If you are white and you fuck an argie trap, is that gay racemixing or perfectly okay?
pic not related
If you are white and you fuck an argie trap, is that gay racemixing or perfectly okay?
pic not related
Dude, just fuck whoever you want. I don't care.
Perfectly fucking gay.
it's certainly not politics
This triggers the Imperial.
What's his opinion on the maldivas?
>If you are white and you fuck an argie trap, is that gay racemixing or perfectly okay?
Is gay like fuck. Pic related, our most famous tranny.
Well it depends .Does she have a feminine penis?
No, but there's a good chance you were exposed to or contracted HIV.
Yes and yes
there is nothing wrong w/ that, except you never posted pics
Sure. It might be considered trap-like when the faggot lures you from the bar to his house, but when you see a dick dangeling between his legs and still choose to proceed you're just joining in on the faggotry.
Since your country has become one huge, neverending Blacked video and your women now prefer to sleep with Tyrone or Ahmed or both, we will generously offer you all the traps you want. Just don't spread your gayness over here
nice one noseman
Why are you seeking validation/approval from a bunch of literal neckbeards? yes it's obviously gay and no it's obviously not race-mixing. Do what you've gotta do.
>1 post by OP
division thread. don't let divisions cause civil war
At least mine doesn't have a hole where the septum used to be
nice one krypto jew
it's not race mixing
it's just really, really gay
plata o plomo!!
wanna buy some ?
Its racing mixing but its not gay
Extra gay faggot
No. Post pics of her chocolate speckled starfish,
I think you answered your own question OP.