Who was the worst president and why?
Who was the best so far?
Who was the worst president and why?
Who was the best so far?
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Woodjew Wilson
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Obama was the best so far imo
ObamaLeaf redpilled me on him
Patrrick Buchanon or George W. Bush.
George Washington or Abraham Lincoln.
>inb4 Reagan
faggot wilson was the best
he created the fed which helped us stabalize the economy
Worst: Herbert Hoover
Best: Donald J. Trump
why tho? Who tf is buchanon?
reagan was shit
trump is a neoliberal dumas
Best: Thomas Jefferson
Worst: W
I agree but trump is shit
why tho
Jefferson wasnt apresident dumbass he creatd the lightbulb or electricity
What did you mean by this?
worst: george w bush
best: barack obama
now this I can agree with
Worst- FDR, LBJ
Best- Monroe, Polk
motivation for u fags to post in my thread
While everyone is entitled to their opinion, if you're a regular of his board and you think the worst was anyone other than FDR or LBJ you're probably uninformed.
hoover and wilson imo worst 2bh
who is this spunk monk
I haven't read a lot about Nixon, but holy shit his face makes me mad.
So, I have to go with Nixon.
my friend in LA, not gonna reveal her name but shes a model
top kek
He was redpilled about Jews and Fags tho
>immigtaion LAW 1965
>democrat get vote, but become third world country
>vietnam war
>Let's waste america money and time
>medicare medicaid
>fucker started this commie stuff
>now democrat start Obamacare,section8,HUD
>It's Wealth redistribution by race and gender
Worst = Woodrow Wilson or Lyndon B Johnson
Best = Theodore Roosevelt or Abraham Lincoln
Nice bait.
Worst: Andrew Johnson
Best: Any answer other than George Washington is uttered by illiterates.
Monroe created the colony of Liberia-he did more than any President in history to try to come up with a serious solution to the black problem by repatriating them to Africa. If is successors had carried on that mission the cesspool we live in today would have been unthinkable. He also created the doctrine named after him which made hemispheric domination the official policy of the US, keeping he European powers out of our half of the world.
Polk seized the West from the fledgling Mexican Empire, securing the land that would become the modern day states of Texas, California, etc. He is responsible for making the US a two-ocean, continent spanning power with no real competition from anyone who shared a land border with us. Then, having accomplished literally everything he said he would do in one term, he left and went home. On the path to becoming a global superpower, it was all just coloring by the numbers from Polk onward.
Andrew jackson was the best
>kicked Indians out
>dueled like a badass
The only thing that was really terrible
about Hoover was that he enabled the rise of FDR, and the creation of the new country which has existed since 1933.
if anyone says that George Washington wasn't the best they are wrong
Holy shit i never knew monroe tried to solve the black problem wtf
I knew polk was based but i never knew he kicked mexicos ass so bad wew
fampai hoover ruined america with his dumbass economic plan
Worst: probably Trump (not in office yet but already going to WW3 with China)
Best: for economy, Bill Clinton. For personality Obama.
Nixon was an incredibly moderate and capable leader
>not in office yet but already going to WW3 with China
explain how the South China Sea confrontation is Trump's fault? wtf
>Kaylyn Slevin
Eat shit numbnuts
booty calls to Taiwan
thats genocide thoooooo
Truman deserves mention for being the worst. He set up the CIA and regretted it pretty much as soon as he left office.
What plan are you referring to?
conservatism dumbass fuck you
Obama starts War in China and that makes you think he is the best and Trump is the worst...
>calls others illiterates
>thinks there was ever a president named Andrew Johnson
Dark roots and brown eyes, remind me why pol likes this untermenschen again?
Wilson. He was the one who gave the power of our currency to (them)
Jackson, he ran on taking out (their) earlier central bank, won, and ended the bank for years until Wilson came. Also he removed feather.
The new deal was fucking fantastic. it worked great until the immigration act and the foodstamp bill, both policies of lbj who actually is the worst ever.
Worst: Grant. Corrupt, inept.
Best: Polk. Said he was going to get 4 things done. Got all 4 done.
The conservatism dumbass plan?
