Best PUA of all time

Daily reminder that Mystery was the Greatest PUA of all time.

Style was still in nappies when Mystery was mastering the neg. KrauserPUA was sucking his thumb when Mystery invented AMOG manoeuvres that have not been paralleled since.

Don't even try to talk about Tyler Durden and RSD. They were fucking pansies, amateurs and copycats. They just repackaged the same frameworks invented by Mystery.

Style thought he was hot shit after The Game went bestseller but ask anyone on the inside and he was a mere disciple destined to forever remains in his mentor's shadow.

Pic related its the original God-Tier gang on top form.

Mystery with baby Style

Style had no achieved enough lays to unlock the platform shoes (height advantage helps w/ women) so this really is a rare early photo

Mystery hug-closing an HB8. Mad speed the whole lair had jaws dropping this was like 8pm so he was starting early on

peaxockong workings

I forget is mystery the one that atempted suicide according to his book after he realize a life of hedisism was empty? or was that style

What kind of bullshit is this thread? Am I not autistic enough to understand your lingo?

Why not just become romantically gay and breed straight?

Then you would be immune to womens charm and be in a relationship with someone who brings equally much to the table.

they both became massive faggots

All I know is Mystery had a baby. Ive not looked at the scene since 2010 desu. A lot of those guys had serious issues with suicide and meaning of life related depression.

Looks more like he just rolled with manlets to hog all the grills for himself.

Mystery performing his classic breast-simulation close on a 3-set. They wont know what hit them when they get put under the spell. Classic move. Rarely see it performed these days. A forgotten art, truly


nice parody chap

Be a tall not bad looking dude.
Be so socially inept that you have to come up with guidelines to fuck women.

Please tell me how this is not pathetic? He failed as a man.

reminder that PUA is just a bunch of repackaged psychological gimmicks. advertising firms have been doing the same shit for years.

Mystery getting fake-AMOGed by a couple of scrubs. BlondiePUA is slouching too much and losing the height advantage (he is already short so its not doing him any favours). Leather jacket guy has a pretty good pose. But all of his eyes and attention are on - you guessed it - Mystery, the true alpha of the group.

With a full two inch height advantage (and accentuated with the classic black western hat) Mysstery stands head and shoulders above the rest in a slouch that does not look like he is trying to look relaxed. He simply just is. Timeless positioning - you can see how naturally this stuff comes to him

He made millions, had his own TV show, got married, has 2're shit posting on Sup Forums. Who is the real man, punk?


Did you guys see the fight outside?


I saw some shit like this at the circus years ago

>r9k's night out

Is that the fucking guy from Who's Line Is It Anyways on the left?