10 most powerful people in the world according to Forbes. Do you agree?

10 most powerful people in the world according to Forbes. Do you agree?

Trump is now #2, compared to #75 just one year ago.

literally who?

Other urls found in this thread:


meant to write literally who for #8 and lol for #9

Larry Page is the google faggot who has way too much information about all of us.

all puppets for the 1%, who control the world with their monies.

see if you can name 1 of the 1%

There appears to be a mistake.

Larry Page is the founder of Google dummy


>Putting Putin ahead of Trump
someone's butt hurts over there
>Putting Pope Francis anywhere in the top 20
Implying he doesn't just parrot left-wing bullshit and bastardize Catholicism for the EU agenda


Of fuck off with this libshit list

Angela Merkal is more powerful than Putin



I'd put Putin ahead of MUrkel

(((She))) might have more direct impact than Putin but he is more powerful.


>The Pope ahead of Bill Gates and (((Zuckerberg)))

The way the Russian government is structured means that Putin can basically do whatever he wants, while Trump has to go through the rest of the government.

None of the catholics like the commie bouncer pope. The media just called their old pope a Podesta tier child rape cover up agent every night on tv so they booted him out.

30% of those people are Jewish by the way.

>Top ten leaders
>Not including the King of kikes

>Such delusion

Putin has no checks and balances domestically, what he wants gets in the end. And that also heavily correlates with foreign policy projects. Everything he does he succeeds at because no one can rival his raw political power.

And she remains confused childless old hag who doesn't know how to deal with 1 mil of new citizens .

>Obama isn't on the list

Of course he moved up to #2, he won the presidency you fucking retard


I don't see a Rothschild in that list. I only see puppets.

the only powerful people on that list are putin, trump, and yellen

>Putin 1st
(((They))) wouldn't do this when Obama was president but they want to provoke a fight.

Larry page looks like a mix between Mark Ruffalo and Brian Cox

Wheres soros

why is bill so powerful?

>Putting Putin ahead of Trump

They're implying Trump is Putin's right hand man. "Putin pulls Trump's strings."

the whole bottom row is fucking retarded. and how the fuck does current year pope have any power?

Who has direct access to the most nuclear weapons in the world?

>no Hiro
fake news

Putin, then Trump, then Hollande.

This picture just makes him look like a grandpa that likes to work on cars and listen to Elvis

what a convenient omission

Exactly my point.

>potato francis

Putin was always put ahead of Obongo as well before to be fair


>not a single Rothschild

>would hang out at his garage

>soros not rothschild
good goy

What a retarded fucking list


That is the truth. He holds all the power now, he got his puppet in office. The KGB finally won and the GOP is playing cheerleader.

They want to keep low profile and let Soros do their dirty work

Yes good goyim! Putin is the most powerful man in the whole world! No use looking into the globalist jews worth trillions of dollars!

Mark Jewberg has zero power, his company is publicly traded and he is beholden to stock investors

pope is on top row but whatev

one could argue that his changes in the church are going to effect billions of churchy people which in itself could possibly be a major thing in the long term.

ok not billions but more then enough to make a difference in how those people shape their reality.

but, its not happening yet so I dunno

>Exactly my point.
What is your point?
>US and Russia destroy each other
>Russia is more poerful

>cox enterprises

what the fuck is that? never heard of it.

> Ten Most Powerful People...That you Know About

ftfy. i dont see any rothschild or soros on there

Hiro isn't there
>gen created a literal meme warfare group

>nobody from Committee of 300
They are full of shit


The reason Putin is more powerful than Germany and America is because he has more of a totalitarian rule than the other two while also having the easiest access to nuclear weapons.

Liberal media their not voing to out their puppet master

Xi above merkel

Putin doesn't seem fit for #1

9 is the president of india

Cuckerberg is always on these fucking lists but has zero power, is he supposed to be a stand-in for Soros or Rothschild because they don't want any sort of publicity?

daily reminder that soros is just a rothschild puppet.

