, Jobbik/Fidesz, the Swedish Democrats, Duterte, and so on. Iranians and Italians are looking at what the whole world is doing and shaking their heads in disgust, because they know what's coming - Ahmadinejad and Berlusconi were just like this.
How do you say "Vote Le Pen!" In French ?
They have a British arm too, ya know
for this pic the subject was :
>undercover investigation about islamism in france
>leftism cock-sucker went full butthurt and to show tolerance and love, tried to get the name of the journalist to destroy their lives
"Il faut tuer Le Pen!"
You're welcome
like "Vote Trump" but you switch "Trump" with "Le pen"
Wew that was hard
Seriously this woman betrayed her own father fights against her niece and you think she will not betray us?
Also it is against europe but is paid to be deputy european.
Nice try. Ha
>Lets volunteer a female president
>Interesting, I suppose what you vote for Marine Le Pen
I can't meme under these fucking conditions god damn it
You guys need to stop. Now they are running around blaming Russia for this. The Trump effect is catching on and no one knows what to do but look for someone to blame.
I mean I didn't know the conjugation ending l, which is why I asked.
The russia attacks - I'm honestly a bit sick. They want the next war with another white nation?
meme magic only works on retarded shartmarts.
at least trump had $$$, le pen is a poor taxpayer money sucker
"Vote Le Pen"
"Votez Le Pen"
"Votez" is more polite or is used to speak to multiple person at the time
I heard of some intraparty friction between marine and Marion over abortion?
mouai sauf que les noirs/neur des banlieu de france sont pauvres t 'nont aucune richesse...cette propagante est vraiment nul
Let me see
>All is good, comrad
>Just a requisition of my riches to??? understand one party of the young undocumented poor
Was I even close?
it was between marion and philipot and marine tried to calm their tits
>Not just shouting
We are really going to need french fags to general this shit.
The big thing is going to be round 2 of the election which should be Le Pen vs Fillon.
Fillon is a lap dog for the EU.
>Just a requisition of my riches to??? understand one party of the young undocumented poor
Only a requisition of my wealth by a part of poor stigmatised youth
I cheated a little MY english isn't perfect
Ils ont qu'à bosser au lieu de dealer du shit ces sous-merdes
Regarde la magnifique culture "ghetto" importé par le gangsta rap US de merde
>jamais expulsés
Haha white supremacy yeah...
there were a #MFGA general floating around since Emperor Trump election
Alors ça shill plus votre fillon de merde ? Vous êtes en vacance ou quoi ?
We should be lining our borders like this - covered in bacon.
Nah I switched over to Lepen when I saw that Fillon shilled for Hill.
every time
Hahaha vraiment superbe cette image.
C'est toujours comme ça, même ici au Canada.
Et les caméras qui focus sur le seul enfant dans le camp de réfugiés.
What about spraying bacon fat on them instead it's a lot more cost effective
Where did the Fillon shill go? I remember seeing him sperg out like a Cruzlim.
Hahaha très bon.
Pretty sure they are opening a pipeline of more mudslimes to come to your country.
his party don't have that much money to pay shills to spam 24/7 internet
have to go
je bosses demain
keep up the meme frogs
A reaction has an opposite and equal reaction. We're so far left that a far right mindset will push us a tad back towards the center. I don't think many people voted Trump because they liked his what he would like as a utopia. but rather it was an antibiotic to the left. If Trump does well and the extreme ideological thinking is mostly subverted for open debates and a free market of ideas then we'll go back to the seesaw of politics
Bataclan? Never Again with Le Pen!