Seriously do American cops just find an excuse to shoot anyone they see?
Seriously do American cops just find an excuse to shoot anyone they see?
Maybe if everyone and their insane grandpa couldn't get their hands on an assault rifle the police wouldn't be so paranoid and trigger happy
When the job of COP was something exclusively for men, there were height and fitness requirements. When it went dual-gendered, all those bars were not only lowered for the female applicants, they were lowered across the board. As such, shorter and fatter cops.
Short people are cowards.
Cowards shoot first.
Do non-Americans keep falling for headlines instead of reading articles?
Are Americans so easily threatened that a simple crucifix can look like a gun, especially one which is carried by a 73-year old? Tasers exist too.
Assault crosses... what next, America, what next?
It's kind of life and death. Yeah it turns out it was a cross, but what if it's not?
Hey stupid, a gun just kills you. A crucifix slowly tortures you to death over a span of days. What he was carrying was far worse.
thats what he gets for hunting vampires
It's their second amendment. It's the cause to all problems relating with guns. The fact that Americans rather resort to violence through guns than negotiating its way out is sad. I think the police should be unarmed like Britain, take note with the gun violence, not many were shot because of the practice. Maybe American should take note?
I think we are having an influx of cops who have never experienced fear or danger.
There are a few cops who have experienced both, but the majority of cops now who are trigger happy are high school grads who probably never even experienced a good ol fashioned beating.
The family was literally letting their demented crazy granddad wander around unsupervised, neighbors caught him in their yard and called 911 saying they thought he had a gun.
Police showed up, they didn't know he was an old man with dementia, they told him to slowly pull the weapon out of his pocket, he went to yank it out and the cops shot him.
The family should have notified their neighbors who the old man was to avoid having incidents like this.
>Baw I can't control my elderly relatives and now they are dead
If it wasn't from the police it would have been from him chugging pills or something eventually.
>tfw no thicc Asian gf
Veteran here. I think it's the opposite. I think they are recruiting too many veterans. Think about it: a combat-hardened Marine who's used to fucking up Iraqis isn't a good fit to police civilians.
what the piece of shit article doesn't mention is that the cop was a vampire, so he properly feared for his life and was well within his rights to shoot the man. I don't agree with it, but if they would print the FACTS people would realize what a terrible policy vampirmative action really is and we'd stop hiring them.
Hold up a fucking second.
This article says "A 2015 study rated Bakersfield Police Department as the deadliest in the US."
but it doesn't link to the study or give its name or any other details. Why the fuck would I believe BBC's claim about this study's results if they don't give any details for me to verify it?
lol all my guns are illegal
just a joke mr fbi
you misspelled 'blacks'
California is not the US, and their cops shoot just about everybody indiscriminately. including two Asian ladies they mistook for a +200lb black man.
>a Marine who's used to policing total foreigners in their own country isn't a good fit to policing his countrymen
Think about what you just said.
Our police aren't unarmed. They carry guns for serious situations, they just don't shoot you for running a red light or speeding.
Our police don't do that either. It's funny you think that, but then again, you're British and are therefore retarded.
>I think the police should be unarmed like Britain
Why are leaves like this?
We aren't all retarded. Only 80% or so.
We've lived as slaves for too long causing people to believe that being a slave is exactly what they want and where their hopes+dreams lie.
>UK police have blunt weapons, various spray type weapons and guns for serious operations.
Leaf please. UK police are armed although they are told to engage only as a last resort.
grand kids don't look white
Californian cops a shit. They don't patrol high-crime areas, nor do they attempt to find out who actually does the crime.
t. Californian
The Brazilian police killed a man who carried a hydraulic jack and a boy with a skate in his hands because they thought it was a rifle. They also killed a mad who was working with a drilling machine because they thought it was a machine gun.
It's just the police killing innocents. Cops should be burned alive.
Maybe user could have used words better, but policing and occupation are two very different philosophies.
user was right. Military does not qualify or prepare someone for law enforcement. It generally does the opposite.
First post best post
Not all vets are PTSD psychos. There are a lot of valuable skills that can be transferred, and if they are mentally fit, they are pretty ideal candidates for law enforcement.
>Cowards shoot first.
Is that why the christmas peace time in WW1 was ended by a french officer?
It's not about "skill", it's about mentality.