>causes and perpetuates a disastrous civil war
>destroys state sovereignty
>tramples on the rights of millions
>all over an institution that would have gone away on its own over a couple of decades.
srsly fuck Abraham Lincoln
Best: Coolidge
Worst: Hoover
>aryan means blonde hair and blue eyes
divide and conquer attempt failed.
fuck off kike
>Inb4 CTR shill
FDR ended the united states. the communist county which was left after the 4 terms of this far-left President for Life kept the name and the flag, but it is a new country.
The new deal bought the soul of this nation, and it bought it on credit.
>>aryan means blonde hair and blue eyes
Hey don't blame me moite, this is what Sup Forums has taught me.
Obongo, because he was a half-breed nigger who's actively undermined the interests of white america and the western world.Worst part is he was spawned by a coal burning whore, further proving that racemixers need to be taken out of the gene pool(at a higher rate than they are doing it to themselves anyway).
People like you are why people like us control the GOP now.
yeah whatever romanian like you know shit about anything cause you read some stuff on Sup Forums
Forgot to add that kennedy was best for trying to take down the fed(in my barely informed opinion).
the worst: obama
the best: andrew jackson
Trump has accomplished shit already, and he ain't even in office yet.
liberals are the true subhumans, i don't know how you have the gumption of claiming you believe in evolution when you're actively denying it when it comes to race and are fighting against your own group's interests.Anything left of libertarians are literally defect forms of life that need to be purged.
my nigaa
i agree
Im not sure what you mean by that, but FDR is one of the most impactful leftists of the 20th century, which says a lot considering he was competing with Lenin and Trotsky. FDR forced the end of the British Empire (not to mention the destruction of fascism and the ascension of of bolshevism to total eastern european hegemony) and is the reason subsahran africa is a collection of dozens of dysfunctional horror states demanding the gibs to support their skyrocketing growth rates which will soon make them 40% of the global population. FDR is also why blacks vote democrats.
Obama was bad, and weaponized Section 8 to its most dangerous level yet, but overall he wasn't intelligent or creative or not to be that harmful. He was an A- Alinskyite affirmative actioned into the top spot. Someone like Bernie or Hillary would have been exponentially more damaging.
JP Morgan was the FED. He was also the best FED, he could have used his power to enrich himself further through maximum insider trading, but used his powers for good to further what would eventually become the dual mandate: maximizing employment and stabilizing prices. Roosevelt disrupted him. As soon as Roosevelt was out Morgan bought out Taft and said, "look, I'm getting old, the govt should do this, not a private citizen". Wilson just put his stamp on the creation of a bureaucracy that was already in the pipes. Since then the FED has been corrupted to further the goals of (((certain interests)))
but many can be "purged" through education.
what the fuck are you on about? fuck you asshole
get off your high horse and appreciate what your ancestors have done for you
>Andrew jackson was the best
>the best: andrew jackson
What is a picture of a roastie slut supposed to motivate you to do?
What confused you?
The nigger is the worst but Carter isn't far behind.
motivated you to post here faggot
lemme get them digits bruh
also nice job you just doxxed ur friend
well it didn't work
>doxxed my friend
nah she gained popularity from neckbeards on 4pol
I just get more pussy niga
Fuck off, no one likes you jerk
>bumped my thread twice
>didnt work
i thought czechs werent supposed to be dumb niggers
teddie sold money and lives for bananas
I can't tell if your pro-Fed or anti-Fed. If you dispute JP Morgan's influence in its founding or not. Go ahead and ad homs all you want, but at least say something of substance
If Obongo is a nigger, how did he manage to not fuck things up as badly as Johnson or Wilson?
well we are
Obama is the best president but Hillary would be better
DRUMPF is the worst
and I want more immigrants in czechia to impregnate my wife eliška
>27 posts by this ID
>implying you get anywhere within 100 feet of that
fucking top kek user
Lincoln was the worst.
James Madison was the best.
I get 100 ft deep in her pussy faggot!
good you have a low population, smart asian migrants wil boost your iq bc ur too fucking retarded
>FDR's new deal was fantastic
The official socialism starter starter kit? Go back to /leftypol/
i want syrian immigrants from subsaharan africa so i can have my wife's son beautiful and black
Disappointed, OP. Would have thought your pic had something fun happening in the background like a boat wreck.