>Do you agree?
If you are a good goy.
Literally none of them are in control.
They are just media figures or managers.

Dass racsis

> Xi Xingping not being number one

The jewish despise Soros

No Rothschild, no Rockefeller, no Soros. The puppet masters not the puppets.

Literally a joke, those guys just work for people like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers that could pay to have all of them killed on public TV and folks would let them.

I agree with a leaf and a Ukrainian, the world must be about to end.

Id put japans president on the list before cuck hollande hell the head of the eu has more power than hollande sauce

the whole bottom row
learn to read fucking dutchy

Merkal is on her way out, she's just now realizing the damage she's done to Germany

Meanwhile Putin rolled his tanks into Crimea in 2014, is carpet bombing Syria in order to reinstate a dictator and just hacked Donald Trump to U.S. President, and all anyone can do voice there disapproval in the U.N.

How do you not know who Page is? This is why I never take you guys seriously, you guys literally have no idea what you talk about

Yeah, the Jews just love other Jews who fall in with the Nazis, snitch them out to the Nazis, and join in looting them with the Nazis.

Just love those kind of folks.

>obongo already BTFO off the list

How can you shit in the street? This is why I never take you guys seriously.

>Putin is more powerful than Trump

Cant hear you over the shit coming out your arse

If he was the King of Kikes we shouldn't even know his name

Ah yes petty insults. Maybe next time just read up on a subject matter before posting about it

>not including Pepe

fucking dropped


That's fake news

Putin is a paper tiger and so is Russia, that's how it has always been and that's how it always will be. Russian intelligence is far inferior to ours, they simply do not have access to the resources we do anymore. The proposed threat from russia/USSR is manufactured by special interest groups that are controlled by the military industrial complex in the west. If Russia was not a """"threat"""", they would have far less power and influence. Nukes are a moot point because MAD is a thing.

What fucking power does the Pope have? He's a fucking walking meme that claims to be the voice of god. He cannot do anything, and and Trump's presidency is further proof of this.

Go ahead tell everyone in your 4th grade class that joke. I'm sure they'll enjoy it.

> the incumbent POTUS is #48
What went wrong?

I'm actually surprised that Gates is still on there. He's essentially retired running pet charities now.

Leader of Germany #3????
Are you fucking retarded. We have little to no influence in the geopolitical reality.
What is that, a buzzfeed list? That would explain this ridiculous #1 as well

probably because even 4th graders know better than to shit in the streets you fucking faggot

indian posters have it worse on Sup Forums than even israelis. I feel bad for you guy. hopefully the autism runs its course shortly like it did for greece with the pay denbt posters

He is the voice for the largest religion in the world. That is considerable power

>Putin more powerful than Trump
>Merkel more powerful than fucking Xi Jinping
>the pope actually on the list
>zuckerberg also on the list

Does Sup Forums really understand the geopolitical theater better than Forbes? Has the world really reached this point?

Did Sam Hyde get Honorary mention?

Yeah, and not even all Catholics take his memespouting seriously.

His golf handicap

Pepe Francis at number 5


More like

1. Du Pont Family
2. Morgan Family
3. Rothschild Family
4. Rockefeller Family
5. Bush Family

----power gap----

6. Astor Family
7. Li Family
8. Reynolds Family
9. Onassis Family
10. Van Duyn Family

--power gap

100. powerful world leaders of nationalist, high functioning countries such as Putin, Xi Jinping, etc

He was asking who has access to the most nukes. France has over 200 and Japan has 0.

It's okay Sup Forums became a shithole minute flags got introduced. There is almost 0 political discussion now.


I'm surprised your dad told you about me pounding his ass every night

Richest man on earth?

>being this retarded

Merkel essentially commands the EU at this point.
Not formally of course, but what she wants goes.

Looking forward to seeing her ousted next election though :)