Policing skill is so easy that a literal retard can graduate an academy. But the military midst can be detrimental. And besides, the military doesn't even attempt to reverse your military midst, despite your brain changing.
The cop was jewish and he had to protect himself from burning alive at the sight of the cross.
The filthy goy had it coming
I have to admit I'm usually pretty terrified when I have to interact with police.
>Assault Rifle
no such thing
America would be a better place if christfags were all lined up an executed
Yea, you're right! Civilians should cower beneath the boot of government! I mean, why should the government be forced to do the bidding of the people they represent?
The irony.
It's literally a direct result of police departments having a preference to hire veterans as cops and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center hiring a shitload of veterans to train police.
They're not hiring former infantry. They're hiring the 92S crowd. You know, all those skinny fucking weirdos you went to high school with that were literally only capable of washing laundry for their career.
the cop wasnt racist, because the victim wasnt black.
and it was self-defense.
Dont run a red light or speed then
All these high sodium burgers. Not a single argument.
The Bible warned about this in the end of days get right with Jesus
Ironically the best test for insanity we have is to see if they are carrying gunz...
plz help send pics of moar asian qtz
It's real.
T. Bakersfield 661 fag. I see all over the fb.
>i saw it on faceberg
thats basically the textbook definition of fake news
When you spend your career having to hunt-down violent feral chimps, you get jumpy
The anti-police shilling in the media and even on Sup Forums is so surreal.
These people are out of touch with reality.
>muh scary salt rifles
All rifles combined account for less than 10% of gun deaths in the US. More people are killed by bare fists.
>muh US has the most gun deaths!
60% of US gun deaths are suicides; and it's the same relative amount of suicide as other countries like the UK and Japan, they just kill themselves in more gruesome ways because they can't get guns.
The US is also 111th in murder-per-capita. Countries like Mexico, Venezuela, and Brazil with strict-as-fuck gun laws still have higher murder rates. The reason we have lots of murders is because of shitskins; which leftists want to import more of for some reason.
The major city in the US with the lowest murder rate is Plano, Texas - where lots of people are gun owners, and the gun laws are lax.
>we can take ur guns away if we want, you don't need big magazines, etc.
The Supreme Court case of Heller v. Disctrict of Columbia already ruled that owning a semi-automatic gun is a Constitutional right:
From a philosophical/Constitutional perspective, gun ownership should be a right. The Preamble to the Constitution states that people have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". If citizens have a right to life, that means that they should have a right to defend their life by adequate means. Women, old people, and the disabled can't defeat a gang of dindus in melee combat - thus, guns are necessary.
>but, you don't need guns because you have cops!
The Supreme Court Case Warren v District of Columbia ruled that the police do not have a duty to risk their life to protect you:
Also, aren't you lefty types always shitting on the cops? I thought if a cop gets anywhere near you, it would trigger you.
>Stefan Molyneux shits on gun control:
>Bill Whittle shits on gun control:
He had his hands in his pockets and wouldn't take them out he was holding onto the crucifix in his pocket, not waiving it around or some shit
Nope. Veterans preference is veterans preference.
Why do we pay them so much and give them such generous retirement benefits if they can't be expected to risk themselves?
America needs to ban guns. Close down the stores, fairs and WalMart gun sections. Needs to be for licence holders only. Licence is granted after lengthy application to local police, and is only given to people who live in rural areas where the gun is used for hunting and self defence due to a long emergency response time. Sure it's cool to have guns freely available, but it's 2016 and the rest of the world has gotten by without them.
That's some low quality bait but I'll bite. Ready burgers:
This used to be the standard here in australia you had to be 6 feet tall minimum to be a police officer
low quality bait.
Detroit's 911 response time --for an emergency-- is 30 minutes.
In a gun oriented society you don't bring a knife to a gun fight. Gun culture is in our US DNA britcuck, and you can't realistically take put the genie back in the bottle.
At one point guns were completely banned to legal citizens in Chicago, and gang related gun crime was higher than in war zones.
I'm not a leftist and I'm a gun nut. I have a book c called Restricting Handguns: The Liberal Skeptics Speak Out by Don B. Kates. I think he was an ACLU leader. Anyway, his argument that banning guns would create an authoritarian mess, one that liberals and civil libertarians should abhore.
sushi is that you lmao